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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    BS you said. I beg to differ and it’s always the nugget that Asia is not honest to prove a point. Like you to provide real evidence. 


    This one does for Thailand. Antibody test and excess deaths show huge lies.: https://bangkokherald.com/coronavirus/new-evidence-casts-doubts-on-accuracy-of-thailands-official-coronavirus-statistics/

  2. 40 minutes ago, phetchy said:

    Has it? I recall the BKK airports being shut for a week or so in 2008, but that disruption (albeit unplanned for, and violent) was not the same.  This disruption is unprecedented.  Colonel someone or other has ordered the 'clearing out of people'. The tone of that remark itself should make 'people' aware that they are not going to pussyfoot around.  No letter-no flight-big problem.   


    "He warned that the government may still require a letter from individual foreign embassies in respect of foreigners who find they are not able to access a flight because of limited funds or flight availability caused in part by the current government block on incoming passenger aircraft..............


    .......Colonel Phakkaphong urged any person with such concerns to make contact with their embassy now to obtain the appropriate letter.

    ‘It also depends on the flights available for you,’ the senior officer said. ‘But if your embassy won’t issue a letter for you, then you may have to leave since there’s not much we can do.’ ".

    Lot of stern stuff there, but he also said "if not extended" and "is likely" so nothing definite either.

  3. 13 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Hi Rabas. A couple of interesting articles on it:


    The first one posits a couple potentially much lower herd immunity % than previously and talks about t-cell immunity and cross coronations immunity and different scenarios. The second puts forward that up to 30% are immune based on cross covronavirus immunity and t cell response.





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  4. 2 minutes ago, SEtonal said:

    I personally think that Thailand will let foreigners stay after July 31, no embassy letter needed, just pay 1900 for a 30 day extension - as an example, similar to what Laos and Vietnam are now doing.  



    I know Vietnam has pay system for 2 or so months at a time, does it have an amnesty as well? Laos is just having people pay overstay $2 a day indefinitely, right? 60 a month is the rouighly the same as 1900 baht extensions.

  5. Before when the amnesty was announced by the cabinet in April, I still had CW IOs telling me that I needed an embassy letter to to stay beyond April even though I had requisite stamps and an under consideration stamp from an emergency covid extension that was in fact unnecessary. We won't know what's really happening until the cabinet makes an announcement. I suspect even after that some IOs will get it wrong. The immigration spokesman whose interview is circulating didn't even give a definite answer, but said most likely, so they still haven't decided and there is only two weeks left in July. If there is no extension of any kind, it will be absolute chaos.


    I see Indonesia has told people under amnesty to leave, but even there they gave people one month notice to organize things and leave. I suspect (but don't know) if we are told to clear out we will be given 1 month to get things in order or clear out as well.


    I really want to get to Taiwan (or maybe Laos since I have connections there) if I have to leave, but maybe they won't be open this year. I had been waiting for a travel bubble of some sort which were just totally scrapped ,which is why I am now forced to deal with waiting on amnesty news.


    If one wants to switch to a long stay visa in country from visa exempt using an agent, since I think that is the only way to do so now, how long will it take to do so? I think the only one that would make sense for me is an edu visa. Any advice on that? Would agents have lists of thai language schools as well?


    Maybe this post belongs elsewhere.

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  6. 3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    It looks like travelers from Thailand can go to Italy now. I have family there.


    1. Passengers are not allowed to enter until 14 July 2020.
    - This does not apply to:
    - passengers arriving from Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Rep.), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland or United Kingdom;
    - nationals or residents of Italy;
    - passengers traveling on business;
    - passengers returning via Italy to their country of residence;
    - passengers arriving from Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Korea (Rep.), Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, Thailand, Tunisia or Uruguay.

  7. 1 hour ago, lkv said:

    Absolutely. The "extension denied- must leave within 7 days" @1,900 baht will always be an option.


    As of other options, I don't feel embassies will issue letters again, should that be an available option, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    That may be the situation. I will wait to hear the cabinet decision. Maybe they will say something next week.  We'll see.

  8. 49 minutes ago, lkv said:

    They will, just have patience.




    “There most likely will not be an extension. It’s all quiet on that front. It’s been a long time and we need to clear out people,” Phakkaphong said. “Thailand and the Thai government are already generous. No other country has this long of a visa amnesty.”

