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Everything posted by stoner

  1. a phone call away...
  2. which way do you want it ? the original is quite different. can you feel that.....
  3. happiness is only real when shared.
  4. you feel sorry for him because a younger woman is paying for his life ?
  5. don't bother sending yourself money. take the few dollars hit at the ATM. if its only 2 months you wont need to visit the ATM more than a couple times. so 50 bucks to get them off your back sounds reasonable.
  6. curious. did you listen to or watch the entire interview ?
  7. buy the rumor... sell the news.
  8. let it land on you and drink till she overdoses. then swat the fat bitch all over your foot. have a funeral if you want.
  9. Nano emulsified edibles are a new way of eating. Onset is within a few minutes and the buzz is far more intense than normal edibles.
  10. This is evident in the steele dossier.
  11. this whole story is BS. approx 150k thai are in SK illegally. this is why you are being treated in such a manner. customs are more than right to rigorously question these women. i am willing to bet they are ordered to scrutinize single thai women even more. they have every right to. don't like it. then don't come. i don't believe for 1 minute that she is telling the whole story. customs asking those kinds of questions is illogical and irrelevant to the situation. i don't believe those were the questions asked of her either. a certain line of questioning may of led to similar questions like she is saying but i call BS. more than likely she was denied for a number of red flags. without all the information its all speculation on my behalf. but as a trained customs and immigration officer myself.... it doesn't add up. a video would be great of these situations. the frustrations are coming from those who want to skirt the system.
  12. you are correct. he cannot officially be approached. unofficially though.....
  13. if i was you i would stop with this far right talk. you are clearly a trump supporter. that's generally how it goes when i say the same as you just did. its so boring now. along with their silly catch phrases that they all somehow adopted all at the same time.
  14. Why fall for it. Puts you both on the same level.
  15. And the weirdest. The media introduced that word and now you all parrot it. watching all you come together in such cult like fashion. ....Classic.
  16. if you're not paying for the product.... you're the product. facebook - free instagram - free tweety - free myspace - free youtube - free etc AN - free (can you believe it)
  17. just think of how much further you could hit if you were in the fairway. i can solve that issue for you. or we could just have a long drive contest. you win and i will tattoo trump to my forehead. our canadian taxes are not comparable to american though.
  18. i do have ideas tug. just rather not share them with most of you. i am not from the same generation as a lot of members here. hence the stark difference. most of the older members here are so out of touch. that includes both right and left.
  19. yes because in the last 20 years things have been on the up and up for people on a general basis in america. schools and infrastructure have been declining for a long time. with promise after promise all that time. while they all (for the most part) become millionaires either through the govt or after with connections made. health care in america is a disaster and has been for a long time. the new programs have done very little to ACTUALLY solve the issue. do you still live in america ? on a brighter note......let me know i could give you some pointers on your swing to maximize your potential. even at your age it's possible to launch huge drives.
  20. boring. why don't you tell me more of what i think now. willing to bet i am younger and healthier than you are mister. ps...also i am not a centrist either. as i have repeated over and over ad nauseum on here. i think they are all scum. politicians are just those who were too ugly for hollywood. but don't let that stop you from pushing your own narrative on me. you wonder why people have such disdain for the extreme left. liberals most people can get along with. but the extreme left. smh.
  21. no sorry extreme left person. it was a simple typo.
  22. you WERE proven wrong. just accept it. not really that big a deal.
  23. I think that's a very sage and wise decision. yet placeholder you argued about it until you were shown to be wrong. then you revert back to...... well i said its not important. classic.
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