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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 3 hours ago, at15 said:

    April 21 we were told until July 31 to leave. How is that "kicking out"? It's pretty much a done deal at this point, dont even expect an announcement, the announcement was on April 21. I would be looking over the flight options that take you to another country if you want to avoid the US. There are a good amount of countries open to Americans now....... Mexico, Dominican Republic, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Croatia, Serbia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, Maldives, North Macedonia are all an option. 

     non stop bangkok to abu dhabi, would be nice if you can afford the accomdation there.

    I'm thinking ukraine for the budget option, but there are insurance and quarantine requirements.

    Thanks for the options, but they didn't say that we would have to leave July 31. There was no announcement that there was no possibility that some extra-normal measures would be enacted later on. In fact, there was plenty of speculation by people who have much knowledge of visa situation that if things were still disrupted some kind of extension would be allowed. Yes, the stamp gave us until July 31, but it appeared to be based on borders being opened so there would be some normality to the world and people would get to where they needed to go. Other nations with trapped travelers are all making some allowances to allow people to extend with applications (Vietnam, Taiwan, Laos you just pay $2 a day overstay indefinitely). So yes, I think Thailand may be the only nation deciding that people stuck here have to clear out. This would be kicking out. Hope you have a good day.

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  2. On 7/8/2020 at 9:21 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

    It depends on how long we are given to 'regularise'. There is no way they will demand that everyone makes their exit on day 1. And I use Mukdahan to exit, and about 95% of those who use that border are not 'farang, but Thais making a day trip and a few Lao going home. I've made quite a few hops there and never seen more than two or three others applying for the Lao visa in Savannakhet.

    Yeah I go that route. I love Savanakhet.

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  3. 8 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    From pre-approved countries and if your not in the pre-approved country list no bubble.

    Yes, but they will be based on country from which you are traveling and not passport. Certainly Taiwan and Thailand would end with a bubble at some point. Currently, all of Taiwan's special permits are for people traveling from low(Thailand is in this group) or medium risk countries. Unfortunately, I am not a corporate businessman with contracts in Taiwan or I would be there now or on en route soon. As a private individual who wants to incorporate to run a personal business, I cannot currently get the permit. If the bubbles went up, for sure I could get to Taiwan.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Maestro said:


    It was unfortunate that Taiwan closed its borders to you at a moment's notice on 18 March. Have you talked to the Taiwanese Representative Office in Bangkok about your situation to see, since you have your home in Taiwan, if you fall into the category of "foreign nationals who wish to travel to Taiwan for reasons other than tourism and regular social visits" mentioned in the press release dated June 24, 2020 and therefore "may apply for a special entry permit with an R.O.C. overseas mission by submitting relevant documents and forms"?

    I went to TECO and checked last week, and I said my purpose was to incorporate and work, but they said the people qualifying for the permit were corporate business travelers with contracts with Taiwanese firms, and I would have to wait. Seems I am still classed as a tourist even though I am not going for tourism. I asked about the June 29 update and they said it changed nothing. I can't get an ARC via incorporation unless I am there, but I can't get in without an ARC. At the time, I thought ok, I will have to wait for a travel bubble of some sort, but the news this week keeps getting worse. Maybe I can go next week and plead under humanitarian grounds since Thailand plans to kick us all out.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Maestro said:


    If you are affected by this, why were you unable to heed the advice of the U.S. embassy and get a flight out of Thailand? With convincing documentation, your immigration office may make an exception to the requirement of the embassy letter. I read on this forum, prior to the automatic extension of stay, that an immigration office did this.


    P.S. I see several flights listed form Suvarnabhumi airport (BKK) to the USA, eg to New York:


    Because I have been waiting to get back to my home in Taiwan. My flight for Taipei left two hours after the proper time to enter the country on March 18. They have been talking about travel bubbles since May and Taiwan has had 0 cases for more almost 3 months. I thought for sure once Thailand did it Taiwan would be included since their name always comes up. Just this week Thailand just threw up their hands and decided not to make any. Then I waited to see news about what Thailand would do about people on amnesty. The moment I saw embassy letters mentioned today I just checked the US embassy website. I have a US passport, but the US is not my home. I haven't lived in the US for 22 years. Is this so hard to understand?

