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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. We also know "for a fact" that the people making a lot of noise or offering advice and opinion about the income tax liabilities of foreigners are as much in the dark as anyone else, including many RD staff throughout this blighted realm.
  2. 2000 baht and if you're lucky, a free scowl.
  3. Been in-and-out of LOS for decades. The only people checking my passport(s) have been immigration people at airports and the infrequent hokey-pokey at the immigration office. Hotels, car rental shops and airlines check them more often, but they're not checking them for the 90-day report status, are they?
  4. Totally agree. This is nothing less than despicable discrimination! Only in North America but.
  5. if it's too good to be true... caveat emptor... etc... etc...
  6. There's a "heinous criminal" involved here? I must have missed that bit.
  7. People also ask What is the most unreliable car brand in the UK? Most unreliable cars UK Range Rover Sport. ... BMW i8. ... Tesla Model S. ... Audi A7. ... SEAT Leon. ... BMW M3. ... Skoda Octavia. ... Nissan Qashqai. ... Volvo V40. ... Mercedes Benz GLC. ... https://www.uk-carfinance.co.uk/most-unreliable-cars-uk/ 3 out of 10 for @Rampant Rabbit Must try harder and stop making stuff up
  8. Lot's being said about the impossibility of any form of demagogic dictatorship in the US due to this magical separation of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial, all protected and upheld by this wonderful Constitution. Right now the executive appears to have the judicial in his pocket, as will any Republican leader that succeeds him, so it must be quite upsetting to the hard-core MAGA clique that their grip on the legislative is all a bit tenuous due to those damn RINO's in the herd. Talking of the Constitution, I heard that the word 'democracy' doesn't get mentioned in that vaunted document at all. Is that correct? I don't have a copy in my wallet.
  9. You don't speak enough clear tried and tested Thai and Lao? Maybe try another restaurant?
  10. Thanks for that info. I am in Suriname at the moment, so I will see if that phone setting works for me and my US institution's 2FA stuff.
  11. Yes, I agree. It's a wonderful place for misogynistic, opportunistic law dodgers.
  12. This 'Ahhh... grasshopper' moment brought to you by @Hellfire
  13. ...or else we would have bugger all to whine about.
  14. Just bite the bullet, give her the house, get a divorce and move to Cambodia.
  15. How on earth do you, the OP and people like you manage to get through each day here? I know one chap up where I live who carps on about similar annoyances, but he's skint and trapped here. So what's your excuse?
  16. Grown men believing in fairy stories. 'twas ever thus.
  17. You certainly know your Bible. How about the Koran?
  18. Exactly. The thin-skinned members that have placed me on their ignore lists over the years, all come back eventually. That right @OJAS ?
  19. It's a disease. Trumpism is a mere fetish, a passing fad. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  20. Screw helping out all you gormless stress monkeys and drama queens. You've all been dreaming about a new Thai tax thread to gurn about. You even wrote to Santa wanting one so have at it. Losers.
  21. The forms, in English, have been available for at least a year. As for the rest of your witless scaremongering and groundless conjecture, that's just witless scaremongering and groundless conjecture.
  22. How did you get PTSD? Witnessing an alleged mugging on Walking Street?
  23. It may have escaped your attention, but what job did Tu have before his stint as Thailand's 'elected' prime minister? Can you name any serving or former Thai military general who instigated a coup against the government that has ended up in jail? Back on topic: if anyone here is hoping to see Yingluck behind bars, cast your gaze to Thailand's southern neighbor where a former prime minister, who was found guilty of pocketing significantly more money than the small change than Yingluck allegedly cost the Thai economy, has recently petitioned the courts to serve his already much reduced custodial sentence to house arrest. These sorts of people have and will always be held to a different legal standard than us proles and peons, so get used to it.
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