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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. Trusted you so far. Didn't regret it ???? Gonna order some tomorrow. It's probably a pack or something. 150THB/25THB= 6 sticks. Or Scuba is taking into account the discount. In that case, its more like 4.
  2. Same dumb narrative everywhere. So annoying. At the time I didn't realize it but Peter Thiel was right: as soon as companies start with "social" this "social" that, it's essentially BS and social washing.
  3. You bet ???? Right now the stains are barely visible: won't toss them. I do use a different t-shirt everyday. As mentioned, the problem isn't sweat but some kind of <deleted> they put in their deodorant. Ok I'll try baking soda + hydro peroxide. We'll see. Thx
  4. Could you specify what you mean by alum sticks? Is that the deo sticks by opposition to the deo sprays? Thx
  5. How do you get rid of those horrible yellow armpits stains on your white t-shirts? Hot washing doesn't cut it for me. Is there a product that I can buy to solve this? I've heard in the past that the problem isn't sweat but a chemical reaction between fabric and deodorant. Have been to Big C but everything is in Thai. Pretty easy to figure out what is washing powder or softener but that's about it... Anyway, I'm pretty sure veterans here know what I'm talking about. So if you have any product to recommend, I'm all ears. Thx ????
  6. Machines at Otteri offer cold/warm/hot programs for both washing machines and dryers. I go for hot on both. No problem.
  7. The road trip option sounds great. Might just do that when the time comes. Thanks for your many replies, gents ! ????????????
  8. If Thailand wants to culturally conquer the world, they will have to offer something different from the usual thai traditional BS. They should to find their own modern vib just like Korea did with K-pop.
  9. Chinese people will be back at some point. Indians are already there. Retirement boom in the West = more old farangs. The demographics might change, money might be generated differently but at the end of the day, tourism in Thailand will recover in the long run. Might take some time though. I feel a bit sorry for all those businesses opening everywhere right now. Owners might be in for a nasty surprise if we have a double dip recession...
  10. Just trying to figure out where to spend a couple of months after my Thai tourist visa expires. Cambodia? Vietnam? What would be your pick?
  11. Oh! Ok.. "I'm staying alone because it's better to not have problems" Well something around those lines. Makes sense now. Thx
  12. I stay alone (???) I don't have problem. deqar = ? I almost got it.... Come on, help me noi. ????
  13. If you buy your flight to Thailand with your credit card, you are already covered by the Visa / Mastercard travel insurance. I would add that this should be left to the private sector. All immigration should do is ask for a document showing you're covered. I'm just like you - I don't trust the Thai gov to manage this properly.
  14. Exactly. Someone told me that today as well. Thx
  15. Google could easily do that. That's for sure. A bot would crawl the forum in 2 seconds and come up with a profile for each user.
  16. It depends. I would say it's pretty easy to figure out who is a native speaker and who's not. Figuring out the exact country though is a whole different story. Unless the author gives away some kind of cultural information, I don't see how you could do it...
  17. Fantastic, Lorry. I'm grateful. Thanks ????
  18. Half the links are dead.
  19. Hi there you Thai speaking wonders ???? I've got a couple of questions for you. I know a bit of Thai and I'm trying to learn a bit more on my own every day. I'm essentially trying to acquire more vocabulary just to sort of go by in my everyday life. Anyway. Here are a few questions that I have: 1) To arrive - Is it "maa tueng" or "tueng"? 2) Broken - Is it "sia" or "sia laew"? 3) Does "chai waylaa" means "take your time"? Like "cha cha". 4) How do you say "strange" or "weird"? 5) What does "bpai tiao" mean? Can I say " Khun bpai tiao disco mai?" 6) Can I say something like "Pom chop khon diao le pak porn"? Would that roughly mean something like "I don't mind being on my own and relax" 7) How do you say "always"? 8 ) How do you say "all the time"? 9) What's the difference between "payayaam" and "long" - both mean "to try" apparently so why do they have two words. 10) to look - Is it "mong" or "mong hen" 11) What is the difference between "eek" and "eek khrang" Before you start. Yeah I know I suck big time. Doesn't matter ???? Thanks guys ????
  20. Maybe a bit longer then. But I stayed there under an hour for sure. The washing must have been around 40 minutes. Drying might have been more than 10 minutes I can't remember. Maybe 15 or something. But I mean even if I stayed there 50 minutes, it's no big deal really. Place was nice, offered free wifi, seats... Honestly it was like chilling at the beach minus the skin cancer.
  21. Where are they located, please. Roughly you know.
  22. I love angry birds, man. Be careful about what you say now. ????
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