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Everything posted by RayWright

  1. Steven was born in 1980, so if Jantima is 39, then by basic maths, Stevie G was 5 at the time.
  2. My understanding by UK law, if renting a vehicle abroad you need to have a valid IDP as issued by the Post Office, and valid for a year. Is / was £5:00 2 years ago. Category of permissable vehicles are detailed on your actual domestic drivers license. However, not always requested by the car hire agency. Was in AUS last month and needed to hire a car, spoke to the local agent before arriving and explained my IDP had expired, as not been back to the UK for 15 months. They were happy I showed my recently expired IDP as a regular customer. Hopefully they'll do the same next year, as not back in Blighty till 2026.
  3. Getting back to the start of the tread, just read that Christopher Nolan is rumoured to be writing a new script of The Prisoner as his next movie project. Which would give him more artistic control than if the other rumour of him directing the next James Bond is true. Furthermore a Prisoner reboot under Nolan also gives him the flexibility of turning it into a franchise, i.e. like his Batman. McGoohan's original idea was just 7 episodes, so a 3 or 4 movie franchise could work. Another thing to note, Nolan was loosely involved with the 2009 reboot of The Prisoner with Sir Ian McKellen and Jim Caviezel, so already has form on the subject. Be seeing you.
  4. Who didn't want to be a train driver when they were young?
  5. Off their 1977 album, Time Loves a Hero.
  6. Cracking song. However how does this fit into trains? The last plane out of Sydney almost gone In 7 flying hours I'll be landing in Hong Kong...
  7. NB. Make sure to use natural or unbleached coffee filter papers, not the standard white ones, otherwise you'll affect the taste.
  8. Flat bottomed wok works great. Re gas, check the small print on your Condo lease, as mine has a very clear "No gas" clause.
  9. Not that well trained. Didn't close the door after him. Really impressive.
  10. Take a suitable sized chemistry measuring cylinder, add a small brown sugar cube dribbled in Angostura Bitters, add 10% of Blue Curaçao, 20% Smirnoff Blue Vodka and top up with 70% Brut Champagne, drop in a small Silverskin as garnish. And if available, sprinkle a couple of shards of frozen CO2 for dramatic effect.
  11. Good piece of propaganda spin by the Environmental "authorities", not a single mention of the Black Water of a couple of days ago that put Jomtien Beach on the front pages.
  12. Seam to recall reading of a Bob Smith who had just that situation only yesterday.
  13. Looking at the CanStar website for Travel Insurance awards from November 2023, and selecting Thailand as the destination with age 18-69, Tick Top was 6th and Tick Standard was 8th out of 127. However CanStar make money from "their sponsors", (direct contributions, Web clicks etc) very much like Which in the UK. So unless you contribute as a sponsor you might not get a mention! Just spent the last 4 weeks in AUS, paid 1,221 THB via Thai Airways (Allianz Thailand), covers flight delay / baggage loss and delay, 2Mil for Death, 2.5Mil for foreign soil medical as well as 300k for any Thailand based medical followup, 2.5Mil for emergency evacuation or 2Mil for remains repatriation amongst others. No pre-medical conditions declared.
  14. Enterprising young man. Obviously doing a visibility study before he launches his Car Ferry service.
  15. Written in 1965, Herbert was using Spice as a metaphor for Oil.
  16. Noticed on the usual download site, Series 1 of the BBC's 1972 Colditz. The David McCallum character of Flight Lieutenant Simon Carter was based on real Colditz inmate Flight Lieutenant Dominic Bruce, who became famous for the Tea Chest escape. Overall he made 17 attempts at escaping during the war. Had the honour of meeting him in 1977-1979 as he was my College Principal, he wouldn't have fitted into a Tea Chest then, but you knew not to mess with him. Off at O'Silly 'O Clock to the Lucky Country tomorrow morning, so that's my entertainment sorted.
  17. This was Swampy last year. Was about to buy some for a mate in AUS, however doubled checked the Australian Duty Free allowance and they've gone all anti smoking since 2017. Max allowance is 25 cigs or 25 grams. If you exceed your quota, current tax is AUS$1,893:57 per Kg, so $474 for 250g, or £245!
  18. Go green and wear a grass shirt.
  19. Also in Man's Welsh Prog Rock/ Phychedelic Rock lineup is Deke Leonard on guitar. Was also in his own band Iceberg at the same time, and would jump between Man and Iceberg to keep the money rolling in. Be Good To Your Self At Least Once A Day (1972) which Bananas is on, and produced by Dave Edmunds unfortunately was one he missed out on. This from Deke's 1973 Album. Another off shoot of Man was The Neutrons, which was more keyboard / synth oriented. This from their debut album Black Hole Star in 1974, recorded at Rockfield Studios in Monmouthshire, Wales. Rockfield was setup by a couple of farmers who were looking to diversify. Rockfield was the world's first residential recording studios. Still working today, and if no one is in residence, the accommodation is available to book on AirBnB. In fact, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody was recorded there. @bannork, thanks for the inspirational trip down memory lane.
  20. Thought I would continue the Devil conversation theme, but no one does a decent cover of Frank Zappa's Live in New York classic. On the other hand, two classic performers who can bring a tear to your eye. Italia 90, the original Three Tenors concert at the Terme di Caracalla in Rome on the eve of the World Cup final. And Eric Clapton's 2010 Crossroads Festival from Bridgeview, Chicago. Narada Michael Walden, Rhonda Smith and Jason Rebello line up.
  21. Let me know how you get on, as a trip to Fortune Town can get quite expensive, as could do with saving a few penny's.
  22. Factually incorrect : "Academics at the University of Kent, in the UK’s south" University of Kent is in the Southeast.
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