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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Seems like Lion Air would be the best option from cnx-upt.
  2. Don’t all knife attackers need psychiatric assessment?
  3. It’s probably a good idea not to assume google map will guide safely. Gotta know when to stop and turn around.
  4. As usual he assumed your a “boomer” given tohe has a thing for them.
  5. If you want a saltburger, then come to cm where you’ll find the salty burger joints.
  6. Certainly hope justice prevails. I know a good wood chipper…if he’s guilty.
  7. Taking Trump off the ballot won't keep him from getting the electors. In blue or battleground states, it’s even conceivable that this could help the Republican ticket, if moderate voters turned off by Trump found it easier to vote GOP with only his running mate on the ballot. The same slate of electors, however, represents both the presidential and VP nominees; Trump would get the electors pledged to the ticket even if his name wasn’t on voters’ ballots. https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/25/opinion-how-the-left-is-using-trump-to-go-after-the-supreme-court-daniel-mccarthy/
  8. Permanently closed. De Montfort pool in the Thasala area is a big saltwater pool, though the time is limited for public use during the day.
  9. And hire another person to ensure the quality of the quality controller while you keep a sharp eye on the entire process.
  10. The accommodation needs to register the tm30 online. Immigration wants a hard copy of the receipt of that registration. The folks you seen at the IO were denied, for either not being registered in the system and/or not having the receipt.
  11. I considered a membership at a saltwater pool but decided not to, so I just like a change of scenery and like the option of going somewhere else if something is crowded. Plenty of pool options.
  12. Nothing has changed, though I think it’s faster to use Mahidol with the exception of between 10:00am-11:00am and 3:30pm-5:30pm.
  13. I have never read vitamin C causes runny nose. I’ve always associated a runny nose a sign of a compromised immune system. Zinc, niacin, vitamin C, D are good immune enhancers. I’m a bit of an anti pharmaceutical type, always keep various herbs.
  14. I wasn’t trying to counteract you or anyone else. I was just merely stating the process. 😊
  15. Oh, Door Plug for unused emergency exits…I was thinking you meant toilet plug.
  16. Aren’t all these type of skank bars a scam? I really can’t relate, it’s totally outside of my realm in the universe.
  17. What are the statistics of getting sucked out of an aircraft in midair sitting next to a blown out port without a seatbelt fastened? I’d say nearly 100%. Typically airliners fill emergency door seating last or for those that request them at the counter, though I haven’t read the article so I don’t know if it was an emergency door that blew out. You called it a plug, not really aviation terminology.
  18. Investigations take a long time, they have to investigate the hardware of the aircraft, investigate the manufacturer of the parts, go through bureaucracy of the unions for interviews and so forth. They may already have the key answers, but the final report will take time and won’t be published to the public until then.
  19. It was ~4.09% or ~4.09/100 luck, given the numbers you posted.
  20. The best meals I find are at the little family run hole-in-the-wall joints with no photos or advertisements.
  21. Disconnect = many have no idea what they’re doing and lack the understanding of where it’s headed. And I will add, neither can the manipulators can predict where it will land given P-O’d people will want reconciliation and burn them at the stake.
  22. Let’s go back to Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal
  23. Woke is a tool of a much larger movement of those enslaved by an ideology that started way back when implemented by John Dewey, picked up by Carl Marx and Alice Bailey, and now the UN, WHO and WEF to impose marxification on the masses beginning with early education. It’s a disconnected somewhat unorganized conspiracy for global control of the very few. They want conflict and division to further their agenda and I’m sorry for those that are failing for the scam.
  24. If it was a deliberate oversight or an ignored issue, maybe it has something to do with their warped DEI policy? Maybe the incident it will inspire the CEO’s and managers to woke down and wake up.
  25. If the seat itself had a problem, there would be no mechanical issue to flag. If there was an issue with a port then the plane would be grounded for inspection. Every part of on aircraft’s are scheduled for maintenance inspection or replacement by hours of operation, example: auxiliary fuel pump relay needs to be inspected every x amount of hours, and needs to be replaced every x amount of hours of operation.
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