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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. They are smarter than you give them credit for... the appeal will come over the fact that the statute is unconstitutional and was used by the DA to be punitive... the legal system in the USA is convoluted and perverse.
  2. "this information from some garbage dump of a website"... oh yeah... it's was picked up on cnn after snopes sourced it.
  3. Trumps attorney didn't "forget" but was never given the choice by law... "I have to address this one common misconception in the press, and unfortunately it just keeps getting repeated, which is that we have this great option to have a box checked for a jury. No, we didn't have that. That's not how this works. They brought it under Section 63(12), which is a very narrow, not appropriately used section of the law, which is for consumer protections, not this. And that is why we're sitting here in front of a judge." Go ahead and read the statute...
  4. Sounds like a democrap in the USA... after all those guns have a life of their own.
  5. When the blue cities that happen to be in red states are reassigned to the blue side... every one of your individual "statistics" is wrong... you are misinformed at best... or just plain blind at worst.
  6. "the jury is still out" is a colloquialism in this case... There was no box to tick as you say... the DA chose to prosecute under a statute that does not allow for one to select whether or not you want a jury...
  7. As much as an ass that trump may be... his right to be outspoken is as sacrosanct as yours... what if someone wanted to throw your ass in prison for what you say? Why do you hate trump so much yet defend the same type of offspring coming from Biden family... your description of trump also fits Hunter to a T
  8. The proverbial lynching... "throw him in Rikers now"... you are like the brat who can't wait for his participation trophy... 555
  9. You must have missed the fact that "TUG" wants to imprison someone because he hates him so much... the jury is still out and he's calling for a "lynching"... I really wouldn't expect you to understand...
  10. If it is not a burden for you, I highly recommend following your agents advise... it streamlines the process and avoids pitfalls... contrary to statements above... not all, if not most agents are truly interested in doing visa work for you to best suit what you goals are regarding staying in Thailand.
  11. You hate soo much that you wish for a lynching... you are pathetic.
  12. And yet red cities and states have fewer problems... go figure.
  13. This just in... you didn't know as much as you think... House votes to remove McCarthy as speaker in historic first
  14. In the "wine making world"... wine is made from grapes... fruit wine is made from various other fruits... it's more a historical thing than a technical thing... the processes are basically the same but the results do vary greatly.
  15. KEY TAKEAWAYS President Biden has professed a commitment to fight this multifaceted criminal enterprise, yet his immigration policies have only exacerbated the problem. The Biden administration has embraced the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act in a way calculated to increase them. The absence of border security, in conjunction with nonexistent interior enforcement, has made the U.S. a fertile breeding ground for human trafficking.
  16. Sorry... opening day did not ignite the hate and vitriol that you are looking for... instead it had the court vacate about 80% of the charges.
  17. Because the "tourists" in Phuket are creating so much chaos IO is requiring full compliance with all the rules and regulations.
  18. So when the war is over... the rest of the world will look down it's collective nose and say the USA should quit trying to run the world. Joe failed Afghanistan rest assured Joe will fail the Ukraine.
  19. Mommies worldwide contribute to this everyday... participation trophies for everyone.
  20. Why do you ask... do you think that there is something shady in what your intentions are...
  21. At the same point in time that Joe got charged for the same thing... neither has been convicted by the way... so it is all conjecture at this point.
  22. You are so far off base that it is ludicrous... The Supreme Court has held that practically all the criminal procedural guarantees of the Bill of Rights—the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments—are fundamental to state criminal justice systems and that the absence of one or the other particular guarantees denies a suspect or a defendant due process of law under the Fourteenth Amendment.1 In addition, the Court has held that the Due Process Clause protects against practices and policies that violate precepts of fundamental fairness,2 even if they do not violate specific guarantees of the Bill of Rights.3 The standard query in such cases is whether the challenged practice or policy violates “a fundamental principle of liberty and justice which inheres in the very idea of a free government and is the inalienable right of a citizen of such government.” 4
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