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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

    Why was Thailand not included in the fast track...or don't they believe the Thai numbers????.

    Taiwan has handled things superbly and they class Thailand as a low risk country and are allowing business travelers from Thailand to apply for a permit to enter Taiwan. I trust their CDCC assessment of the situation here. I think we are very safe here now.

  2. 16 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Lets wait and see, the jury's still out on that.


    New cases of the coronavirus rose in Europe last week, for the first time in months. The increase was driven by 11 countries that have had a “very significant resurgence”, Hans Kluge, head of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, said today. If left unchecked, such outbreaks will “push health systems to the brink once again”.

    The countries and territories with notable increases in cases are Sweden, Armenia, Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Kosovo, according to a WHO spokesperson.

    Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-cases-rising-in-europe-following-eased-lockdowns/#ixzz6QR3Jkcsm

    Interesting to see that the fatalities in Sweden are going down as the case numbers go up

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, racket said:

    True, but how do you monitor someone from not leaving his/her home? We are simply asking for authorities to spy, not good.

    You have quarantine workers who come to their houses everyday to monitor them (maybe stopping by a couple of times a day). Provides jobs for people in the bad economy and allows people to quarantine at home. Probably make them download an app to track the phone. Of course, people can leave phone at home. Maybe call multiple times a day to have them answer to be sure they are there. Levy fines on people who violate it.

  4. 8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think it's amazing that until now 33% or 73 people selectedNo, I think they should simply open it to everyone who wants to visit.


    Are you all outside of Thailand and you want to get in no matter what?

    I understand that people want to get into Thailand. But I also understand that Thailand does not want lots of new infections. Currently life returns to normal - except from all the foreign tourists.

    Imagine what would happen if only 100 infected tourists arrive and travel all over the country? Soon everything would be closed again, curfew, etc. Is this really something anybody wants?


    Thailand did a fantastic job in containing the virus. Make sure it stays like that.

    And if you need to see what can go wrong and what happens if incompetent people are in charge then look i.e. at the USA. Is that what we want in Thailand? Sure not!

    Really I wanted a different kind of no vote with a more nuanced set of qualifications for entry such as travel bubbles based on risk of country, etc. No vote fit my opinion so I just threw that one on.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Its people like this, and the guy over in England who was responsible for the millions of dead computer model that erroneously scared the hell out of everyone unnecessarily. I'll let this guy articulate the issue and respond best for me... that is as long as the TV Ministry of Truth will allow me to post this.


    Well here is the big problem we have in constructive debate. Fauci and WHO lied about masks to ensure masks for health care professionals, but it is problematic posting alternative viewpoints contradicting them for one will be considered anti-science or a conspiracy theorist and censored on social media platforms. Who knows what other falsehoods we have been told to believe? Part of the reason for the huge epidemic in the US that is making Americans radioactive now is the distrust in official sources that has led to an inability of people of different viewpoints to work together in America anymore.


    This video should be allowed to stand since Jimmy Dore is officially allowed by youtube to post about covid and is currently monetized there when doing so, but maybe not.

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  6. 47 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    You are the fake news.

    4 months I read on TVF about how

    Thailand have so many deaths (fake news)

    hide the deaths (confused with U.K, not in Thailand.)

    masks not work (fake news, they work)

    thailand not testing (test so much, first case in world outside China because TESTING)

    Thaichana system not work (it work well. Confused U.K. again)


    This OP is report that Thailand is 2nd in world, the Aussie is number 1, but many member complain and moan.


    More people die TODAY covid in U.K. and USA etc than TOTAL in Thailand.



    Starving Thais ? Pfffft. BS

    Nobody starving in Thailand. 

    If you find, I will ask them.


    Have a link?


    Racist? USA, UK, Australia all fighting racism protests today. Last week. Burning, fighting, stealing.


    And in Thailand? 


    have a link?


    Thai people work hard together to fight covid. 

    Other country fight each other black and white, left and right, refuse the rule etc. = lose to covid. = thai people still must worry about covid


    Not be selfish please.

    Well for sure lot's of problems in the some Western countries, especially US and UK. I do agree that masks are very important and easy to use as are the other standard things at store entry (hand sanitizer and temp checks).


