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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Cheating the government then? Careful, they are really desperate for money. As soon as they find out you are a non resident they will confiscate your passport.
  2. Yes. And Subway and some other food chains have the same policy. As a matter of fact if you buy a bottled or canned drink at Subway, you can not ask for a cup.
  3. Tsk, tsk, tsk..... why does it matter? Poor people don't travel to other countries to spend money, buy property and support new wife's 12 bros. Obviously there is a lot of poverty in China. There is also a lot of poverty in Thailand. If you go by net worth per household then the price of the average condo on Bangkok would be 500,000 baht and no one could afford a car. There is a lot of wealth in China and since Thailand opened the doors the price of rentals went up 25%. So did the price of real estate..... like overnight. Bitcoin also up 20% since China opened the doors. Yes, crypto banned in China, but not in Hong Kong.
  4. Education time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_wealth
  5. Thailand is also pretty bad financially. China is 2nd only after United States by household wealth. We are talking about currencies here.
  6. It is quite easy really. Guys there is not BOT manipulation. You left UK because it apparently sucks hard. You draw your UK pension in baht or whatever because you need baht in Thailand. You and 20 million other tourists, expats and sexpats that will come to Thailand this year and they didn't even take care (yet) of a single buffalo. Meanwhile UK produces nothing.... it is a complete disaster.... taxes going on welfare and housing recipients, economic refugees that need to be housed, the never-ending healthcare suck hole and a high council tax that doesn't even cover 10% of the expenditures. Did I mention UK produces nothing? I mean it's worse than Canada and Trudeau set the bar pretty low. Remember, this is why you left for Thailand. And then people wonder why UK pound tanks. It is going to low 30's. I know your question was a bit different, but in reality you are just wondering how much pain will you get in the future. The answer is A LOT.
  7. To be fair, we both know there are 2 kinds of people on this planet, She was partly correct. If the West didn't have very harsh laws against hit and run this stuff would be happening back home too. Already when Farang comes to Thailand they pick up the worst local habits because they can.
  8. And lets not forget that while you are inside the parking lot you are supposed to drive extra slow and be extra careful. It's not like the poor guy decided to run across the highway. The driver is 100% at fault. The condo management should also pay up.
  9. No discussion here. She is from the "civilized" west. As a driver it's always on you to make sure the roads are clear. When I get into a car with my wife we always make sure there are no cats or animals sleeping under the wheel.
  10. Radeon
  11. did this
  12. I bought a new Asus laptop about 6 months ago. About a week ago every time there is a windows update the laptop reverts default intel driver instead of using the native Radeon driver. I have to reinstall the driver every single time, which is sometimes twice a day. I followed some guides online where it explains how to disable driver updates with windows updates, but it did not work. Any suggestions besides to buy a Mac? I tried it several times and I just don't like the feel of their keyboards and it would be difficult for me to get used to Mac OS. I tried. I have been computing on Commodore, Atari, Amiga, Amstrad, ZX Spectrum and PC for the last 30 years. I just don't like MAC OS! This last paragraph is for the mac fanboys because they are everywhere.
  13. I thought they stopped reporting? This is bad news.
  14. Was this ever an option for regular folk? Speaking of which, 10 years ago I was looking into Elite visa and calculated everything carefully. Back then visa runs were extremely easy. With transportation, staying in hotels, paying visa fees it would have been about 50,000b per year cost in the low end, VS Elite visa which comes to about 100,000 a year for 5 year elite or 50,000 a year for 20 year elite. Today everything is more expensive and A LOT more difficult. I believe the Elite visa prices are still the same.
  15. "Trouble with arron he's always off his head, I'm sure his parents will bail him out as they always have both have cushy jobs" From the comments section in the linked article ????
  16. yep. e-visa. Maybe because it is new and it comes on a piece of printed paper it got them confused.
  17. I know the clerk was wrong. However, if someone more senior is also wrong what happens to your flight? I did fight it, of course. The point is they did ask me and grilled me about my Marriage Visa.
  18. Cringe - Embarrassing, akward Offended - Resentful, annoyed
  19. I was asked by Cathay Pacific 2 months ago. Up to you.
  20. Like Andrew Tate this meme has been everywhere, mostly posted by sexpats who know no better. Up to you if you still find this meme funny after 20 years.... cringe
  21. Yet, I read something completely different
  22. It's probably hemorrhoids. There is a small tube of cream they sell at the pharmacy that works exactly like Preparation H and it works well. Edit Hold that thought....I just remembered I keep emergency supplies in the fridge. I keep it close to butter, so don't ask for toast if you come and visit
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