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Baron Samedi

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Everything posted by Baron Samedi

  1. If Westerners aren't smart enough to jump on the opportunity, China will. Would be really stupid imo.
  2. The only part I didn't like. Apart from that, it's a touching story and those of you who donated can be extremely proud of yourselves. That was a really nice thing to do. ????????????
  3. You are absolutely right. He looked like an arab/indian or maybe some sort of weird mix between the two. Anyway, I'm pretty sure people (at least from Europe) know what I mean when I say "looked like a muslim". What comes to mind isn't really a malaysian guy if you know what I mean. .... Or maybe he was malaysian... Hold on... ????
  4. ???????? Jesus, man! Didn't even cross my mind. I highly doubt it though. He was bragging too much about all the girls that he knew in Pattaya. But who knows? Maybe I avoided getting badly sxdxmized that day ???? I mean he is a good player. He tries, it doesn't work, he lets it go. Fair play. And quiet frankly he wasn't that talented. If you wanna scam people get your story straight first. But I feel you: he is indeed a bad guy but also a dumb guy and more dumb than bad if you ask me. Some say being dumb is actually more detrimental to society than being bad????
  5. Thanks guys. You're awesome ????
  6. It will probably come as no wonder for those of you that are expats but maybe a tourist will read this. Btw mods feel free to move this post elsewhere if you think it will hep people more in another subforum. Thx So the other day, I met a guy on a bus (from BKK to Pattaya), we started to talk and he asked me if I came to Pattaya alone. -- Ok, spoiler. Right at this moment, your answer should be "I came with a bunch of muay thai fighters for a competition in town."-- ???? Anyway. So if you don't tell the guy to F off, he will ask where you stay and what your phone number is because he knows his way around and will make you meet his friends and show you the best places with the cheapest girl etc... I don't really what happens next (I mean if you meet up with him and his friends). I started to have my doubts about the guy when I tested him by re-asking the same question from a different angle just to see if the answers would be different and they were. I think he also started to have his doubts when I told him I stayed in Thailand for years in the past. He is obviously part of a ring (can't pull that kind of stuff on your own) but I don't think it's a violent one. They will probably make your trip to Pattaya more expensive by taking to places they have a deal with and make a profit on your sorry A. As for me, when he offered to take me straight to a massage as we arrived. I told him with a smile that I didn't buy his BS. He smiled back with a "ok you got me" face and I went away. Honestly, he wasn't a bad dude. Just a dumb one I guess. I don't have a pic to share but he presented himself as a guy from Norway with a face of indian/muslim pretending to work in hotels. That being said, be careful out there, dear friends ???? And don't be discouraged by this message. For one loser, you will meet dozens of cool people here ????
  7. Hi guys, Looking for a good landromat (not laundry service) in the soi Pothole area between 2 and 3 road. Let me know if you have anything that comes to mind. Regards, gents ????
  8. Depends I guess ???? Most of them have probably Thai boyfriends but I remember at least one that was 100% single when I was seeing her. Then got married to a farang. Superb tatoo all over her back down circling on one leg. Absolutely beautiful.
  9. Flo Rida - Wild Ones ft. Sia - GoGoHop Remix 2022
  10. The larger the tat, the sicker the girl. Almost always true. Those ladies with massive tattoos on the back (with fishes, waves, snakes and things like that) are usually pretty fcked up. I do enjoy their company though (I have a thing for tattoos) but you gotta be careful.
  11. That's next level cryptic BS. Looks like Prayut is having an identity crisis and thinks he is Klaus Schwab. ???????????? Third phase should be reducing inequalities. Right now 10% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. Eliminating poverty doesn't mean anything really.
  12. Good question. Reluctance would be a shame as the survey is completely anonymous. Also the results are pretty counter-intuitive. I would have bet on a much bigger % of farang/bargirl marriages. Let's wait and see how things evolve from here. In a couple of weeks, it might have evolved into a very different picture, who knows ? ????
  13. Doesn't really matter whether he leaves or not. Nothing will get better because another loser takes his place. Even an extremely talented leader would struggle af to solve the country's many pressing problems.
  14. What is the reason behind such a move? Just curious... (pushing for more food production maybe?)
  15. Freedom ends where fear starts. Obsession with security is dangerous. So is idealism and the quest for perfection - aka wokism. Fine/jail those causing harm and leave the others be. And please, cut the entire "culture & nature" snobbish ????. Nobody cares. At all. At. All. It's boring. It's lifeless. It sucks.
  16. BitWarden is probably the best, most versatile you'll find. 100% free, 100% open-source. https://bitwarden.com/
  17. Same BS everywhere when it comes to education. I was reading the other day about teachers being recruited in western Europe for 950 euros a month (for a full time job).
  18. This is sick... What the hell is wrong with these people? ????
  19. ???????????? Why are you still part of this community then ?
  20. Didn't think about air pollution but it makes sense. It is kinda sad to see such an obvious market being left unexploited.
  21. I would tend to disagree with this statement. Of course some expats are real jerks or complete halfwits but their behavior is usually less harmful to Thais than the other way around. Westerners rarely plan to scam or assault Thais but scams targeting farangs are pretty common and the potential for violence is real. An example of this would be the infamous jet ski scam.
  22. 1) I don't know what "doing westerner things" really means. I eat, I sleep, I work and I entertain myself. Those things seem to be pretty universal. 2) The idea that Christians ought to evangelize the world is deeply rooted in the western psyche. We have a long history of telling people what to do and how to do it. 3) I like Thai food also. 4) I travel for the same reason everyone else does: the quest for novelty, preferably on the cheap ????
  23. When that happens, the technique is to pour sugar in the bottle and then shake it ????
  24. Prices suck but I gotta say it looks like a nice place to relax ????☀️????
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