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    I suggest that any foreigner in this unfortunate situation who cannot get an extension of stay for another reason should apply for an extension under clause 2.28(1) of Police Order 327/2557 (2014) with documentary evidence of his or her failed attempts and the requisite embassy or consulate letter.


    Police Order 327_2557 (2014) - extension criteria & conditions en - Siam Translation.pdf 138.79 kB · 0 downloads

    So the embassy letter. I checked the US embassy website and this is what they say:


    The U.S. Embassy will no longer provide extension of stay requests. U.S. Citizens in Thailand temporarily have between now and July 31, 2020, to either return to the United States or their country of permanent residence or to obtain the appropriate visa type for your long-term stay in Thailand.

  7. 1 hour ago, robsamui said:

    I came out of Vietnam, back to Thailand on a border run, and the day after I left (March 22nd) Vietnam closed the borders. Several of my friends in a similar position (on supposedly never-ending 3-month tourist visas), but who were still in Vnam at the time, are having to pay up to $300 a month depending on their nationality and circumstances. People over here have got it VERY lucky . . . though I'm surprised that the gov. missed the chance to milk the captive farangs. I'm certain it won't last much longer!

    Had it very lucky. However, the craziness before the amnesty was given in April was very unpleasant. If they tell us we all need to be gone at the end of amnesty while we have been waiting for borders to open up to get to other countries we need to get to that will be far worse. I would have no problem paying a high monthly fee to be sure to maintain my legal status here while waiting to get to Taiwan rather than being forced back to the US where I have not lived since 1998 or risking the potentially awful penalties of overstay. People in the States will be toxic for a very long time, and I would likely be trapped there and possibly lose everything in Taiwan

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  8. 24 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    Not sure about indefinitely. Vietnam gave an amnesty until June 30, then extended it until July 31 in the last minute. You have to fill out a health form, go to your embassy and pay a fee.

    Yes seems indefinitely. It's not an amnesty you have to pay. My friend has just paid for his second two month extension. He could pay for up to 3 months at a time I believe.

  9. 4 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Leaving Thailand permanently and putting all in a storage looks (on first sight..) expensive and useless as costs keep existing to store things …..unless some can take care or buy the whatever ...

    They were being put into my friend's house who was buying my flat from my landlord so not useless or expensive (free). I would have then had a long time (years) to decide what to do with them as I would have been slowly moving a lot out to either Taiwan or maybe much of it to Laos since in late 2019 and early 2020 seemed like my second place to stay would have been Laos. Now of course everything blown up. My plans were pre-covid and even early covid things did not look this bad.

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  10. 1 minute ago, david555 said:

    I understand , 

    but I think the amnesty is given to fly out TH. to the safe haven they call home country asthose never reject ...on condition to reach there …(!) any other destinations very risky this times  as all can change by day , so I also cancelled my planned home country trip to play safe , as also my renew ret. ext is imminent  end August /September  I chose for safety and stayed Thailand 

    Yeah, problem is I have not really lived in my safe haven home country of the US for 22 years. I also chose for safety and stayed here.


    Was trying to get to Taiwan on March 18 when the borders closed, but EVA didn't know the regulation when i called them and they put me on a flight 2 hours late for me to enter Taiwan. If I would have known things properly I would have dropped everything, run straight to the airport and paid any amount to get on any flight to Taiwan. Problem was I was in the process of packing up all my belongings to put into storage the day it happened as I was leaving Thailand permanently and couldn't think straight. March 18th 2020 seems like it will go down as the most disastrous day of my life.

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  11. This from the US Embassy website: The U.S. Embassy will no longer provide extension of stay requests. U.S. Citizens in Thailand temporarily have between now and July 31, 2020, to either return to the United States or their country of permanent residence or to obtain the appropriate visa type for your long-term stay in Thailand.


    So if it depends on embassy letters, as it stands now, US citizens will be in a tough situation.

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  12. 40 minutes ago, time2093 said:

    Looks like there will be a lot of guys panicking after July 31 according to this article.


    Visa Amnesty Extension Unlikely, Immigration Spox Says


    So back to the embassy letters and double visits to immigration to see if they will let us stay.

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