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Pitak Chirachat

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Everything posted by Pitak Chirachat

  1. You said the medicine is not accepted here which doesn't make sense with your domestic mail. 😉
  2. They look on the internet for posts like this. Then they track you down with your footprint that you leave on the web.
  3. New and sorry to say, a bit green behind the ears. First of all besides the healthy food there is plenty of unhealthy food. Just look at the tons of fried food. As to safety on the job is has improved a lot over the years but same like in the USA things don't happen overnight. It took you guys a few decades to where you are now. Last but not least I'm a dog owner. If you address dogs with your subject then I see bad things happening to dogs in the western world too. Not much of a difference there. Should you refer to women with that subject then I wonder how you treat them if you call them man's best friend.
  4. I use towel and brush. Did the trick for 30 years.
  5. Why going back? I live here 35 years, happily married for 31 of them with a group kid. Have become Thai citizen a few years ago and we own 3 houses. So I can't really see a reason to go back to my country of origin. After all, Thailand is not so bad value for money if it comes to quality of living.
  6. Mr. Tong 0988022844 He's based outside Bangkok. But read below story that I posted beginning of the year in a Hua Hin Facebook group. But before moving on you have to understand that he travels with his pick-up truck and brings everything along including concrete to plug any hole he may need to make. So flying in may not be the answer. So here we go with the story: Water main break. On January 31st I wrote here about our water main break. Philip M. was so kind to introduce me to Mr. Tong. Here is my update and comment to Philip about Mr. Tong's visit earlier this morning. Hi Philip. Mr. Tong is his name, said he'll be with us 09:00 am this morning but the bell was already ringing at 08:20. He came straight from home in Samut Prakarn. He came with presumably his wife or girlfriend. We talked a bit and around 08:30 he started looking for the leak. They worked in a team. He was going around the house while shouting to her to open or close the valve. He had a much more modern listening device then the team from Hua Hin that earlier failed to find the leak and wanted to break the floor all over in and out of the house. 20 minutes later he looked a tiny bit concerned until he went to check the last place, the outdoors bathroom. Et voilà. He was confident to have found the right spot. Ironically, I asked the previous team whether they wouldn't want to check in there and they said no. So after a bit drilling we could see the pipes and plenty of water around the pipes. After that he cut the pipes and showed me the broken one. Finally he put new pipes in place and closed the whole again properly with concrete. Finally, cleaning up the place. The whole operation from start to end took around 1 hour 20 minutes. A job well done. I transferred Baht 9,500 and he was on his way back. Thank you one more time for the introduction. And I can recommend Mr. Tong highly. He is a very seasoned professional and expert in his field.
  7. Did your greedy embassy look after your healthcare and retirement fund?
  8. Okay now tell us the story of the farang who does the I love you story only to jump to another girl at the next occasion. There are probably more of those than the girls you're warning us of because there must be way more farangs passing through the waterholes than girls.
  9. I would be embarrassed what's going on back home if I were American. What's going on here is the ongoing saga about control of the elite. On the other hand, in the USA you have probably the dumbest guy trying to destroy a country aided by his party and nearly 40 million people. He's not only the dumbest, he's also a serial criminal, low life grifter, p**ssy grabber, etc. That would worry me much more. Admittably I'm tired of what's going on here and want the old guard out for good along with the boys in green.
  10. Assuming you're married no need to give anything as it goes into one and the same household. Further assuming you don't have made a prenuptial agreement she'll get half anyway when divorcing. If you have a prenup agreement that would see her nothing and have separate accounts then you can give her half to be fair. After all you're supposed to spend the life together and share everything. If she's your girlfriend again no need to give her money. Buy her a nice piece of jewelry or spoil her with a nice holiday, whatever. If she lives with you you'll spend the money anyway for both.
  11. Forgot to mention you have to cross the intersection to get to the building. If you come by skytrain you can access the building through the elevated walkway from BTS Ploenchit Station. I think the building is called Wave Place. There's also a Home Pro in it.
  12. Go to the building at the corner of Ploenchit Road and Wireless (Witthayu) Road. It's a 5 or 10 minute walk from the US Embassy. There's a shop on the ground floor that specializes in photos for the various embassies around them. They know for each requirement and embassy the right style and format.
  13. We sponsor work permit for a Cambodian couple. They do a better job. Even their previous Thai boss and construction business owner says so. We pay them better than average and have savings by buying material together with them. Basically I supervise and talk to them daily. ????
