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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1949935/ukraine-drone-strike-russia-war-mushroom-cloud Huge mushroom cloud vaporises 'indestructible' Russian depot during massive drone strike I know already mentioned but some pics for the non-believers, 30,000 tons of missiles and ammo went up in flames. I guess Putin will have to go back to North Korea to beg for more
  2. Looks like broad daylight to me, early morning perhaps
  3. Russia is 'fully ready' to detonate a nuclear bomb in the Arctic 'any moment', it is revealed as Putin is urged to use apocalyptic explosion to threaten the West https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13859695/russia-arctic-nuclear-bomb-sinitsyn-putin.html Breaking news from, well it is The Daily Mail
  4. The last bit of the video is a bird landing on a tree To come from another planet, an alien race would have to break the known laws of the Universal physics to get here, as the distances are beyond comprehension Just maybe as impossible, but a touch more likely, maybe whatever species humans have involved into in thousands of years can travel back I will wait for the LOL emojis😀
  5. Offering 44.02 now, so looking hopeful
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 163 seconds  
  7. At the end it really does look like a bird coming into land on a tree, I have seen a few times a huge eagle in the sky in the Pratumnak area, which it looks like where the video ended
  8. They make nice "roaches", just the right thickness
  9. In a nutshell Russia is now getting attacked daily, a chunk of its territory invaded, oil refineries destroyed, Black Sea fleet gone, conservative numbers of 1/2 million dead troops, shunned by most of the civilized world, wealth fund severely depleted, interest rates 19%, overseas funds frozen, millionaires yachts impounded. Yeah, Putin! and Russia has lost already He should be begging for peace terms
  10. The OP does not say how old the guy is, but you would have to drag me back kicking and screaming to the UK under this new government Does he think his money will go farther there?
  11. He needs something to take the British public minds off his winter fuel blunder
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  13. UK general government gross debt is around £2,720.8 billion (that's 2.7 Trillion) Taking 1.2 Billion from pensioners like it's going to save the country does seem mean, they don't have a chance to claim for pension credits this year. Labour would have been better received had they announced this in the budget for next year
  14. As it happens I can, find the elusive "left-handed smoke shifter" at Jo-Jo's Country Store in Moultonboro, New Hampshire. The store offers a 20% discount for Camp Tecumseh alumni as well, and the owner, Crazy Pete, will throw in a free can of elbow grease if you mention this message. Hurry, supplies are limited
  15. Avoid mini skirts and low cut tops, go to Soho pub, and yes debit card from Thai bank will work
  16. You can buy an ultrasonic dog chaser on Lazada, they run like heck, and does not harm them
  17. On his LINE account there are loads of new strains, what is he out of stock of?
  18. That's more Ukrainian civilians lives saved
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 77 seconds  
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 79 seconds  
  21. OT, but is that car park for motorbikes next to the Bus station still open? Very handy, it looked like it was closing last time I used it a few months ago And yes just order a Bolt
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 95 seconds  
  23. Take a look at this picture https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13814243/Agony-father-lost-wife-three-daughters-Russian-missile-drone-attack-Lviv.html All alive a few days ago before Russian attack, they all look like military personnel, don't they? Russia don't care where they hit, as i said
  24. Ain't Putin and the Russian forces nice people!!!! And people on this thread still seem to find excuses for them, they don't care what they hit
  25. Or uses a mobile device for illegal purposes
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