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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. @ubonjoe So this is essentially the same as the old amnesty? Is all this get a long term visa or get out by Sept 26 no more extensions just huffing and puffing and rumors, or is it real?


    My first choice is still to try and get back to Taiwan. I will take a significant financial hit using an agent to switch visa classes for a 1 year permission to stay when I may be able to somehow get into Taiwan sometime right before or right after I change my visa class. I am currently looking into a medical permit to get into Taiwan this August. I really have no desire to stay long term in Thailand , but it would be preferable to being forced back into the US and I will take the hit if there is no prospect of getting into Taiwan (or maybe Laos).

  2. 2 hours ago, scammed said:

    ime, it takes antibiotic to kill off the bacteria, immodium could well make it worse

    Yeah, I had a case of dysentery 22 years ago that came from using immodium instead of antibiotics for what was a bacterial infection. I had thought it was just a little bit of stomach upset, but I was new to SeAsia at the time and unused to the local bacteria then. The immodium kept the bacteria instead to multiply and made me extremely ill; it would have been much better if I allowed my body to clean things out.. Before I made it to the hospital I was <deleted>ting blood. I spent two nights in bumrungrad with an iv drip, etc. Thankfully 22 years ago bumrungrad was much cheaper than today.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

    I'm not clear on this, but was the cop aware that the knife had already been removed by someone? 

    Because if not, that cop had justification to shoot if he believed the meth head was was still armed and was grabbing him (called a "leveraging arm" in combat).


    I know some won't believe this,  but knives are more dangerous at contact range than pistols.  Police are trained about this and probably seen plenty of vids and photos of knife victims to not be one.




    If you watch the video you will see that the situation was over and the cop was carrying the knife in one hand with his gun in the other, and the drug user was seated on the ground after having surrendered. The cop then walked over to him and kicked him in the head. The victim then grabbed the leg and the cop shot him in the head and killed him.

  4. 3 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

    Welcome any developments, but it's not making major ripples in the news. Looked at it closely, and it's only been tested on 100 volunteers. 


    The big changer other than a vaccine, will be an instant test. 


    An instant test that would be no longer than a temperature check, or a quick swab of ya saliva on a machine lasting a few seconds. 


    If we get that, you could test on mass in public, at work, care homes, and for us tourists - AT AIRPORTS. 



    not instant but pretty fast.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Jack1988 said:

    I would never stay with an amnesty, good that I have an ed visa and can live without have to worry to leave the country. What foreigners will do after the amnesty will ends? They will have to leave and I think it will be very difficult to come back in Thailand again. Too many restrictions

    They can change it at some point during the amnesty, or may find some way to get an extension while they are trying to get where they need to be, but can't get to now.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Caldera said:

    I also don't think that you cannot apply for an extension late into the grace period. But you obviously do so at your own peril - if the application is rejected, you might need to leave in a hurry and there might not be enough time to fix whatever is amiss. So applying early seems like a good idea, if possible.


    If you know you will be rejected for your extension, it might be a good idea. Then you apply on the last day and get an extra 7 days to leave the country.

  7. 10 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    I agree. On the dangerous assumption that the eventual policy will resemble what is described, if you leave before September 26th, there is no need for an extension.


    What happens with those who do not wish (or are unable) to leave by September 26th is less clear. The most reasonable interpretation is that those in Thailand on September 27th without a valid permission to stay will be deemed to have been on overstay since August 1st (or possibly even from the expiry of their last regular permission to stay, though that would be harsh). I am very unsure what happens to people who do not apply in July or early August for extensions, but try for them in September.


    If the above is the eventual plan, those not applying for extensions better be pretty sure they will have left Thailand by September 26th.

    From what they say the overstay will start on Sept 26. I could quote it to you, but that would violate forum rules. It does seem that the blacklist may start immediately if people don't leave.

  8. 2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


    actually what i read is not all clear to me.  it appears this is not another automatic extension for everyone...and that they can "apply" for extensions after the 31st.  it's for tourists who are stranded, unable to return to their home countries.  "home" would be the country printed on their passports and/or another country where they have residency.  those that have the means to return "home" won't necessarily have the option of declining.  there's always the possibility immigration will play hardball, and consider those not actually stranded and unable to leave thailand to be on overstay.

