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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Unfortunately, he's one of thousands over staying in Thailand. Some will get caught and some will never see justice.
  2. To go along with the many weird and angry Thais.
  3. Wasn't there a recent article stating tourism is looking up in the new year for Thailand due to its vibrant culture and dynamic economy???
  4. He probably pissed of lots of staff who were sleeping on the job with his surprise visit!!
  5. We all know corruption exists everywhere, but in southeast Asia and specifically Thailand , corruption is on another level. What makes it worse is that it is on full display without any subtlety whatsoever. It's safe to say that unless a complete cultural, societal, national, and behavioral makeover, it will remain entrenched indefinitely. Sadly, the mass just accepts it as if it's a normal way of life and the elite and rich wouldn't want it any other way!
  6. I'll never forget when my wife's uncle was drinking beer and driving while we were with him. He offered me a drink and I politely declined. Mind you, he was a high ranking naval officer who had traveled overseas for extensive training. It's a mindset that won't change overnight.
  7. Life's certainties, Death, taxes, and injuries on Pattaya's streets.
  8. Well soon enough, his Wang will be Hung!!
  9. You're just focusing on British tourists , Thailand has now broadened its targets and most are from nearby Asian countries
  10. Well said especially regarding Asian tourists making up the bulk of LOS tourism numbers.
  11. France has recovered nicely and the summer Olympics will undoubtedly put them over the top. western Europe will be back too and probably exceed expectations this year despite economic uncertainties. I believe most people if they have some financial means will find a way to travel. The pandemic really put life in perspective for many of us.
  12. Headlines should say Thaksin eligible for Prime Minister. Because you know that's coming!
  13. 1. Pay the people a competitive wage to survive and thrive 2. Provide more training opportunities for people willing to learn in essential trade and skills that benefit the country 3. Unfortunately, the average Thai is too lazy and has no motivation to earn a decent living that requires dedication and discipline to move forward for himself and his family
  14. https://thai.news/news/thailand/bangkoks-mastermind-swindler-raveerojs-spectacular-gem-scam-unmasked I see a movie in the making lol!!
  15. The incessant news on tourism numbers is reeking of pure desperation!! If you didn't know any better, one would think tourism accounts for 50% of the GDP of Thailand.
  16. My wife is no longer a practicing Buddhist. She used to ignore the rampant corruption or made excuses for these monks, but she has stop making excuses for their disgusting behavior. The only sympathy she feels are for the poor Thai who continued to followed with blind faith.
  17. After this past year's election, Thai democracy is dead and done. It's basically an exercise in futility.
  18. Pretty much all the developing and 1st world countries, birth rate is declining. In east Asia , Japan and South Korea have been slowing down the last 20 years or so. China had a 10% drop in birth rate this year, the first time in 60 years! Vietnam is in the same boat with an emerging middle class that prefers to have 2 or 1 kids. Indonesia and Philippines are out of control and it will impact any economic development. Now to the extreme, Africa and Latin America, those two regions will cause massive economic strain on the world as they migrate to more prosperous nations to look for work and survival
  19. Thai culture is a fusion of Sanskrit and Khmer. From their etiquette at the royal court, customs, dance, dress, muay Thai , temple designs, personal names, towns/ cities, festivals and everything else in between. It's has some or entire elements from those two cultures.
  20. What is up with this police pompous at the airport??? That's the last thing any tourists wanted to see. Viet Nam is more welcoming and they're a communist nation!! Lol!!!
  21. He's one of those posters who believes prostitution doesn't exist in Thailand either
  22. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thx for the good laugh. I haven't had one all day. Well played. Please post more often!
  23. The very fact this clown had to released a statement tells you that no one in Thailand believes he was ever sick to begin with. The corruption is so entrenched in this farce of a justice system that they expect the population to accept anything they say because it's always been the quota.
  24. Hey Thailand, you need to get off the fence and actually play an active role in the region if you want peace and prosperity. Kissing China's behind is not a sound strategy!
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