    I think the stats here are unreliable. If you look at excess deaths it seems that things are under reported. In terms of testing, if you look at test/million Thailand ranks at 127, which is pretty low. If the contact tracing is good, it can be worked around. I have not been following so much now, but before there were reports of many people dependent on free meals given as handouts. The subsidy being given out seems not to be enough. So maybe not starving, but that is not good. At least, they are getting food.


    Having said this, it appears that the illness is well under control here. I am not afraid of catching covid here. Now, if I can only get back home to Taiwan....



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  7. 34 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    There was even a thread here on TVF, that was started by somebody who inquired if Covid 19 was in Pattaya in November.

    The question was asked, as around that time, there were so  many people who were sick with what now appears could ( repeat could ) have been symptoms of Covid19.

    I myself, and my wife were very sick for about a Month in late October / Early November with these symptoms.

    Taiwan News said that it may have started spreading with the Asian Games in October



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  8. 4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    The rich and middle class paying tax? You mean paying extra tax? No chance, most of them got that way by being too greedy and on the backs of the working class. There is no way they are going to raise their own taxes to help the working class.

    Actually my middle class friends are saying they are getting squeezed by this government with additional taxes to make up the shortfall of all the ways the cronies of this government, who are super rich, get around paying taxes.

    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    In the US at the Maryland Baptist Elderly Home in West Baltimore the oldest African-American owned and operated nursing home in the state has had no infections from coronavirus among its residents and employees, because its director took immediate action.


    Interesting read on how the director took decisive action not because of government recommendations as there were none but because of common sense. Certainly not a risk free approach but there is no risk free strategy.



    After reading the article it seemed pretty simple and common sense. All that was lacking was the political will and taking the disease seriously at an early juncture. Taiwan had no outbreaks in it's nursing homes at all. Unfortunately the bad( I believe federal) guidelines in the US actually led some States to create epidemics in their nursing homes by shipping patients who were not fully recovered back to their nursing homes to free up hospital beds, leading to tens of thousands of deaths.

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  10. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    It would be interesting to see if entry is by flight origin or passport.


    It would be nuts to see someone from the US whose been in HK for the past 4 months be prevented entry to Thailand because of his US passport. Equally so, people could easily fly to HK and then onto Thailand for ease of entry, unless their travel history is also being checked - if so, expect huge lines at immigration upon arrival.



    Everything I have read about travel bubbles, etc. is that it is by country of flight origin and not passport.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    That's a joke right. Thailand closed fights March 26. 

    I was very surprised when Vietnam NZ and AU shut up around march 19.

    If folk are honest with themselves and answered how long countries would be closed many would have perhaps guessed ~ 6 weeks at that time. Now 3 months later, not even near opening.

    Yeah I was checking on things in Taiwan as I was getting ready to go back there after putting all my stuff here in storage. They just had quarantines for people coming from Europe and US and banned flights travel the mainland HK and Macao. The  Taiwanese border closure on March 18 came with no warning ( like 12 hours), and I could only get on a flight 2 hours after the time for non-residents boarding flights was closed. I needed to just run straight to the airport to get on any flight (regardless the cost) getting out of here to take me there the moment I heard. Just missed it by 2 hours.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:


    Tell me ONE GOOD THING the government did that saved Thailand from this mess. 


    During the height of the pandeminc, they were still letting in gallons of Chinese citizens into Thailand. It was only China that put a stop to their citizens leaving. 


    There was no mass testing, and testing is still very poor.


    It is by sheer luck and some scientific miracle (that will need to be studied) that they escaped the kinds of mess Europe and the Americas are in. 

    I do think the masks, temp checks and hand sanitizers are a good thing, as they were in Hong Kong Korea, and Taiwan. Mass testing is not a prerequisite although it is certainly much better to do so. Taiwan didn't do it and was a tremendous success although they did many other things much better than Thailand like contact tracing, travel bans and quarantines. I am not sure how good Thailand's contact tracing was; certainly not as good as Taiwan's. That was what Thailand was attempting to do instead of mass testing.


    If you read my whole post, I said it seems Thailand got lucky and the real reason for it's success we don't fully know, which seems to be what you are saying. If it followed the viral curves elsewhere the initial lack of reaction would have been a disaster. I didn't say the Thai government saved the Thai people from this mess. Or are you just feeling argumentative today?

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