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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. have an affair behind her back. find a girl from canada who enjoys watching good TV shows like The Twilight Zone.
  2. are you trying to learn more about american culture?
  3. some cops are bent. but the police are the only reason you're still alive. and ... we have safe desk jobs while they deal with dangerous people on a near daily basis.
  4. you are correct. thai massage girls are far better value. the chinese run parlors back home are the worst. but there are some good independents ... but way more expensive than thailand.
  5. Pi makes crypto mining easy Breakthrough tech allows you to mine Pi on your phone without draining your battery.
  6. Has anyone heard of Pi? https://minepi.com Here's the sales pitch on their site: Mining crypto is hard. Investing in crypto is risky. Too many of us are left out of the cryptocurrency revolution.
  7. I was under the impression that the economy was contracting due to recent massive tech layoffs (microsoft, facebook, ibm, ...)
  8. what about cocoa?
  9. just looked up his youtube channel. he wasnt vlogging from thailand. no mention of thailand. very unconventional and controversial health advice.
  10. he should have checked her instagram for red flags?
  11. here we go again. another 32 page ping pong match debating whether the vaccines are effective or not.
  12. why kind of photos on instagram? in her bikini? if it's anything too sexy, i'd ask her to remove them from instagram.
  13. are you serious? if there ever was a post that warranted a laughing emoji ... yours might be it.
  14. bs generator
  15. both are potential superpowers in the future. as far as i'm concerned, the world would probably be better off with "one world govt". and no superpowers at all ever again. no more threats of small countries being invaded. imagine there's no countries. john lennon.
  16. we don't believe you. we will give you an IQ test to back up your claims.
  17. try walking an hour daily to improve blood circulation. if you're in bad shape, start with 5 minutes and work your way up.
  18. if someone has to resort to selling trinkets for survival, maybe you can have some sympathy and tip whatever you can afford. therein lies the magic.
  19. 5 languages ... very impressive you're inspiring me to learn more languages
  20. yeah, so you would have everyone working ridiculously long hours. maybe things would be much worse with you in charge. maybe they should ban free speech.
  21. https://www.marksdailyapple.com/vegan-island/ We had joined a group of 125 headed by Dr. John McDougall .... The lecture would adjourn and everyone would line up for the buffet line which would, at virtually every meal, include copious amounts of breads and rolls, rice, potatoes, pasta, beans, some anemic-looking steamed vegetables and a romaine-only lettuce salad. No dressings allowed. I watched at every meal as overweight, unhealthy people piled their plates with at least two pounds of bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, desert cake, and a glass of fruit juice. Sometimes they went back for more. By my calculations these people were consuming 200 to 300 or more grams of (mostly simple) carbohydrates at each of three meals. There was no way these folks were going to lose fat on this trip. It was, in my view, a type 2 diabetes epidemic in-the-making.
  22. yes ok. some people through no fault of their own are genuinely struggling.
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