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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Peaceful demonstration? how would you like 100s of truckers parked outside your house honking horns all night long? Or the others blocking the bridge in Windsor halting millions of dollars in trade every hour? trudeau was elected because the people had enough of the conservatives! Rinse and repeat for the next election
  2. Thanks for the reply Sheryl, at least one person on this forum has knowledge of such conditions. the other computer doctors should be taken with a grain of salt
  3. If the Russian people didn’t start this mess it wouldn’t have happened! more innocent people are dying, tit for tat? bomb the farg out of Russian cities and infrastructure! make their innocent people suffer as well!
  4. Article 5 has now come into effect, Russia has bombed a NATO member! it’s time for retribution and end this Russian genocide!
  5. If you need to ask this question, perhaps an education is what you are lacking?
  6. Living is being able to enjoy things that one can hope in their golden years. perhaps a nice meal, travel, going to a nice place with a significant other. Have money for an emergency, medical treatment etc.being a contributing member of society, not waiting for the day when they need a go fund me page. Those days come for everyone, walk around pattaya- Soi big cow and you’ll see what existing means!
  7. I have seen this too many times to count, it’s actually sad, people existing , not living, thailand attracts them from all over the world.
  8. I have. Can you broaden my horizons and inform me on rape and murder of female tourists in the Philippines! such as in Thailand?
  9. Your decision to live there! And let me guess, you built a home there as well? ????‍♀️
  10. Would you suggest ko Tau for a single female? I never heard of rape and murder in the Philippines!
  11. Europeans would be speaking German and Russian and so would those from the UK be thankful the Americans have our back’s no backbone from any other countries!
  12. Borders should be closed to every Russian! im not American but am grateful for them policing the world, where would we be if they weren’t playing mall cop? thank them for the freedom we are all enjoying, I don’t see any other countries stepping up to the plate
  13. Terrible situation, the 3 day war has turned into a huge mess, in every aspect,
  14. My exs family has 3 mango farms, they survived for decades as their only income. A Chinese company would come in, buy whole crop and their workers would pick them, mom would oversee the operation as to not get ripped off. this was before Covid
  15. Go to the nursing homes, more your age class, bars in pattaya should be the last place to be looking
  16. Vietnam is becoming the Silicon Valley of Asia. It has a much younger better educated population that isn’t afraid of work. I can actually carry on an educated conversation with a young Vietnamese person! not just where u from? how long you come Thailand? u buy me drink? Many big tech companies are moving there to capitalize on the highly educated young population
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