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Everything posted by stoner

  1. we here at the farm in NK are ecstatic to see this wonderful divide that has been sown. our dear leader could not be happier and we all thank him for our continued unity. does anyone want to visit the wonderful pyong yang ?
  2. don't look at me. i have no idea why we even deal with communists in the first place. that's a whole other thread though.
  3. trudeau just proposed a 100% tariff on chinese EV's. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-halifax-tariffs-china-evs-1.7304773
  4. pheu thai is on it don't worry.
  5. oh boy is that actually you.
  6. exactly. until you live as you preach you are simply a hypocrite to the extreme. please note. if you didn't preach as you did i would never say any of these things. i would actually say positive things to what you just wrote. it is a good way of thinking about life. however that glaring hypocrisy takes it all away.
  7. more excuses. if you were a true socialist you would seek out life where you could live as such. but you don't.
  8. how socialist of you......... from time to time.
  9. i also love how daily you take advantage of many things and tools that capitalism has provided for you. www.hypocricy.com
  10. Stop it. You have the choice. If you truly believed the crap you spout you would go to the government hospital. Period.
  11. You need to step back to reality. Your hypocricy is astounding. Always an excuse as to why it shouldn't be you that starts it.
  12. a true socialist would never go to a private capitalist style hospital.
  13. see my quote above. i love your excuses here. well i could but it wont make a real difference to anyone ? really ? even if you had only a few hundred k... if you donated that to just 2 or 3 families it would drastically change their lives. you want society to adhere to your own moral code before you do. classic.
  14. a socialist would chose the government hospital over the private one. a true socialist i mean.
  15. donate all your wealth then and live as such. for you society should act before you do .....to enforce your moral code. and before you remind me you donate a small portion of your money it's simply not enough and not socialist. so you are simply being a hypocrite.
  16. as a socialist why are you not going to the cheaper subsidized govt hospitals ? why are you choosing the free market one ?
  17. you didn't seem to mind the USA or capitalism when you were making your wealth off the backs of ordinary americans.
  18. remember that gooder conspiracy a few months ago that the big guy was the bees knees. ya me too.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 68 seconds  
  20. this is so true on this forum as well. clear as day from a core group of posters. now let the attacks begin.
  21. reporting this story without the video. crack on.
  22. i'm sure you can find the answers to those questions by possibly asking the authorities ? i cant speak for what might be or what if's.
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