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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. 1 minute ago, phungo said:

    From the Thai gov pov, there is not enough tourists in the country and the tourism industry is being decimated.


    If they are wise they would not kick out people who are spending money here in Thailand.


    I'm married to Thai wife with 2 kids and we spend up to 150k baht per month. I was only planning to stay in Thailand for 1 year as a vacation and break from my corporate job. I had planned to do travel every 90 days, and did not plan for having to do the 1 year extension.


    Now that covid is here, I want to stay in Thailand longer until covid dies down in USA. But there's a chance I cannot because the <deleted> stupid paperwork. Why the <deleted> is it so <deleted> difficult?


    Just make it simple, make me pay 3k baht or whatever per month and just let me stay. Just skip all of the <deleted> paperwork. Anyone who pays 3k baht per month via an app can stay. 



    I think it's the current government's obsession with national security and monitoring of foreign nationals in Thailand which they imbued into the current leaders of Immigration, and also the desire to give work to the people/bureaucrats on the immigration payroll (otherwise they would be out of work). I agree they could make it much simpler, but then earnings from corruption would also be out of the picture.

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  2. 2 hours ago, uhuh said:

    I know that NTU is not an institution to be dismissed easily,  so I am curious what results they will publish in September. 

    And a follow up article on this topic in today's Taiwan News. Results should be available August 25.




    Of course, the head of the CECC is stating that there may be many false positives in this study. You do realize that while it may be true it is in his interest to say this though, right? They have built up such a culture of fear of covid in Taiwan that the admission of the possibility of more local cases in Taiwan could release a panic and hysteria there similar to the ridiculous public response to the asymptomatic Egyptian in Rayong.

  3. 4 hours ago, BritTim said:

    While a change of mind is possible, I think announcements from immigration make rather clear that they want those on tourist entries out by September 26th (six months after the March 26th date where it was deemed difficult or impossible for many to immediately leave to return to home country). I am not sure what clearer announcement they could make.

    I know some very knowledgeable people, whose opinion I respect, about Thailand and its immigration and visa situation don't see it this way, but they could do like Indonesia and Japan did and explicitly state at a moment long before that expiration of the current amnesty that "there will be no extension of the amnesty and everyone who has not changed their visa status out of amnesty must leave by that date". Then nothing is implicit and there is no need for speculation. That would certainly be clearer, no, especially when it is also clear that IOs are in cahoots with agents for "black money" which their scare tactics before both amnesties pushed many into availing themselves of (apologies for my dangling preposition).


    I do understand the reasoning of the 6 month rule, but other states such as Taiwan are waiving it now. They issued automatic 30 day extension number 5 and have offered people options to apply and pay for 30 days more beyond the 6 months of stay as well. I believe the dynamic may be changed when both Thailand and their regional partners are keeping their borders closed for an indefinite time well beyond Sept 26.

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  4. 1 minute ago, utalkin2me said:

    Thailand has gotten lucky beyond belief. We don't know why exactly yet, but a China based virus, and Thailand is not effected? Cmon, that is lucky. There is some environmental factor here that the virus obviously does not like. Anyone who has entered a market where Thais shop knows there is virtually no distancing. It is pure luck, this is not a guess any longer. 


    Nothing wrong with getting lucky, worse though is Thailand's policies. It is hard to blame anyone right now, but we are learning a lot and the policies are not responding accordingly. 


    This all started with one person. There will be no stopping it in its tracks. People have not even woken up to that simple fact yet... they talk about "controlling the virus". You do not control this virus. It is out there and when it gets in it will do its thing. Time or closing borders will not stop it, all you are doing is delaying the inevitable, all while crippling working Thais. 


    It may turn out no matter how bad things get, the virus simply can't spread in Thailand like it did in a place like Italy. My guess would be that is true because, again, a Chinese based virus.... NOT making its way to Thailand of all places. 

    A lot of European experts are now saying they believe it is not heat, it is humidity which the virus does not like. That would explain a lot for SE Asia's success.

  5. 11 hours ago, BritTim said:

    I think an agent who could arrange a retirement extension would do so directly (omitting the visa step). If someone is already here on a non immigrant entry, there is no 100% prohibition on doing that. A one-year extension on the basis of retirement is within the rules. However, I note this will be from a visa exempt plus automatic extension, so the visa would be required.

    I am a little confused since I am not at your level of understanding. So I would need a 3 month and then a one year if I needed to stay that long? Or I could not do it? Any idea of the approximate costs involved using an agent and the date things would need to be started by?

  6. 3 minutes ago, uhuh said:

    PCR is a lot more accurate than all these antibody tests on the market. 


    The hope that thousands and thousands of people have had the virus and no symptoms whatever is a mainstay on TVF, strangely it doesn't fit very well with what's happening in the US or the UK, in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Sweden, Spain etc etc 


    I know that NTU is not an institution to be dismissed easily,  so I am curious what results they will publish in September. 

