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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The Hateful 8 gotta hate... they are 100% right in their position... just ask them.
  2. So a gang of scooter riders were out for a party and wrecked... happens the world over
  3. That's statement is really indicative of your faulty reasoning capacity... try again.
  4. Did you notify your credit card company of foreign travel? Most will deny charges made out of country without notification from you as to your travel dates.
  5. I'm not whining... I just don't understand how you can put so much effort into bashing one particular individuals when there are many other individuals who have earned the same bashing and you give them a free pass... let's bash them all until the problem is solved...
  6. See what I mean... still no real input... just hate... bordering on envy.
  7. Actually, you have read more into what I posted than what was actually posted... you painted my statement with a broad brush rather than understanding that my comment was not about "everyone" but limited to those who, and there are many, who abuse the system.
  8. Here come the Hateful 8... Trump bashing (which he may fully deserve) but no real input or idea why the Jewish community continues to vote Democrap which this article is about. Why do the Jews continue to self flagellate...
  9. What are you smoking... you must have a guilty conscious... I am only "accusing" those who game the system as being the reason that IO's are making it more and more difficult for the rest of us who follow the rules... if you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck... my guess is that you are a duck.
  10. Your post was factually dishonest... if withdrawal was 1973, why a picture that was taken in 1975... the withdrawals that you are trying for whatever reason to compare have no points of comparison.
  11. Your post was factually dishonest... if withdrawal was 1973, why a picture that was taken in 1975... the withdrawals that you are trying for whatever reason to compare have no points of comparison.
  12. DEFLECTION... what does one have to do with the other???
  13. Actually if you were accurate with any of your posts you would have posted "Just like Vietnam in 1975"... but what's two years right. Secondly what does this have to do with the Afghanistan withdrawal except to point out that Joe didn't learn a thing from the botched Vietnam debacle and just repeated a failed policy??
  14. It is a tragedy... a tragedy that life is valued so little that a family of 11 would be allowed to be loaded into a five passenger pickup truck...
  15. Illegal immigrants totals for past 30 months is very close to the 7 million figure according to census bureau... The USA retains the right to any and all foreign aid given to any ally... it is restricted to agreements made prior to giving of such aid... and can be withdrawn at any time... the fact that there was so much equipment left in Afghanistan is on Joe and the fact that the withdrawal was a complete logistical failure... not because it belonged to the Afghan Army
  16. The Hateful 8 out again in full force... if I had a nickel for every hateful ignorant rant, I would be a rich man... Trump is a narcissistic poor excuse for a man... but to let him live in your collective heads like you do is tragic.
  17. Smarten up... google "inference" and maybe, just maybe you will understand why the bar is set lower by definition... but probably you will not.
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