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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 14 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    where do tourists call home?

    In my case, I have a flat here and one in Taiwan. I am not a permanent resident of either, but spend the majority of my time there (6 months) and usually around 4 months here (2 times for 2 months). I have not lived in my country of origin for 22 years. I cannot get back into Taiwan because the border was shut within 11 hours on 1 day with no real notification; the flight I managed to get onto left 2 hours too late for me to board. I also cannot incorporate and get processed for my ARC outside of Taiwan.


    I know of many who have unconventional lifestyles and are in this situation. There are many who live more nomadic existences. They may use tourist visas or visa exempt (like me), but are not working here and are not really here on a short holiday, more like just visiting. Technically they are called tourists.


    In addition, there are people whose visas require border bounces every 90 days or are required to go out of country to get processed for new visas or a change in visas. This also cannot be done.


    This amnesty was not just for short term "tourists". It was for everyone who was stuck here because of covid. I certainly am stuck.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Jackcwba said:

    Most likely will be a handsome few of 1900 a pop for most folk.. but the real concern is do they expect everybody to do this on August 31 or July 31? Because surely not everybody will not get seen to even with both offices open.. too many of us.. or is this a trick for those unlucky not to get seen to will fall into overstay and have to pay a fine..


    Those cowboys work so slow in Immigration especially when the clock is ticking towards lunch time.


    they will find a way to mess this up I’m sure


    “So we do not propose to extend visas after July 31, but allow for visa requests from August 1 to September 26,” Seem we are given a lot of leeway on time frame to make the application.

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  3. and here is with reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-thailand-idUSKCN24I0T8?fbclid=IwAR0QGNm1cLWbyxE8sEF0ozFNYcjUZkfVuJ5ED3DYMFn11FDyG3fd2JfqcBU


    “So we do not propose to extend visas after July 31, but allow for visa requests from August 1 to September 26,” he said, adding the grace period will be proposed to cabinet for approval.

    After which, if a request was not made and the visa expired, over staying will be considered illegal."


    A little bit strange wording. What happens if we leave Thailand on September 25 without applying for an extension? Are we on overstay from July 31?



  4. 1 hour ago, tabbycat said:

    Don't want to be a downer as I remain very hopeful, but isn't the Immigration booking website specifically renaming the appointment type to "Extension of Tourist Visa [TR60] obtained by Thai Embassy" just 2 days ago a dead giveaway that it's a NO to amnesty, but that they expect people to arrive at CW in droves and pay as they usually would for their extension?


    And the specific wording of that appointment now makes me think they will single out visa-exempt foreigners or essentially anyone who entered Thailand without having to pay for a Visa stamp at a Thai consulate abroad.


    Obviously, nothing is for sure with Thailand so.. taking everything with a pinch of salt right now!

    Immigration is not in charge of this; the cabinet and MFA is. Based on the Nation article and the small amount of time before July 31, this extension should be a go.


    Now I need to start thinking about what long term visa I will go for if I still cannot get back home to Taiwan by then. I guess edu might be bast for me. How long does that take to sort out?

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Nah, it is easy. Can use an agent if you can't afford the seasoned monies.


    If married, you can also go to Savannakehet or HMC and get a 1 yr non O with no finances needing to be shown. So yes, very easy.

    Go to Savanakhet or HMC? How the heck are you going to get in there with all the borders shut tight? And then you need to jump through all the hoops to get back in. No way you will be getting back in anytime soon if you go out. The agent route is the only way to do that now.

  6. 1 hour ago, ukrules said:

    I haven't read this news anywhere? Where does it come from?

    From June 20, 2020:



    "The second piece of evidence comes courtesy of the Public Health Ministry itself, which said the Disease Control Department has nearly completed testing of Thailand’s at-risk population and found no infections.

      Dr. Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the department’s director-general, said the ministry has conducted nearly 100,000 coronavirus tests on medical personnel, delivery people, public-transport officials, prison guards, inmates, mail carriers, migrant workers and those working in public and entertainment venues.

      That high-risk population was tested randomly using statistical sampling methods with everyone receiving the most-accurate Reverse Transcription PCR test. He said 80 percent of those tested were found to be virus-free.

      The real news, however, involves the other 20 percent. These approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit."


    For whatever reason the Nation and Bangkok Post did not run with it. The whole article is an interesting read. This was 20,000 from one random sample of 100,000 high risk workers. What's the true number of people with covid antibodies for the entire nation?

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/14/2020 at 1:02 PM, SpanishExpat said:

    The "0 case policy" Thailand is so proud of is contra-productive. I hope it won`t happen, but what if for whatever reason the cases go up again. They will lockdown Bangkok or other cities again, because of a few cases? I just know that in Germany they take measures, if there are more than 50 cases per 100.000 people. 

