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Everything posted by RayWright

  1. I thought Bangkok was sinking and the Local / National government was looking to relocate. Would make more sense to start with a fully integrated traffic / Public Transport system than cajole something out of today's infrastructure mess.
  2. @steven100. I'm totally the same, 50 feet from my balcony ; if that, and my toes are in the Gulf of Thailand. Did the box rooms living in London for years. Need the Long View especially when watching the setting sun. Visited Coward's place in 2001, and got to sit in his chair and stare out though that window. Absolutely magical. In fact the property use to be owned by Henry Morgan, the famous pirate back in the 1670's.
  3. The infamous Room with a View. Looking out from Noel's Writing Room at Firefly across to The Blue Mountains, and the secret path (just to the left of shot) down to Ian's place at Goldeneye.
  4. I use S. Bend Plumbers. Always found them smartly turned out.
  5. Plane tickets, Vintage Cider and Fever Tree Refreshingly Light Tonic Water. Simples.
  6. Still play Zork or Dungeons and Dragons as it was initially called, as well as Space Quest. I'm absolute crap at Computer Games, so one day I'll actually manage to finish one of them.
  7. Still on DOS 6.3 so I can play Doom.
  8. Use to be, but that changed in early 2022 when the 2005 Royal Dutch Shell PLC company, headquartered in the Netherlands and the UK based Shell PLC merged into a single entity, confusingly now called Shell PLC, and headquartered in the UK.
  9. Due to the patients high blood pressure, heart and respiratory problems and other ailments due to old age he was in hospital. Perfectly normal to have phones.
  10. Apologies for the overposting, mobile lockup.
  11. Yeh, That Gary Cheeseman, what a legion. Heading Mellons.
  12. Yeh, That Gary Cheeseman, what a legion. Heading Mellons.
  13. Yeh, That Gary Cheeseman, what a legion. Heading Mellons.
  14. You're being robbed. Minimum wage in AUS is $24:10.
  15. You're being robbed. Minimum wage in AUS is $24:10.
  16. RayWright


    If so, they're doing a very good job, as taste the same.
  17. RayWright


    I hadn't smoked for 40 odd years, but curiosity got the better of me as saw nothing but American branded cigs in 7/11's or Family Marts. Anyway saw this street seller near Pattaya Night Market last October and asked you got any British Cigarettes, "no have", went through a list of typical British smokes, "no have, no have". Was more trying to find out if UK brands existed out here. Actually typed B&H on my phone to show him a picture, "yes have", but his pronounciation was somewhat comical, goods extracted from the depths of a carrier bag. Hence decided to buy a carton. Couple a day with a sundowner on the balcony looking at the Bay of Thailand, what's not to like. He then explained how he gets his supply. You got to love the black economy. What got me was the price, at todays cost £168:00 in the UK for a carton, or £65:00 at LHR duty free. "For you my friend 1,000 Baht".
  18. Singapore did the same in the '70s. Moved the street sellers into designated enclaves. Remember as a kid the bussel and hussel of the hawker stalls. Luckily traffic was thinner in those days, so not much of an issue, but roads were narrower, so similar congestion to today. Back in the days before 'Elf and Safety, remember the monkey brain stalls.
  19. You sure about that!
  20. Great feedback. Luckily you weren't flying Bombay to London!
  21. Not sure of your location. But bought a couple last year in Fortune Town in Bangkok. New ASUS to drive my NAS for the TV and a 2nd hand Dell for general App development. Both working fine.
  22. The TT office on 2nd Road across from Mike Hotel is good. If you have a decent wad, speak to the Manager at the back of the shop, he'll give you "Special Price".
  23. RayWright


    Shame you're not in Pattaya, as the guy I use for my B&H Special filter cartons has a cousin that works in Duty Free at Swampy. His handle on Inventory Control is abysmal. Just saying.
  24. As per the heading of this post, Swampy or Don Mueang. Depends where I'm travelling too.
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