  14. https://tscontract.com/ Italian owned company. Very good friendly service. Lots of materials and colors to choose from. Very flexible. Talk to Mattia. I'm presently getting my second kitchen from them and very happy.
  15. Freetrade agreement doesn't mean= no duties. Ask the vendor in China for the HS code of the goods. Then contact a Thai forwarder or customs broker and ask to check the duties and what docs you need to get from the vendor to applied preferred tariff for origin China.
  16. Not sure who's the mongrel here. Smart people inform themselves first. ????
  17. With all die respect, Barsucks coffee is flavored water. You want a real coffee go and have an Illy (Italian) coffee. Then you'll throw away or up your Barsucks coffee. But their hot chocolate is tasty and can compete with most others.
  18. I have 2 types of shutters. The very big ones wouldn't be strong enough if punched with holes. But the regular sized ones upstairs have holes punched in it and it gives me enough daylight to go about my business.
  19. I have in total 8 outside roller shutters installed. Two of them are the mother of all roller shutters at around 6.0x5.5 meters. Another 3 are equally high but less wide. Since I also couldn't find anything locally I initially looked for an imported product that would have cost an arm and a leg. Finally I found a local company that could do the job. Mind you the bigger shutters weigh around 450 kg each that had to be installed at 6 meters heigh. Other also fairly large shutters had to be installed on the 3rd floor. Product quality not as good and smooth as in Europe. But they certainly do the trick and keep our rooms cool during the hot season, dry during the rainy season and safe from burglars during the burglary season which can last up to 12 months. It was certainly worth the investment. I now control the shutters with Amazon's Alexa. For the shutters you can call Simon Fox at KSS Company. Phone number 081 813 0094. You can tell Simon that Patrick with the biggest roller shutters in Thailand sent you. Might give me some discount on future service.
  20. We had the same issue in Hua Hin. Lots of farangs talking big but only hot air. Finally someone introduced us to Mr. Tong. He is based in BKK. He charged us Baht 9,500 no cure no pay. We had previously a team from Hua Hin but they couldn't find the leak. It took Mr. Tong 20 minutes to find it. A pipe had broken underneath the outdoor toilet. He opened the floor, fixed the pipe and closed/sealed the floor again. He spent roughly 1.5 hours. Now Baht 9,500 sounds a lot but 3 years ago we had a pipe leading to the swimming pool broken. At that time we also had a plumber coming who dug out the entire pipe according to the trial and error method. It was a complete mess and we were lucky we could find the same tiles again that he had removed. And let's not forget our water bill had jumped from around Baht 300 to Baht 7,500 due to the water break. So I think Mr. Tong was worth his money. In case you call him tell him you got his number from the farang in Hin Lek Fai.
  21. Yes, had various treatments mostly with very good results. But there are many stem cell treatments ranging from health, pain, cancer to beautification. So you should be a bit more detailed about the specific treatment you're looking for. There are many clinics now offering stem cells but there are huge differences in the quality of the cells they provide.
  22. In my home country stores are responsible for what they advertise. E g. they show a tablet for 50 bucks instead of 500 bucks they must sell it for the advertised 50. The responsibility is with the shop to make sure what they advertise is correct. Lazada is essentially a big so and should equally be held responsible for what is advertised and sold on their shop. This would force them to control the vendors and introduce stiff terms and conditions on them. The consumer should be protected above all. That said, my experience with Lazada is quite good. But then I would buy complicated things like computers, phones, etc in Lazada. For these i still venture out to the actual shops.
  23. Get the pest control to spray your house and garden. That takes care of the ticks and other bugs. But your dog can still get ticks outside if you take him out of the house. And you give your dog a regular protection. We give our dogs NexGard against flea and ticks. https://nexgardforpets.com/
  24. Supermarkets and department stores have promotions all the time. So what do you do if you purchased an item at a higher price than the promotion price. You don't return it because they will not refund you. It's part of our life. You seem to life in your own world only benefitting yourself. Accept your order the vendor has done nothing wrong.
  25. You already got some good answers. Let others plant rice. Contract can be annual = is flexible. You should get a minor land tax reduction. Avoids people encroaching on your land. You'll not have to remove truckloads of jungle when you want to build your house. And this brings me to the big question. Normally you're not allowed to build on farmland. Are you allowed on yours?
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