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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Two things... first, yes I am happily married to a Thai woman and fully support the Thai way as opposed to the farang who want the system to change for them. Secondly, supporting the corruption in Savannakhet IO is against what the Thai government is trying to accomplish... so yes this IO has become, as you say, a shady backstreet illegal agents office that is in it for the baht... not as you would like to believe to help the less fortunate retiree who cannot put 400k in the bank to qualify for a marriage visa.
  2. Why do all the big wars start in europe??? and how many times is it USA dollars rebuilding your country??? Sounds more like you are clueless if that's all you got.
  3. Just add their email address to your email contacts... problem solved
  4. So far 56 deaths a day is an acceptable level to those in charge...
  5. Obviously you do not know do you? Here's a picture of your golden girl who lied about that...
  6. Why is running one of the biggest budgets in the world always last minute and an emergency
  7. And exactly why isn't Europe doing something about it? You all bitch and moan that the USA throws it's power around too much... but now that you need our help... once again... you want our dollars and support.
  8. Let me ask you... why are you the champion of those that circumvent the rules... you do know that the rule breakers are the main contributors to making the process more difficult for everyone else... it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the entire crate.
  9. You are of course referring to Palosi and her TWO failed attempts... right??? Why not wait and see where the evidence takes this... if it fails it fails... if it's true then what would you do...
  10. My guess is that you have a shelf full of participation trophies... 555
  11. It is in every lease agreement that I have ever read... a lease is a legal obligation on each parties part... the lessor to provide a residence... the lessee to pay for use of that residence... both responsible for a specified amount and term... it is a contract. If indeed the lessor feels that he is wronged in the lessee breaking the contract he can seek a legal remedy for the rent for the remainder of the contract term... whether or not the lessee remains living there. That said... if the lessee moves out and the lessor starts renovations that would render the space uninhabitable then said contract has been negated by the lessor.
  12. Unfortunately for America the gathering of proof has been delayed too long by republicans afraid of ruffling feathers in congress... but it has now started... give it time... it has been nearly 8 years of constant democrap investigations to finally find one thing on Trump... Let's see how well Biden and Menendez do in 8 years... is there a threshold of evidence that you will accept... asking for a friend.
  13. Oh... I get it... because you don't like it everyone else shouldn't either... 555... it is what it is.
  14. So the democratic lead "January 6th" committee also should not be believed... I believe that there were no objecting republicans allowed to enter the behind closed door event. Let's follow the evidence on ALL the criminals not just the ones that you deem worthy.
  15. "The House Oversight and Accountability Committee has uncovered a mountain of evidence revealing how Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain," House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., said in his opening statement. "For years, President Biden has lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s corrupt business schemes." If and when they use this evidence to move forward will that be enough for you? What if it happens to be true... do not Americans deserve to get to the bottom of this as well?
  16. So she's holding your passport because you owe her money... correct? Just pay her...
  17. I have a Suzuki Bergman 400 for sale at 159,900... but I am in Chiang Mai
  18. I am a landlord here in Thailand and have heard every excuse there is for tenets breaking leases... who am I to say it's not a legitimate reason... that said your landlord has no right to charge you rent while he is renovating his property... give him 30 days notice and walk away.
  19. I'm sorry... I should have known that you couldn't deal with the big picture... should have narrowed it... forgive me.
  20. This just in... "The Biden Administration — including top officials at the Justice Department — lied to the American public and engaged in a cover-up that interfered with federal investigators and protected the Biden family, including President Biden himself," the committee said.
  21. Unfortunately that is not the way it works... it can be true and documented but if someone loses face than there can be hell to pay
  22. That was never said... I do not have a money problem so I have never had to try to circumvent the rules.
  23. If you were current in your reading you would know that Trump is not nor ever been my man... I have a disdain for him as a person... that said ...This just in... "The Biden Administration — including top officials at the Justice Department — lied to the American public and engaged in a cover-up that interfered with federal investigators and protected the Biden family, including President Biden himself," the committee said... Criminals of every party need to prosecuted.
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