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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. California Cops Frustrated With 'Catch-And-Release' Crime-Fighting
  2. New York's 'catch and release' policies fail to hold criminals accountable: police rep 'It's death by a thousand cuts,' NYC police union president says after migrants involved in NYPD beating flee city
  3. Retirement and loneliness: Tips for seniors to combat sadness during their golden years | Fox News
  4. HAHAHA... they are not prosecuting therefore it is not a crime...
  5. I just did mine at Central Festival... 11 am appointment... in and out in 15 minutes... had to wait for them to scan the mountain of paperwork and take picture
  6. It's the tourists that create the mess to begin with... they miss the bin... so what they say... I don't live here.
  7. The laws were already in place when joe took over... the 2020 election pledge from joe changed that... Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is pledging to dismantle the sweeping changes President Trump has made to the American immigration system, if he wins the White House in November.
  8. Boy do you live in a delusional world... this is joe's pledge prior to the 2020 election... Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is pledging to dismantle the sweeping changes President Trump has made to the American immigration system, if he wins the White House in November.
  9. Yes... so true... bbbut trump says so many mean tweets
  10. You really shouldn't open your mouth and "blovate"(bloviate) so much about what you have no knowledge of... executive orders have been a part of the presidency since GEORGE WASHINGTON... as he was the first...Executive Orders | The American Presidency Project (ucsb.edu)... in recent history the two parties are fairly even in number... but the dems are in the lead.
  11. Yes... it is massaging the voters like tug so that they feel better... means nothing after the vote.
  12. Says allot about you as a husband... doesn't it!
  13. Unlike other countries right??? It is no longer a crime to steal or shoplift in the blue states of the USA if it is under $1000... no bail release for crimes are not even reported as crimes... Garbage In - Garbage Out... the reports mean nothing.
  14. She has got it WONG... totally wiping hamas out is the only solution to the terror and hate in that region of the middle east... nothing else should even be in the offing.
  15. The Hateful must be asleep or avoiding this thread... they are wigging out that trump is proven to be correct once again... joe has been a failure.
  16. A great opportunity to Thai bash... don't miss it... only a Thai would do this because they are so corrupt.
  17. AI defined... GARBAGE IN - GARBAGE OUT... as proven recently by google.
  18. How It Started ... How It's Going: Inflation-adjusted hourly wages lower today than when Biden took office
  19. Ah... so you hate that he has money... so sad... did you read the article or are you happy being ignorant?
  20. It's your party that keeps bringing it up... perhaps send them a memo
  21. This just in... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News
  22. First off... you haven't earned the right to refer to me as "dude"... secondly... though I doubt that you will read the NPR report in the source provided below because of the blinders that you choose to wear... but... eventually you and the other haters on here will learn the real fact about your hero joe and his family and the manipulation of you all for the sake of the party... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News
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