    Unofficial statement by high ranking IO. I dunno. IOs were not saying comforting things back in March or April either if I am remembering correctly. Immigration isn't in charge of this decision either. The Cabinet will tell them what to do when they decide what they think is best. Even if amnesty is not extended some form of paid extensions may be allowed.We'll see what they decide to do.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, at15 said:

    Yes haha, i remember everyone panicking in march on what to do. I was literally in my car driving to Laos to do a border run but checked thai visa and saw the news they were closed so i turned back. Have been waiting it out in japan since march. Had a great time here, zero infringement on my personal freedom besides the gym i go to they want me to wear a mask. thats it, everything else i would have never really known there is a pandemic. Traveled to kyoto zero toruists lol. They "suggest to stay at home" but they cant enforce it due to the constitution in japan. So everything is just kinda on your honor. I dont believe in all this self isolation and mask stuff so i just went around anyway. People are not overly paranoid here.  Now its looking like a good move because I can just go to sri lanka in august and wait it out there until thailand opens to these asian countries. 

    Yes I remember discussing things with you on that thread. Four months already wow. I'm glad that worked out for you. Has it been pricey staying in Japan? I imagine it would be. Hope you have a great time in Sri Lanka.

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  10. 1 hour ago, drbeach said:

    Well Laos is still tolerating the overstays then. That's not really better than what Thailand is doing.Let's wait and see what Thailand announces.


    Vietnam only extended it's amnesty in the very last minute. Thailand will hopefully not be so daft. My guess is we'll know more next week

    Yes, the people in Laos just have at least piece of mind, knowing that they just need to pay-$60 a month overstay fee (the same as our normal extensions I would be good with that-It's nice, but I don't need amnesty would be happy to pay as long as I can be near the home I need to get to). No need to worry about huge crowds dealing with the paperwork and bureaucracy; pay at IO before you leave I believe or something like that. Vietnam also has the pay option in addition to the amnesty (or are they the same?); a friend of mine has made use of it twice, paying for 2 months each.


    I have no problem paying for the piece of mind of an extension whatever the cost they decide. Anyways, let's hope we here something sensible next week.

  11. 1 hour ago, Traubert said:

    No. Given the problems they've created for people coming in now and when the whole thing changes it'll take a long time to shake the reputation.

    Maybe, for sure with me I will be done once I can properly leave. However, the people in power may perceive it that way even of it doesn't work. Also, with the domestic audience, the people in power will be saying look what a great job we have done containing the disease please continue to accept our rule.

    • Sad 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    That's speculation. Let's see what actually happens. Laos never had an amnesty but has been allowing 1 month extensions for a fee. I highly doubt Thailand will be kicking everyone out. let's end with the baseless conspiracy theories and wait for an announcement. Vietnam extended it's amnesty in the last minute from June 30 to July 31, though I understand there has been a separate system where you can pay for an extension.

    I don't think I am giving a conspiracy theory. I am just pointing out that many places are allowing one way or another for people to stay. Maybe my reply was to extreme. Laos is just the standard $2 a day overstay. I am certainly waiting for an announcement as well. Have good one.

  13. 2 hours ago, at15 said:

    Uh not the case here, I am in japan now. I was told very clearly by immigration back in May this is your one and only extension. They said this is your maximum date you can stay in august and please leave the country as soon as possible before then to return to your home. 



    Now I remember you saying in the threads in March when people were trying to do visa runs out that you were going to Japan to ride it out there. How has it been?

  14. 1 hour ago, at15 said:

    Uh not the case here, I am in japan now. I was told very clearly by immigration back in May this is your one and only extension. They said this is your maximum date you can stay in august and please leave the country as soon as possible before then to return to your home. 



    Interesting. You are the first person I have heard this from concerning Thailand (or do you mean not the case in Japan? I think so. They are tough there.) None of the visa experts here said this. I wasn't told this April 24 when I was had my under consideration stamp changed to valid at CW. Could be what you say is true. Thanks for your input. Best to you in Japan.

  15. 11 minutes ago, jonga80 said:

    I have a lot of doubts, I don't see any extension coming, <deleted>!

    Who knows. Think about alternatives to some kind of covid extension. Try to stay calm...and wait for an official announcement. I believe it really will be up to the cabinet to make an announcement on this. However, they are in the process of a reshuffle as 4 members resigned from the ruling party.


    Myself I really prefer not to switch to a long stay and have some form of shorter covid extensions if possible because the moment Taiwan opens to me I am gone. However, maybe my seeing this as a short term possibility may be wrong and I need to find a long stay option. I would prefer not paying the exorbitant fees for agent corruption for something of this nature if possible.

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