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Everything posted by JetsetBkk

  1. Yes, I'm using Google Chrome to view drive.google.com. The folder full of Windows URLs is there. I want to be able to send one or more of them to people so that they can view the web pages. I'm very much interested in what you say about OMG! Thank you! I just found a "Google Drive" folder on my 2.0TB "E:" drive! And all my files appear to be in it. I don't know how they got there. According to Windows "Properties", the size of this Google Drive on my E: drive is only 20GB, whereas Drive reports the following: - 143 GB used! So I really don't know what's going on here. I'd like to know how Drive determines how much storage I've used. But the good news is - as you said - the URLs in the folders when viewed by Explorer do behave as expected: a single click and the web page opens. Most of my folders' icons have a green disc with a tick inside, underlined. I guess that means they are up to date. Update: Actually, according to drive.google.com it means "Ready for offline": The ones that have a red X are the ones I've changed recently. I don't remember how I set up syncing, if that is what is happening. Looks like I've got a lot of Googling to do to find out what the heck is going on here - why there is a Google Drive on my hard drive, how to get it all synced, where is all my Drive storage being used, etc.
  2. Must've given them enough baht for their lunch.
  3. I have a folder on my PC that contains many Internet shortcuts. When I click on one of them, Google Chrome runs and the web page appears in a new tab. I have copied this folder to my Google Drive. When I go to Google Drive using Google Chrome and click on one of the shortcuts, I get this: The full .URL is displayed at top left, an "Open with" drop-down link in the middle and a few more options at top right. It's as if the .URL file is being treated as a text file and not as an Internet shortcut. What I want to do is run Google Chrome by clicking on the .URL file, just like on the PC. Has anyone done that?
  4. Years ago, my local Supercheap had these at a ridiculous price of 390 baht: I tried them on my PC, liked them and went back and bought more sets. They are now on my laptop, 2 PCs and the TV in the bedroom. The picture above is of my spare set. I occasionally check, but I haven't seen them in my local Supercheap for a long time. Lazada now has them for 890 baht (about 20 quid): https://www.lazada.co.th/products/saag-multimedia-speaker-micro-21-800w-blacksilver-i8011689.html (Oops - out of stock)
  5. Not true in Phuket: Medical Insurance: From October 2020 an medical insurance is required for every retirement extension if it is based on a original Non-OA visa (Issued at the Thai Embassy in your home country) following the criteria explained below than it has to be shown and included in the extension based on retirement. – If the Non-OA visa from your home country is issued In or BEFORE 2017 then the health insurance is NOT required for your extension. https://piv-phuket.com/long-stay-extensions/retirement/
  6. After arriving at the hospital in agony in an ambulance, they diagnosed kidney stones and gave me drugs to help kill the pain. They wanted payment before they would operate. I showed them my bank passbook but obviously they didn't trust the farang. I had get a taxi to the bank to withdraw a load of cash. Then they operated.
  7. Exactly! It makes no logical sense. And to cap it all, a person with an O-A can change it to an O and then not have to get the health insurance - the same person, the same body, the same age, just a different stamp in the passport. Ridiculous.
  8. Yes, I found it a few hours ago. I'd like to try it as the only mouse/keyboard combo to control both PCs. Otherwise, I'll use one of my USB keyboards and mouse.
  9. Oops. Make that 5 - I just found a Logitech K220 wireless keyboard and mouse in the drawer of my other desk. The keyboard is quite compact (and only 4 years old) so if I can get it to work with a USB switcher, I think that's the one I'll use.
  10. I just had a look at my "junk pile" in the spare room - found 4 keyboards! A Dell SK-8115, an HP KB-0228, an Elephant KE-002 and a Dynex DX-WKBD. I really need to have a good clear-out! ????
  11. 3,028 to 10,020 Baht on Lazada!! Jesus Wept. You got a good deal when you bought it!
  12. Definitely, but when I had a quick look yesterday, they were a ridiculous price - over 2,000 baht! But I just had another look on Lazada and there are USB port switchers - OK for the keyboards - for just a couple of hundred. I'll give one of those a go. My only problem is that both of my keyboards have PS2 type connectors on the end so I'll have to get a PS2 to USB adaptor. Or maybe buy a new keyboard... ????
  13. Blimey! Haven't used that since about 2013! UltraVNC, RealVNC, TightVNC - I used them all to connect to my old Dell Laptop (now deceased). I think I'll stick with a simple hardware solution for now - the keyboard KMswitch looks the best bet for de-cluttering the desk.
  14. My monitors are both Samsung S24B370H. They have one RGB IN (being used) and one HDMI IN (not used). Both Gigabyte Mobos have an unused HDMI output port - I'm currently using the monitor output on both Mobos. I think I actually want both monitors working, just need to de-clutter the keyboards and mice. I just had a look at the keychron - 6,000 Baht!! (And sold out!) That seems a little pricey! But the idea of just one keyboard is good. An extra mouse takes up very little room compared to the keyboard. I'll investigate further.
  15. I'm getting fed up scooting between my two desks and two PCs using my office chair with wheels. So I want to place both monitors next to each other on one desk and use just one keyboard and mouse to talk to both. I want both monitors on all the time, so I don't want a KVM switch which would switch the Video as well as the Keyboard and Mouse. Anyone done such a setup and what would be the best kit to use?
  16. He's a bit of a card that fella but always been very helpful to me. I call him the "joker guy". He handed me back the health insurance certificates two years running when I did my O-A extensions. Yes, it took me that long to discover I didn't need it.
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