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Everything posted by GypsyT

  1. That explain why I don't see them as before. When I pick it's often not ripe. When my Thai gf picks they are great! And to me both looked same... Thailand have SO MANY fruits! I try to learn. I know bananas pretty well. I love fresh fruits.
  2. Thanks! How do know what kind of green mangos to buy? To me raw and ripe feels same...
  3. I buy too much because that's the way they sell cheaper. How can I keep them fresh longest? In a Fridge? Do they get watery? I haven't tried yet.
  4. GypsyT

    Bangkok parks

    Yellow line worked well to Paradise Shopping center and Bath taxi to the park.' Suan Luang Rama IX Stadium: - King Rama IX Park - Paradise Park - Seacon Square - Rot Fai night market
  5. If everything goes South he can get a job as wind bag at airport...
  6. Sisaket has very nice park around large lake! That alone is worth for me to visit.
  7. GypsyT


    I want to thank you for telling this here. I had no idea of it... Makes me think twice to relocate to small village or town.
  8. GypsyT


    This has been a big problem in "Paradise" too - in Hawaii. On Big Island families are torn apart, specially natives. Lots of violence. And it's getting worse. Now they produce meth on island. There are so many remote places and local police know them but don't get involved. A few times a year FBI and US Fed police come and make a big show but nothing changes. I used to have property there and planned to build retirement house. Luckily got an offer I could not refuse and I am happy about it. I still visit but will not invest a penny. https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/local-news/2019-07-05/big-island-police-crystal-meth-biggest-threat-to-our-community OP - As somebody already said - save your self and your good family members and leave!
  9. Thanks! It's marked "No e-VISA". But I think transam did use e-VISA there? Anyway, I can use VOA.
  10. Why isn't Chong Mek listed here; https://immigration.gov.la/checkpoints/ I'm on the way to UR and would like to visit Laos too. I DO believe it's OK but still....
  11. What did the Dems give them? NAFTA and free trade? Obama's war on coal? Which destoryed their livelyhood. "Benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP – commonly known as food stamps." "More than 40% of SNAP-receiving households were in the South, the highest percentage of any region."
  12. I got my first bj from law student who become youngest judge in X country. So she had other talents too. So I say YES; sex + education = sex education.
  13. okey pssssssssst 😉
  14. It's a big city but nothing on this forum. Not even listed.
  15. How to tell if somebody is from the South? No dental records....
  16. Thanks! I also can put "Blue Danish" on it when it starts to stink...... PS. In EU I have aged Holland Gouda. It's OK for a month in room temp.
  17. ..and how to eat w/o opening?
  18. Yes, but if it takes a month to eat so it goes bad... That's the problem for a single person and "buy one get one free" offers.
  19. Just in; "Below our Southern border is filled with chaos, violence, and corruption. The government is in shambles and the people are always fighting amongst themselves" Thank god I live in Canada.
  20. Do you know why they vote for Republicans? Don't they know Dems gave them all? Are they stupid? Brain washed? I don't understand this at all....
  21. I thought it was "Vox". Like some "Trumper" here pointed out.
  22. Have they ever asked forward ticket at land border entry? I've never done this.
  23. This program shows how poor and bad living conditions are for million in the UK. "Call the Bailiffs: Time to Pay Up" It was hard to believe.
  24. Be ready for a long wait! There's no good one. Your own attorney may drag it to the max to get more billing hours. https://www.nycprobate.com/probate-blog/average-times-probate-states/ "Connecticut: 12-24 months Connecticut’s probate process can take a year or more to complete, with more complex estates or those with disputes taking up to two years." There are better ones on the list but who knows how reliable this list is?
  25. I was part of class action lawsuit again crooked UNUM. They were ruthless thugs. We won but they still are in business! They had some problems in the UK too. "The review was completed in 2008, and resulted in a 41.7% reversal, "in whole or part", and an additional $676.2 million of benefits paid nationwide by Unum." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unum "The company was involved with the UK's controversial Welfare Reform Bill in 2007 and was investigated by the BBC in England at that time."
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