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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Thailand is no place for elderly people! Sooner or later the same scenario will haunt everyone! go home while you still have the means, and your family won’t have to deal with this.
  2. I’m quite sure that a brown envelope is all you need ,
  3. Lay off the crack pipe buddy! russia has tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum? like the bucha massacres? leveling Mariupol to the ground? what an assenine comment! get an education before you make a comment’
  4. Yes any ED drug is available. they will show you name brand first but ask for generic, can’t remember offhand but very very cheap.
  5. You reap what you sew! send them all back! why would any country want them? What are you smoking? welcome Russians? ???????? you certainly can’t be serious! close the borders!
  6. As a Ukrainian Canadian I can tell you I have no use for any Russian! nobody I have talked to in Canada, USA, Australia has any use for ANY Russian! even the mental midget of Moscow wouldn’t be so stupid as to pull any <deleted> that he is threatening, nato will respond in a devastating manner! russias military capabilities have already been drastically reduced, it’s been humiliating the way their military has performed! hopefully he gets neutralized by his own people before he sends more to their deaths.
  7. A chocolate milkshake? Is this before or after a joint? your posts never surprise me, did they prescribe this remedy at the government hospitals you frequent? ????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️????????
  8. Heaven forbid the Russian community in nha trang suffer flat tires from this! perhaps the Russian mafia that owns the tire repair shop can help them
  9. It’s unanimous in Canada, US, Australia we don’t want Russian people anymore innocent or not they simply are not welcomed here anymore we spit in their faces! canada has a huge Ukrainian population. They built our country, as a Ukrainian Canadian I can’t tell you the hate we have towards EVERY Russian
  10. Either did the millions of innocent Ukrainian people AndChechnya and Georgia payback is a bitch!
  11. I don’t think many families and high end tourists are planning a holiday in pattaya, weather app or not
  12. They seemed to have solved this problem all over the world! but not in pattaya? what high end tourists and their families would not want to walk thru waist deep sewage at this world class resort ?????????????
  13. Just remember, Putin ain’t shootin! it’s the ordinary citizens that are committing rape murder genocide, and the majority of Russian people are for the war, innocent Ukrainian people have suffered, no reason why EVERY Russian citizen shouldn’t suffer the same fate!
  14. I have friends with similar stories. ???? it leaves a bad taste on your holiday when this type of thing happens.
  15. I could never get over these packs of dogs, terrible and uncivilized! don’t know how else to describe them!????????‍♂️????
  16. After 11 years traveling Asia, Vietnam has become my favourite, friendly educated people, a diverse geography, the east coast has the cleanest air in SEA, by far the most beautiful woman, reasonable cost of living.
  17. Stoned from smelling the evil green? Try the same with beer, one bottle should last you a long time!
  18. That’s a pretty comprehensive trip report for udon!
  19. Perhaps he has nothing better to do? Like sit in a bar all day, or hang out in the A/C shopping malls like every other expat that lives in pattaya! he can dump his clothes in the machine and do something else, no need to wait . perhaps he is living on a fixed budget and wants to save some cash, while laundry is reasonable, it’s not what I would call cheap anymore.
  20. I certainly noticed the pollution in Asia. it took several holidays to figure it out. getting nasal congestion/ infection, everyone coughing etc etc . then coming home to Canada and stepping off the plane, looking at the clear blue skies, breathing fresh air after several months of pollution. so happy to live in a place where I can breathe safely! pollution index today is 2! thailand 200 -300 paradise? you decide!????????‍♂️
  21. Chechnya, Georgia crimea eastern Ukraine, and now the whole country where and when will they stop? it’s time to end this vicious regime
  22. Really enjoyed my time in Vietnam. I spend more time there than anywhere else in SEA on my holidays now ????????????
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