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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. He freed up the money that paid for this... like a typical liberal he has no self accountability for his actions... you reap what you sow comes to mind... "but, but, but" Iran would never do this... they said they wouldn't and I believed them... what a fool
  2. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... Joe has provided plenty of opportunities for "INFERENCES" to be made. And before the Hateful 8 chime in with their "but, but, but's" there are others that have provided plenty of inferences as well about many things... just not this particular one... doesn't make this one less troubling about Joe
  3. They created the problem by allowing the corruption... they continue to feed the problem by not ending the corruption... and the ones who suffer the most are the ones who follow the rules and get inundated with the bureaucracy... both the applicant and the IO officers... the fact that it has become harder and harder for the good people who follow the rules is testament to what I said.
  4. Not really... I submit the required documentation... IO does their thing... and I get my visa... no worries
  5. As a brit who knows what's best for the usa and the world at large... you got it... no worries
  6. I'm 6'2" and 225 lbs and old... so the yaris was not for me... I prefer to step out of a car/suv rather than climb out.
  7. I hope that both of them get away from you as quickly as they can...
  8. Did you read the study... it says that there was very little effect from the changes... it is window dressing for another of Joe's failures.
  9. They have not expanded... they have yet to reach the boundaries agreed upon...
  10. Give us a break... except for the period of Trump 2016 to 2020, democrats have been in control since 2008... that's 11 years of NOTHING except blaming Trump
  11. And exactly what has Joe done to change this... nothing is the correct answer... it has to be Trump's fault I know... but what is the democratic party doing to change the trend... again, NOTHING.
  12. Get a grip... it was negotiated... broke no laws
  13. Sorry... but it is the fact of what transpired... I guess history is not your forte
  14. It's the governments fault... right. OH wait... we have Obama's affordable care... no more uninsured. We now have laws about serving size and drinks sizes... no more fatties or diabetics. In every aspect of society today the elephant in the room is that not one single person dare point the finger at the real reason for the problems... and that is the lack of personal acceptance of responsibility by anyone... no solutions... just finger pointing.
  15. What constitutes illegal occupation? It is Israel's territory by charter... it's not decades of oppression... it's decades of terror.
  16. Links please... as the rest of the Hateful 8 request when someone posts something that they disagree with.
  17. Look them up yourself... they are there for all to see... I verified links to everything that he says.
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