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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Agree 100%, biggest no brainer going with regards to visas.
  2. Try weed. If you don't want to get high try CBD oil, i've tried it and never rated it but i like to get high. Since the legalisation of weed, most of my aches and pains have gone and i sleep 6-7 hours deep each night, what's not to like?
  3. Surely this would only be for patients that are unable to attend the office of the cretins?
  4. Exactly, get a life.
  5. There's very little that Japan does not beat Thailand in. I've been to Tokyo 3 times, amazing city.
  6. not a very good advert for Ford Wildtracks is it? Horrible trucks.
  7. YIp, probably go home back to their hut, get a pat on the back from their man child father ( if he's there ) and then business as normal.
  8. My attitude with IO is great as i never see them... Have a good xmas!
  9. Anything to do with immigration involves cretins, but thanks for pointing that out.
  10. Bottom quote is why you're always met with politeness and efficiciency.
  11. But willing to sacrifice your own time to deal with morons, ok - up to you.
  12. hahaha, so basically you're poor - lol Agents remove all hassle, simple.
  13. ok, then continue with your cluster you've got going on - enjoy!
  14. Use an agent, it's really not worth the hassle dealing with the cretin IO's.
  15. what's a weed party? few people having a smoke ( that's legal ) and you evicted them......lovely!
  16. Why would they take it away?
  17. They're not religious events.
  18. Hello richard, merry xmas. I thought you lived in BKK, therefore how can you make all these statements about rural thailand having never lived there?
  19. I feed my dogs once a day, a combo of rice / dry food and any leftovers that are suitable. Thai street dogs will eat anything and be very loyal without much training, make sure you get their shots done.
  20. 'She' should have grown a set, oh.......hold on a minute
  21. Yeah, makes much more sense to stop all tourists entering Thailand.
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