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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Oh, would you look at that? A mind that's narrower than the Walsingham Light Railway.
  2. At least. Too much of a leap for the average UKIP/Brexit/Reform voter's brain though.
  3. Probably are. Possibly a couple of generations too considering how wonderfully expansive and inclusive the British Empire was. I doubt anyone can pigeonhole another's nationality based on their ethnicity, skin tone or family name any more but, if it floats your boat, carry on.
  4. Bugger all to do with the Buddhist faith. Thou shall not steal is the 8th of the Christian faith's Ten Commandments, 7th if you're a Catholic. So, what would the good Christian do?
  5. Ah yes, twin Strombergs.
  6. If you insist on taking this discussion off-piste, at least avail yourself of some salient facts. Change in Total U.S. Debt by President Below is a table of debt by U.S. presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries.
  7. There was no riot, no attempted insurrection, nada. It was nothing more than a picnic, a marshmallow toast, a clambake or as Hawaiians like to call it, a luau.
  8. I won't be paying as much attention to the 'news' as I felt compelled to do under #45's administration. Don't forget, when America sh*ts the bed, the whole world has to lie in it.
  9. Is the 'wallet' that they asked you to create not the same thing as this 'new account' that they want you to use? Maybe that's a default message sent to all those making AU transactions, despite you already using their preferred method? Mind you, I wouldn't waste time asking forum members to guess on this issue. I would ask Wise.
  10. The ones with pending applications to join the 'deep state', whatever the heck that is?
  11. Do I detect a wee bit of alcohol in all of that?
  12. Yet another member setting themselves up for a torrid four years.
  13. You are setting yourself up for a torrid four years then.
  14. There's absolutely no restriction on the private citizens of the world availing themselves of the same benefits of AI to ensure they aren't encumbered or otherwise disadvantaged by any actual changes to any countries' application of tax laws and regulations.
  15. Hasselblad's first commercial availability was in Germany about 75 years ago.
  16. Sounds like maybe someone's looking for a link to a website? Maybe after an online subscription?
  17. Ignoring your repetitious speculation of what you think may happen (again), filing a tax return is a big deal if one's local RD says that you don't need, don't qualify for, or simply refuses to give you a TIN. PS: I'm not a Englander.
  18. Not quite. They have a third choice and that is to ignore the panic merchants wittering away about what may but probably won't eventuate. After 24 pages of tax-panic that's based on a total lack of official information, this thread is only being kept afloat by groundless scaremongering and conjecture. The limited and questionable entertainment value has already evaporated.
  19. The Thailand Revenue Dept does not have that authority. Never has had that authority and never will. Please curb your double-exclamatory enthusiasm.
  20. Maybe she's pulled this bat<deleted> crazy stuff before? Sounds like counselling is needed but there's only so much that shots of lao khao can do. Oops, looks like they have "pain" issues and are self-medicating. As Fred Flintstone famously advised, "Yaba daba do!"
  21. Everyone's at it, apparently. The (former) Washington Redskins. The (former) Cleveland Indians. Only a matter of time before the Chiefs have to get PC. (sad)
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