    The test being used by NTU is 99.8% accurate. 100% if done within the last 14 days. Since it is most likely much later than 14 sayd the former would be more accurate.




    "However, Chan said the test being used is the Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV2 antibody test, which has 99.8 percent specificity and shows no cross-reactivity with the common cold, HIV, or other coronaviruses.


    In other words, those features minimizes the chance of false positives, he said.


    The test also showed 100 percent sensitivity in samples taken 14 days after a confirmed infection, Chan pointed out."



  7. 7 hours ago, uhuh said:

    The lasr sentence in the article from Taiwan:

    CECC experts had cautioned before that the test may not reflect the actual infection rate in Changhua as antibody test kits available on the market are not very accurate. They said this was one of the reasons why the CECC has decided against countrywide mass testing for COVID-19 so far.

    Yes, I read that, but the CECC is at odds with NTU, and has a vested interest in keeping the case numbers low. They didn't ever want nationwide PCR or antibody tests in Taiwan. They only ever tested the very ill or contacts of very ill. If it comes out that thousands and thousands of people in Taiwan had it, there policies may be considered overkill. In addition, let's face it the vaunted PCR test is also not very accurate.


    At an interview about the mystery Belgian case the CECC shot down the NTU's professor assertion that Taiwan had a reservoir of asymptomatic cases. Do you see the vested interest that the CECC might have in that? Their professional reputation rests on the laurel that they have kept Taiwan covid free. The head of the CECC is like a rock star there. People ask him for his autograph when he is in public.


    The article: NTU professor says Belgian case most likely infected in Taipei in June




    And FYI. National Taiwan University are no slouches. National Taiwan University is widely considered the best university in Taiwan. The QS World University Rankings (2020) placed it at 69th worldwide and 22nd in Asia. According to Times Higher Education (2020), NTU ranks 120th in the World University Rankings.




    I think the Taiwan CECC did a good job, but is covering their asses here.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Yes, I heard that. Some did not get it, others did.


    On Sept 11 Bali opens for tourists, worst case scenario you could exit and apply there, they have a Thai consulate.


    Worse places to wait for Thailand to reopen than Bali.

    I am skeptical how things may go there, and I have issues in handling all my possessions and valuables here. When I go I know I want be back for a long time. Carrying anything of value and making sure everything else is put away safely in storage. That's why I am trying so hard to get back to Taiwan. I have a secure flat for all my valuable possessions and don't need to cart all my belongings with me. Living out of a suitcase long term is nothing I want to do. Thailand will be tough to enter for a long long time. With the restrictions, whatever I leave here I won't expect to have access to for at least 2 years.

  9. 11 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    If you entered visa exempt an agent can arrange non o (retirement). Personally I would pay the extra for annual extension based on retirement. 

    Won't be super cheap (since you don't have the financials) but it's a 12 month cover. 

    Then concentrate of condo etc in Taiwan re let out or other options. 

    FWIW personally I think post Sept 26 other options have to be available. 

    Personally I have annual extension so simple. However I am from Melbourne/AU 

    How could a Thai government force to return to Oz. Currently several state borders closed. AU PM announced that he hopes all borders open before end of year.

    The borders he is referring to is internal Oz borders. International is a dream.

    It would be really great if post Sept 26 they gave us other options and let us know early. This 2 months plus let us sit and stress us out to use agents is agonizing. With the announcement today that visitors cannot enter Thailand probably until after Chinese New Year, it makes feel all of SE Asia will still have major restrictions for a long time.


    Yeah, I know you Aussies have it tough back at home now. It's insane. Glad you are safe in a good situation here DrJack.


    Guestimate on cost for retirement with no financials through agent? 25k?

  10. 6 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Or you could of tried to return to your own country, which you still can.

    Or currently go deal with agent directly.

    Simple really. 

    It seems like the agent route is one I need to pursue. I am just trying to gather intel on it now. I am also trying to find if there is any way I can make it home to Taiwan. If Laos is allowing people to come in on work visas, I know some one with a connect to their state enterprises, which I may look into. It is just awkward as I must sort out all my valuables/possessions and what I leave here now must have a place to stay for a few years, and I probably won't have access to it for some while. I was in the process of putting all my things in storage when things blew up, so my situation is not so simple.

  11. 3 hours ago, ANDREW999 said:

    Isnt Taiwan allowing residents to come back (im assuming you are one)? I'd go back to Taiwan today if Taiwan was waiting for me (i presume it's not your case, since you said you are stuck here). No joking around, looks like a great place to settle down.

    If I had an arc, I could have left on schedule at the end of March. Instead I am dealing with all this bs in a country, city and flat I no longer wish to live in.

    • Sad 2
  12. 12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Be interesting to see how Sweden does.

