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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Is this aspect really relevant or important???
  2. This is the result of IT guys trying to justify their jobs... let's do this... let's do that... never mind what the users want... damn the torpedo's... full speed ahead.
  3. Not true... read your rental agreement and search case law... the rental agreement from every car agency in the USA specifically places liability with the renter... that's why they require the renter to provide insurance or buy the offered insurance... case law has supported this position many times... the rental agency is not liable for the renter's actions.
  4. Defensive much... the original discussion was not about Joe... it was about crime in red vs blue areas of the country.
  5. Couple of things... water and waste both need to flow downhill... use a laser level to see if that is happening... from the source all the way to the release point. Second... 90 degree bends are a no no for sewer pipes... 45's should be the max.... if you are putting grease down the drain from the kitchen sink, stop doing that... it gels in the pipes and clogs them
  6. So that makes them unreliable right... Failed Fact Checks None in the Last 5 years
  7. Bidenomics at play in Thailand... raise the prices beyond high then lower them (but they are still higher than they were to begin with) and declare that they are saving money for the little guy.
  8. To all those that swore up and down that red state crime was worse than blue state... there is an update available that debunks your statistics... A report from the Heritage Foundation shows that homicide rates have been higher in Democrat-run "blue counties" than they have been in "red counties" since 2002
  9. That's why they give you a 15 day window ahead of due date and another 7 days after the due date to apply... waiting 'til the last minute is never a good thing.
  10. Or the potential victim should take the initiative to insure himself because he is aware that there are people out there that are boneheads and have very little regard for others... self awareness and responsibility
  11. And who is it choosing to behave this way... arab terrorists is the correct answer
  12. The accident that runs you down is not the fault of the shop that rented the motorcycle... it is entirely the fault of the person driving said motorcycle... hence personal responsibility should be the rule... if you hit someone with your car would it be the cars fault... or the seller of the car to you... or the manufacturer of the car... NO... it would be your fault.
  13. One would argue that to have peace and prosperity a nation of people would allow other nations of people to also have peace and prosperity... the arabs have never in the history of the middle east allowed this to happen... they have goaded and goaded the jewish nation of Israel at every opportunity... their fate is on them and their behavior.
  14. Why? Theres always that one who thinks that everything should be regulated to protect yourself from yourself... what ever happened to self responsibility. Oh wait... participation trophies from momma.
  15. One would argue that to have peace and prosperity a nation of people would allow other nations of people to also have peace and prosperity... the arabs have never in the history of the middle east allowed this to happen... they have goaded and goaded the jewish nation of Israel at every opportunity... their fate is on them and their behavior.
  16. This is the reason Putin wants to meet with the prime minister... to tell him "NO"... Putin needs the draft dodgers sent home now to bolster his troops.
  17. Putin wants the russian draft dodgers expelled from Phuket... so will offer millions of baht.
  18. The driver was identified as Mr. Poompat Woonciew, 29, from Song Khla, who was a nephew of the former Phuket Governor Narong Woonciew. That says it all...
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