    Yes and the reality is before Thailand had huge numbers of cases and didn't know. The antibody study that was done by the health ministry showed that out of 100K randomly tested at risk people 20k tested for positively for covid antibodies. Thailand actually had a significant amount of cases before and society functioned normally although the excess death show that a fair number more died than we were led to believe. To go into hysterics over 1 case when before there were at least 10s of thousands makes no sense. This one case may cause a cluster and maybe some deaths, but will only damage the stats. People need to get some perspective.


    From June 20, 2020:



    "The second piece of evidence comes courtesy of the Public Health Ministry itself, which said the Disease Control Department has nearly completed testing of Thailand’s at-risk population and found no infections.

    Dr. Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the department’s director-general, said the ministry has

    conducted nearly 100,000 coronavirus tests on medical personnel, delivery people, public-transport officials, prison guards, inmates, mail carriers, migrant workers and those working in public and entertainment venues.

    That high-risk population was tested randomly using statistical sampling methods with everyone receiving the most-accurate Reverse Transcription PCR test. He said 80 percent of those tested were found to be virus-free.

    The real news, however, involves the other 20 percent. These approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit."

  8. I wonder if the news of the 20,000 out of 100,000 randomly tested at risk workers who tested positively in Thailand for covid antibodies would put people's minds more at ease that there can be cases and society won't collapse and everyone won't die. Since the powers that be are putting their eggs into the 0 covid cases for legitimacy, regional nations are shooting for the same, and there are nightmare situations in Brazil and the US, seems like they won't discuss this angle.

  9. 1 hour ago, AndrewMciver said:

    By allowing visitors to return you are pretty much granted to get some cases back. If they are getting this hysterical over one case, they just aren't in a position to open up. 



    Yes, hysteria is the proper word. Covid should be taken seriously, but the fact that nations with extremely low or zero local cases will not open to one another in some fashion with reasonable preventive measures shows that the bombardment of frightening news by government and medical authorities has created neurosis on a global scale.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, rott said:

    That is a problem with residing in a country where you do not have permanent residence. You got caught out because of this unprecedented pandemic. Could have happened to any of us, I know others with similar problems. 

    Yeah, this happened to me, but my main residence is in Taiwan, and I am trapped here in Thailand. I can't incorporate and get my ARC from outside of Taiwan. I had new work planned and have lost my income for the year. Now I need to be able to stay here until Taiwan opens up.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 43 minutes ago, Winky Wilson said:

    If you are American you have nothing to worry about as there are bilateral treaties in place for situations like this. Your Embassy will notify you if you registered.

    I dunno the current post on the website is no extension letters,and get a long term visa by July 31 or get out. Or do you mean we have nothing to worry about being notified about the final policy decision? Coz the current message is very worrying. :  P  

  12. 2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    You really should avoid relying on news for evidence. Try this WHO report. 

    Covid pcr results, not including results of antibody tests, and not considering data from excess deaths. Certainly official WHO confirmed cases by pcr tests include neither and both, especially antibody tests, are really important for understanding things. It appears clear that based on additional data, things have been grossly under reported. In any case, if that's the only data you will consider, I think this discussion will go nowhere. Have a great day : )

  13. 31 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

    Have seen a number of articles recently, based on the experience in Sweden, that herd immunity is 80%.  This based on people having antibodies developed from other past cronovirus infections that are effective against Covid .... which is not that ‘novel’ as we were first led to believe. 

    So are you saying that they are at 80% or need 80%? The issue of % needed for herd immunity is being much debated. The conventional wisdom is 60-80%, but some are saying it is less, and some are saying much much less...all the way down to the 20% infection rate of the Diamond Princess. I'm not saying what it is. I'm just pointing out the many alternative viewpoints from the medical community on this issue.

  14. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    With due respect, the article did admit that their news is based on anecdotal reports. I neither believe or disbelieve. 

    "The second piece of evidence comes courtesy of the Public Health Ministry itself, which said the Disease Control Department has nearly completed testing of Thailand’s at-risk population and found no infections.

    Dr. Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the department’s director-general, said the ministry has

    conducted nearly 100,000 coronavirus tests on medical personnel, delivery people, public-transport officials, prison guards, inmates, mail carriers, migrant workers and those working in public and entertainment venues.

    approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit.

    That high-risk population was tested randomly using statistical sampling methods with everyone receiving the most-accurate Reverse Transcription PCR test. He said 80 percent of those tested were found to be virus-free.

    The real news, however, involves the other 20 percent. These approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit."


    "Up-to-date excess deaths statistics are not available, but, for example, by the end of March, Thailand had almost 2,400 more deaths than usually reported, 40 times the 57 deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 by the end of that month."


    Did you read the whole article? This is anecdotal? With all due respect, not at all.. That was only one of the things mentioned. The antibody test results and excess death are not anecdotal. Please read more carefully. Or do you think the Doctor Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai from the Health Ministry discussing the antibody tests is anecdotal?


    Also, please note if 100,000 random tests on at risk people found 20,000 with covid antibodies, the number from the general population must be hugely greater.

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