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Everything posted by RayWright

  1. Comes down a lot to design. Installing A/C units within a Condo normally means condensers and therefore pipework, are located within the footprint of the Condo, so traditional location would be the balcony. Have had Condos where the condensers are installed on an external bracket outside the kitchen window, totally impractical when cooking and opening window to vent the cooking steam/heat, as you've get more heat blowing back in. Best design I've seen in a long time is a communal condenser area at the back of the Condo block which accommodates all the condensers for that floor. Balconys are front and side of the Condo block. Costs a bit more to install due to the extra pipework, but keeps your Condo balcony free, plus all the noise / heat dissipation is located away from your balcony.
  2. 11 double G&Ts and a brandy chaser.
  3. Tops in Central Festival had it about 3 months ago, so bought 4 to keep me going, it's all they had at the time. 1000THB, or £22:50 in old money, not to bad as use to pay £17 pre Covid. Have commented to Lotus in that they have no vermouth of any sort. Met with the traditional "no have". Have searched when last in BKK for Nolly Prat, but no such luck. Off to HK in Oct, so will bring back a couple. The old colonial outposts are always a source for good booze. Perfect mix is with T10 and Smirnoff Blue, Ian Fleming's original recipe used Gordon's Yellow. Off to mix a third round, and try and remember in the morning what happened in Monza.
  4. Old Monty Python joke from the Cocktail Bar sketch.
  5. Friday is Martini time. 60ml Gin, 20ml vodka & 15ml Lillet Blanc. Prepped in the shaker and stored in the freezer for a "shaken, not stirred", topped with 2 pitted olives on a stick and a twist of lemming. On the way back from Lotus, so 10 minutes and counting.
  6. With all this talk of The Goons, reminded me of this. Missed this when originally broadcast in Oct 72, but remember watching it early 90's on a re-run. Definitely one to cheer me up. Sellers does his Michael Caine impression, "Not many people know that".
  7. Another great Scottish Band.
  8. Continuing the International theme, Italy's greatest Prog-Rock band on OGWT in 1974. For those that don't speak Italian, Award-Winning Marconi Bakery.
  9. You can't beat a good Mash-Up
  10. Might be a daft question, but given your perseverance, how close are you to London, is it worth a visit? Double check the opening times, as they have a morning and afternoon session, plus what type of services they operate in each session. I had "lack of communication" issues back end of Covid time, went to the consulate and door-steped one of the consulates, using my former 'Artful Dodger' charm, visas' were e-mailed that evening. If you do go, take a copy of everything so you can hand it over if required.
  11. Civil Servants can only follow processes, yes you've got ample funds, but not in their opinion, in the correct boxes. As David Walliams aptly put it in Little Britain, "Computer says no". Good luck.
  12. I use Lloyds mobile banking App. You can download a .pdf of your monthly statement, then e-mail it, or if you're using your phone to create / submit your application, then just attach the downloaded statement.
  13. Now he's back on Thai soil, can he be voted for in this afternoon's election?
  14. As a long time hotel user, I never use the room safe for anything valuable. Normally store the room service menu or any other junk from the hotel to give the impression the safe is used. Also keep a couple of old hotel room cards to jam the room cut-off switch, so the AirCon / Electricity doesn't go off when you vacate the room. Always leave the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. I'll collar the maids or Housekeeping for any changes or tea/coffee/water top-ups. Also, I lock my suitcase to give the impression there is something in side, in reality it's dirty laundry. I always keep a photo of my passport /driving license on my phone, plus the recent Visa page in case of an impromptu ID check. Always travel with a small toolkit, roll of 3M double-sided tape, small zip-lock food bags and a couple of cable-ties and wire ties. Passport and non local currency credits / debit cards in zip bag, then double sided to behind a picture or rear of TV. Laptop I leave out as encrypted as well as GPS tracked. Any other valuables, then inside air-con duct or taped to underside of desk drawer or in false bottom of desk / wardrobe or bathroom vanity unit. Plus photo the stash, so you get a date/time/location in case you might need to report anything. Last couple of years I've traveled with a small domestic CCTV WiFi NightVision camera (£20:00), so if anyone enters my room, I get a text / e-mail alert and can access the stored image to check who it was remotely. As mentioned by @oxo1947, scrap off the CVV2 number from the back of your cards. I have a series of contacts in my phones, so Barry = Barclays Bank, Wozza = Westpac sort of thing, the CVV2 number is stored within a dummy looking mobile number, as well as the PIN code, as my memory is like a sieve. So far never lost a thing and never had any uninvited guests. Interestingly, when I was staying in BKK in April, it was one of my old rooms, as the double-sided bag was still behind the picture above the bed, either that, or someone else attended the same security training as I did.
  15. I like the totally secure twisted wire deterrent on the reset button.
  16. My favorites among many:- Richard Burton David Niven Alec Guinness And for all the wrong reasons, Meg Ryan and Emu. Requiescat in Pace.
  17. It takes 3+ years to learn "The Knowledge" of 25,000+ Roads/Streets/Mews/Lanes etc as well as 20,000+ Landmarks within a 25 mile radius of Charring Cross, plus a dozen interviews, (called appearances) before taking your London Hackney Carriage test. Compared to NY, where it seams you fill in a form and take a drugs test. Who knows more about life, the London Cabbie, they have to experience more of life to become one.
  18. If you go bespoke, check they don't use cardboard on the collar.
  19. Boney M. are a German-Caribbean outfit, not English. Agreed they did sell a bucket load of singles in the UK.
  20. George Lycas's original 15 minute 1967 student film (Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB), whilst he was at Film School at the University of Southern California is well worth a viewing in order to see the development from student to professional film maker. In fact the US Library of Congress selected it for the National Film Registry due to it's "culturally, historically or aesthetically significance ". Very much a concept of fiction becoming reality.
  21. More a Hot Gossip fan myself. Mondays at 19:00.
  22. Classic poster from 1976.
  23. Ah, you can't beat the dulcet tones of one of Coronation Street's finest. Played Ena Sharples grandson.
  24. With the proximity to the beach, you could play "touch the wheel"!
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