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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Then why was the impeachment a failure? And subsequently the Steele dosiere proven false?
  2. They could always invent grounds like the dems did with the Steele dosier... then they could spend millions of manhours and dollars like the dems did... then they would have nothing like the dems have....
  3. Wow... listen to all the lefty war mongers attacking Putin while their country is swirling down the toilet.
  4. You can stop making excuses for Joe... the MSM has it covered... 55555
  5. Yes I agree... "everything is Trump's fault"... now what don't you understand about the fact that Biden has done nothing to fix any of the "Trump problems" and has only made them worse.
  6. Just come "visa exempt"... if you then want to stay longer than 30 days hire a agent to handle it. Saves wear and tear on your senses...
  7. When asked if the U.S. government will crack down on the alleged sanction busters, a U.S. State Department spokesperson told FOX Business in a statement that "The United States is closely monitoring transactions involving Iran in the global oil market and has taken numerous actions against sanctions evaders around the world under the Biden Administration. Of course, we do not preview potential sanctions or enforcement actions."
  8. When I first encountered the wait staff person who brings the menu and then stands there while you read it... it seemed rude... now it just seems normal... if they want to just stand there it's on them.
  9. Another liberal caught in a lie... I'm sure that he will spin it eventually.
  10. Mostly because they don't have a clue about those other countries because their "news" sources don't put out the headlines...
  11. It has always been about money and BIG PHARMA... never about protecting people
  12. So the first thing you do is break the lease agreement or do you provide a key to the landlord?
  13. The "HATERS" gonna hate thread... same MO just a different target.
  14. Instead of trying to scam the immigration system... why don't you just apply for the proper visas for your stay in Thailand? It is not as hard as everyone seems to think it is... in fact it's mostly the scammers who complain all the time.
  15. If asked my opinion of congress... I too would be convicted of contempt.
  16. A California scientist admitted that he "left out the full truth" about climate change, blaming it primarily on human causes, to get his study published in a prestigious science journal. That's your typical californian
  17. So far the haters have not proven one thing about Trump... they just hate that they have proven beyond a doubt.
  18. I went back to the hospital yesterday because my ear was driving me crazy... I saw a different Dr and guess what... he also said that my ear was ok... just a little swollen... well, I told him to look again and to look and see if there was anything in my ear canal... I had taken a picture earlier that day and noticed a dark circle in the canal... and lo and behold there it was... one of the ear pads from my now discarded earphones was lodged in my ear... had been ever since my original visit to the ENT 2 weeks ago... long story short.. both Dr's missed that there was something in my ear and were both treating me for a blocked Eustachian tube... I told him to look again and remove whatever it was in my ear... he removed it and I can hear in that ear just fine again. I fear telling you where I live.
  19. If they are happy with the price and I am happy with the price then all is well...
  20. The four or five times that I have hired them I had no problem... agreed on a price and destination and paid them... I am sure that there are an element that are difficult to deal with... as I am also sure that Indian tourists are mostly hard to deal with as well... especially when they have been drinking.
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