    They are doing well now and most there are happy with how they have handled things. Mortality was way down with a high amount of cases and cases are now declining. While many died because of the failure in nursing homes, physicians there also recognized that alot of those fatalities were also going to die in the next few months if not from covid from some other ailment as they already had multiple ailments. With the degree of immunity they already have (both from antibodies 10-20% in Stockholm and t-cells-believe it tests at 30%) Tegnell and others feel good about the country's ability to handle another wave of the ailment. They believe it will mostly be seasonal. here are two interesting interviews, one with Tegnell and one with a Swedish physician and researcher on immunity.


    Swedish Doctor: T-cell immunity and the truth about Covid-19 in Sweden




    Swedish Covid-19 chief Anders Tegnell: judge me in a year




    Situation looks very good now in Sweden for cases and fatalities if one looks at the graph. Their physicians believe it is down to immunity building up, social distancing and the seasonal nature of the ailment.




  13. 2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    You mean an ED visa would be a bad option? Why is that?

    They start from the date of entry. Since I entered on Jan 30th I would only get 4 months on it, and have to pay both school and immigration fee and then maybe course fee. If I could get 1 year from Sept 27 that could work. Medical Extension might work better and allow me 3 more months to try and work something to get into Taiwan.

  14. 23 minutes ago, ANDREW999 said:

    Isnt Taiwan allowing residents to come back (im assuming you are one)? I'd go back to Taiwan today if Taiwan was waiting for me (i presume it's not your case, since you said you are stuck here). No joking around, looks like a great place to settle down.


    I understand what you mean about economising. paying 20 or 30 doesnt make a big difference to me at the moment as it is still way cheaper than going back to the chaotic and expensive Barcelona, where I have nothing left. Here a college is waiting for me. There, just a bridge as best scenario.


    Thanks for the good wishes! Same to you

    I am not an official resident. Was a 6 month nomad (bouncing back and forth between Thailand-4 months, Laos-1 month and there last month spent somewhere else)since I was not working. Was getting ready to restart my work. TECO so far is denying me an option to return. Am currently trying for a medical permit for hernia surgery, but probably will be denied since one person I spoke too said it was only being approved in case of life or death situations. I just contacted my hospital in Hsinchu about it. Let's see what they say. Even if I could get a work contract from someone they want it from home country, and no way do I go back to US to try that option. I am stuck. and it really sucks since I have a flat in Taiwan paid through Dec 2020 that i cannot use. Am about to pop a flare on fb to all my friends in Taiwan to see if anyone can help me somehow. Was in the process of leaving Thailand permanently on March 29 when the borders closed. Am sitting in a mostly empty flat now and paying double rent after losing a years income.

    • Sad 2
  15. 11 minutes ago, ANDREW999 said:

    Ed visa with real online/offline classes sounds easier to justify. Actually, I really want to learn thai. 1 year course sounded great to me, for real. I mean, I had an appendix surgery in thailand a few weeks ago, but I think im already able to take a flight. My guts are not that big as to carry a passport with a volunteer or medical visa stamped on it. I'd rather go back to spain.


    Money is not the biggest issue for me. Im just scared of being in the same situation after 3 months. I just need to get the d*mn non b and wp already ????

    Since you go through an agent, I believe it doesn't need to be justified. For me my thai is ok, I just need a reasonably priced way to stay here while trying to get back to Taiwan. 3 months may work until end of Dec and edu would only give me until end of Jan. @DrJack54 You laughed at my post. Please enlighten me. I am trying to figure out a way to stay here that doesn't break the bank until Taiwan opens up. Any advice you may give would be hepful and you are a visa guru. Right now my life is a wreck and constructive input would be appreciated. If you think that option is bad for me please give me a better option.


    Or was my desire to have a hassle free way to extend the funny part?

  16. That's probably because they have t-cell fighting off the disease and giving immunity or probably other kind of immune system function to fight off the disease that doctors still don't understand. There are tests for t-cell immunity. These are discussed by Swedish doctor Soo Aleman and Anders Tegnell in 2 separate videos.


    Swedish Doctor: T-cell immunity and the truth about Covid-19 in Sweden:




    Swedish Covid-19 chief Anders Tegnell: judge me in a year:




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  17. Does anyone know anything more about medical extensions? Is 20k the going price through and agent? Can you get it more than once? How long does it take to do it? 3 weeks as it says here? Says edu starts at date of entry mine would give just 4 months and cost way more since I came in at Jan 30. Seems a waste for me. Or would a retirement from agent work better since I am 56. With Thailand keeping the border closed through 2020 and part of 2021, this will be a <deleted> show in terms of visa options. Forcing us all to agents, seems like real bs. Why don't they just let us apply and pay them for a special covid extension while this situation with border closures go on? I am happy to pay the government to stay here until I can get home to Taiwan.


    Maybe I need to start a new thread on 90 day medical extensions. EDU is a bad option for me with the way they work the dates.

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