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Everything posted by bbko

  1. Thaiwatsadu sells solar irrigation pumps/panels etc. And if you ask their service desk, I'm sure they have names of people that can install it for you. Thaiwatsadu link
  2. Why does the bike have to be in the kid's name? Will he also buy insurance? Just put it in your or the wife's name and the problem is solved.
  3. 555, yet the first person to compare their home country's prices mentions quid.
  4. I'm thinking, how big was the job the OP wanted an estimate for? He didn't mention what he wanted done in his post, was if for painting a room or a huge detailed project?
  5. Another option besides backing up data online is backing up the data on an external storage device that plugs into your android phone and keeping the external storage at home. Lazada link
  6. Right, there's at least 3 of those minivan companies on Pattaya Klang making runs to BKK just about every hour, guessing at least 30 vans runs a day up and 30 runs back per day that's 60 at a min, the way some AN members post, you'd think they are crashing daily.
  7. bbko

    Pergola / Awning

    I live on Pattaya's Darkside and used this metal and glass contractor to build my driveway gate, excellent work, fair pricing and I'm guessing building a pergola is within his scope. Located on Soi Nern Plab Wan near the intersection by the Aqya Dymie bar, metal shop in front/glass shop on the side soi. 081-699-8281 https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9285277,100.9322094,3a,75y,239.2h,80.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXa5K-WuIDgnLvkri_pypuA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  8. Try the cement shops around your area and ask for "บ่อพัก"
  9. My Thai friend's bulldog died and my friend had her cremated at a small local Temple, nobody there except the dog's owner, a few friends and the Thai man working the cremation furnace, I think she paid 2,000. Seems the furnace was big enough to hold a human, so I'm guessing the cost can't be much more for that type of service.
  10. Do the big buses still have smelly toilets? Always a bad trip when seated next to a crapper.
  11. I've bought an item online from this business (not a wood chipper) and they shipped it to me in Pattaya, no problems and fast service. https://www.pspmart.com/เครื่องมือเกษตร/เครื่องย่อยกิ่งไม้ใบไม้
  12. There's several minibus/van companies on Pattaya Klang (up the hill from Food Land) that go to BKK and make stops around the city, my wife uses them all the time and never a problem, 150 b.
  13. Are you saying the music is so loud it can be heard 7 stories up?
  14. I didn't notice the time, I was drinking all day & night and the bars had just closed, my watch was stolen by a pack of aggressive Jomtien Beach Road transvestites and in my alcohol induced rage I was driving up & down Jomtien Beach Road as fast as I could to find them (without either one of us wearing a helmet). My vision was blurry due to my intoxicated state so I couldn't see the exact time. Oh, wait, none of the above happened, it was about 7 in the evening.
  15. Please post/link the "somewhere".
  16. With total respect, if the OP already has a Non O visa based on retirement, why can't he just apply for an extension? So long as he met the monthly 65,000 international transfer requirement for the previous 12 months. The fact he used an agent prior is irrelevant, his passport has a valid "retirement" visa.
  17. Well, in my case early on, I didn't update my bankbook for a few weeks after the transfer and then they consolidated all my daily transactions into one line and the "FTT" code was not posted in my bank book. I asked my Bangkok Bank for a break down of my daily transactions during that time period and they gave it to me, showing the "FTT" transfer. My local immigration office (Pattaya/Jomtien) accepted it and I got my extension.
  18. Another option is to first use a hoe to clear all the weeds, then lay carpet grass to prevent the volunteer trees and weeds from growing. Bermuda grass and Nippon grass are a good way to go.
  19. A group of octogenarians that weren't on scene trying to "back seat drive" how things should have went is a joke.
  20. Maybe those cops were highly trained Muay Thai fighters and knew they could take that clown down in a second if they wanted. I've seen bouncers with extensive MMA backgrounds act calmly and level headed with dealing with rowdy obnoxious drunks.
  21. To assume all Thais see all foreigners from their respective countries the same is a mistake. Just as there's good, bad, polite, rude Thais; there's good, bad, polite, rude people from every country.
  22. I'm using that method now, with my bank in the USA, transfer with Wise and when selecting a reason for the transfer on Wise select "Long term stay in Thailand" and have it sent to my Bangkok Bank account. Then update the bank passbook after the transfer to make sure it has the "FTT" code. FTT is the code that indicated the money transferred is a foreign money transfer.
  23. led officers to detain 9 foreign nationals
  24. My 3 y/o nephew is in town and we took him to that children's play area on Jomtien beach last week, lots of kids running about having fun and one asshat farang off to the side smoking ganga. I'm not anti ganga but there's better places to smoke weed than next to a kid's play area.
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