    It said the people who are headed home can leave until Sept. 26 and don't need to contact immigration. How is that not an automatic extension until Sept 26 for them?

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


    nothing's done until it's done.  even if passed in the same general form, there's still the specifics as to how it will be implemented.


    important to note that after july 31st, it's tourists unable to leave thailand that will get those extensions.  i think many of the embassies have already announced they won't be providing letters of strandedness.


    if it were me in that position, i'd be hoping for that extended grace period, but i'd be doing some serious planning in case of a 7-day get out of dodge stamp much earlier than anticipated.

    Did you read the Bangkok post article? It's very clear. It's pretty much automatic. No applications needed to be able to stay until Sept. 26. I noted the specific points, but my post was deleted. Those who are applying for long stay visas have between August 1 and Sept 26 to do so and those requesting other 30 day extensions under special circumstance have until Sept 26 to request them (thus if one is denied it could mean having to leave the country in early October) and it is only after Sept 26 that people will be considered overstaying. Even people who will be leaving for home will have until Sept 26 and will not need to contact immigration. I suggest you check it out and then discuss the fine points of the statements there. Based on this article(if the information is true), none of the points you are emphasizing seem to be important. Certainly, we will find out for certain next week. Having said that thanks for the advice and glad you and your hunny-bunny are doing well in Hainan. : )

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  10. 42 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    ok, so you and me and hunny-bunny are all in the same boat.  we've got options to leave where we are now, but we've chosen not to avail ourselves of them...so we aren't actually stranded.  in your case, the us embassy in bangkok is confirming repatriation flights to the usa, and is offering loans to purchase flight tickets.



    Thanks, but I won't be needing any repatriation flights. If you check the BP article today you will see that Sept 26 amnesty to get a long stay visa or extension or leave to back home seems a done deal. I posted more specifics, but even without a link or direct quotes it was deemed in violation of forum rules and deleted. Please go there and check it out.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    He's saying you have until Sept 26th  to get your visa in order / get the correct visa or be considered on overstay.

    Get your sh_t together by 26th September .....   

    And I think that is fair. I wasn't trying to change my visa because I thought Taiwan or Laos would open up or travel bubbles would take place. Now I need to come up with a new plan.



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  12. 2 hours ago, at15 said:

    “So we do not propose to extend visas after July 31, but allow for visa requests from August 1 to September 26”


    leave by sept. 26 would mean the amnesty is extended? there is no way to do a "visa request" in country for a tourist? i think the message continues to be..... get a proper visa or get out now 

    Yes, you can get them through agents, so a change to Edu and Non immigrant Os are on the table. Just needs to be done by Sept 26.  Don't think we need to leave by July 31. Why is it so important to some people that we get kicked out?


    I think it is get a proper visa or get out by Sept 26. In any case, we don't know for certain what this is. I will wait until we get more info next week after the cabinet meeting.


    Check the Bangkok post and it's very clear. It says we will be given a grace period from August 1st until Sept 26 to apply to stay for a specific period. However, if we are in country after September 26 we will be considered on overstay, face legal action and be blacklisted. So it really is an amnesty to Sept 26, but then we need to get out if we have not secured a new visa or extension. Otherwise, we are in heaps of trouble.


    It even says people who are going to return to their home countries also have until Sept 26, but don't need to contact to immigration so for them in essence it's an amnesty.

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  13. Just now, ChouDoufu said:

    what is your plan for when the extension grace period eventually ends?

    I am trying to work that out now. I think if Taiwan doesn't open up somehow, and they don't offer some special new extension in country, I will need to get an edu visa through an agent just so I have a place to stay and won't get pushed back to the US. I think I would need to get that started by the last week of August to have it done by Sept 26.


    If Laos opens in some way, I also may go there. As far as I know, one can get a long stay visa there for $500. However, it is not a sure thing that any place will open up by Sept. 26.


    I have family in Italy as well that may be able to help (which is now open to visitors form Thailand), but want to be near to Taiwan in a low risk country as my first option so I can get back home the moment some path opens up to get there. Taiwan is really looking to Asia for all it's potential travel connections now and will be the first place it looks to when non corporate visitors are allowed.


    BTW, you have a yummy forum name.

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