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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. How much did you pay? Once the insurance is active, you might be able to cancel. But don't hold your breath expecting any sort of refund.
  2. What are you hiding from? Your embassy is obliged to either provide you with a travel document to leave the country, or a temporary passport. So why is this not an option for you. You should explain or you are posting BS!
  3. Best to take the Police report about the lost passport to your local immigration office and see if they will renew your visa in October. Can your embassy issue you with a temporary passport? Do it asap. At least you will know what's what. Maybe the only thing in your favour is no passport, cannot leave Thailand!
  4. Things have changed since I got my first Thai drivers license. That was my experience 15 odd years ago in Phuket. I didn't have an IDP at the time.
  5. If you go for implants. You would need at least 3 months to heal after the 1st operation.
  6. It is irrelevant. They don't ask to see any existing license you may have. You will have to apply for a Thai License and take the test for the License. If you pass the test they will issue with a 1 year license. When that expires you will get a five year license again provided you pass the test.
  7. Tell them you are just looking and to leave you alone.
  8. In response 1. The age of consent in Thailand is 15. Not defending the American. 2. Why is this bad parenting. Surely the cars should stop when a pedestrian wants to cross at a zebra crossing. 3. Maybe that is what they can afford. Plenty of people by food from walking streets every night. which is probably cheaper than buying food you have to cook. Seems to me you are wrong about bad parenting.
  9. I'm going with Ukrainian or Russian! LOL.
  10. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=loose covers for desk chair https://shopee.co.th/product/164755854/23830584274?gclid=CjwKCAjw6eWnBhAKEiwADpnw9gSOTtzpywi8CineQzS9NFGFcDi0k4cEtvjQQQ4OUti8rJzbyxMrkxoCi6QQAvD_BwE
  11. You need to pin down the reason for the anxiety! And deal with it.
  12. You should ask the Landlord what he means by refinishing the cabinets. Or if he really intends on doing a proper job.
  13. Then is not now. Then it was a nation united against an oppressor who had to send troops from afar! The US today is a nation divided. A nation divided is ripe for totalitarian rule. Indeed that would be the excuse the government would use.
  14. That is exactly what private pension plans are, a scam!
  15. What makes you think armed citizens can stop a totalitarian government? Who organises such citizens into a fighting force. You are out gunned before you even start. Your only hope is that the armed services come out in defence of the citizens. But that will never happen. The American constitution needs updating to deal with modern times. Again that will never happen.
  16. Any Pension provider will keep half of the Pension pot. So you only get paid out half over the time span they pay out the pension.
  17. Does HMRC know you are living in Thailand? If not that might be the reason you are over taxed. Because HMRC assume you live in the UK!
  18. Question. Do you get any other income other than the state pension which takes you over the 12,500 tax free allowance?
  19. So? Or should I say who gives a f..........
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