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Everything posted by NextG

  1. It’s usually within three days, unless you click on the Extend Guarantee button. Fifteen days for LazMall.
  2. Even before then, I still said no. No matter how angry they pretended to get. I also removed my keys, from the lock to block that avenue for them too. The last time I allowed one to take my licence, I went home to put my shopping in the fridge and then went to find him. Found him, had some words with him and he handed my licence back without further ado. No harm, no foul.
  3. Time for the ‘unidentified foreigner’ to trade her in for a better model.
  4. There’s a helmet pictured next to him…
  5. Didn’t they stop taking licences years ago?
  6. I absolutely refuse to use Lazada Wallet.
  7. A Psychologist is not a Psychiatrist…
  8. You can call them. But it sounds like perhaps you reported the issue to Lazada too late. But I’ve had Lazada agree to refunds months later after I showed them that the seller was just stringing me along with broken promises. Even LazMall/Lazada Ltd send out cr@p sometimes. Opened box instead of new.
  9. Caveat emptor. It’s relevant everywhere. Not endemic to Thailand. If you were foolish enough to believe that paying more equates to getting more, that’s your problem. Go cry into your Colombian beer 🍺 Instead of just walking into the most expensive premises, some of us actually did our research. I paid a fraction of what you are paying there. How come I didn’t get ‘ripped off’? They saw you coming. Even in my native U.K. they quoted me 150k for a single implant at the time. Mine cost me 40k in Thailand, including bone material. Stop whining. It’s undignified for man.
  10. A GREAT hotel in Pa Tong 🤭 The policeman wearing the cap doesn’t have love for her…
  11. This is just a WOW… the ignorance is ASTONISHING. Listen to the last minute of this interview from the 1930s It’s right wing racists and old dinosaurs who have corrupted the meaning to being anything they don’t like.
  12. Again, not just following the crowd, there is https://www.patmetheny.com/
  13. I meant call by telephone BEFORE you go. That’s what I did.
  14. They don’t give poor rates. Just not as good as the best of Bangkok. But you can negotiate for larger amounts. Call around and gather offers. Bank Gold is a good place to start. TT also negotiate.
  15. Able, but not willing 😊 A not so subtle difference…. and of course you are wrong about ‘popular in their own right’. I’m beginning to think that you really don’t know what you are talking about. Without naming names, as I really cannot be bothered to spend too much time on this, someone might have copied an obscure blues guitarist. Know to the local scene but not popular in the sense of worldwide or even countrywide acclaim. Famous guitarist brings the style to a wider audience. Everyone, but the few who know, thinks the famous guitarist is the originator. Please don’t go on, it’s tedious. If you don’t agree, it’s fine. I worked with Universal/SONY and lots of smaller outfits too, so I have some idea of the music biz.
  16. Huh? Are we in the same page here? I simply not that interested in singling out any particular ‘famous’ guitarist and then going through their influences. Then you might not want to discuss that particular guitarist, but instead another…. So I decided to just discuss it generally. I don’t know where ‘riffs’ came into the conversation at all 🤭
  17. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” See you here on the next “7th of October”.
  18. Didn’t look that ripe on the surface either. Likely a different batch from the one that you chose.
  19. Though to be fair, my first search for battery replacement in Bangkok, came up with a price of 6,990 baht. So perhaps you are right 😊
  20. I didn’t realise that you were in the USA. You won’t be charged 4,000 baht to change the battery in Thailand.
  21. Why waste our time with that nonsense? Buy from a reputable dealer or at least LazMall or some similar accreditation.
  22. No. Not particularly excited by pineapple and even less by unripened pineapple.
  23. That’s just what I wrote; International Roaming ON, Data Roaming OFF(using WiFi instead).
  24. Data Roaming and International Roaming are separate components. International Roaming is necessary for receiving SMS and calls. You can disable Data Roaming and use WiFi for Internet/Applications etc
  25. NextG

    Cod and Haddock

    You seem to have a problem with short words; such as MaKro.
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