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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. compared to where? Haiti? where people don't have access to medical needs? its only 'nuts' because the media is always adding fuel to the fire and riling people up and because you allow yourself to be manipulated. and if the US erupts into you-know-what, you can thank bill maher and all these other media folks for riling people up for years and years. turn off the news.
  2. that was exactly my point. but you put it more eloquently and succinctly.
  3. good point. a lot of journalists lacks integrity anyway. i haven't read his books, so i wont comment any further. but i might do.
  4. I don't pay attention to cancel culture. I think it's all nonsense and fake news. Go read a good book or listen to some good music. It's timeless and no one can cancel it.
  5. your threads remind me of the roadrunner in looney tunes. your threads are over the top and silly. like the coyote's traps.
  6. i don't like bill maher at all. just watching him speak for a few minutes makes me more cynical about the world. i wonder if that's what his intention is. woke-ism nonsense is being blown out of proportion by fake media idiots like this. do you need bill maher to tell you what's right or not? why not just go listen to some relaxing music? you'll feel better than listening to this idiot.
  7. yeah, sounds to me like he's trolling. describes the "friend" from UK as overweight ... ha ha. but he did manage to get a lot of emotional responses, so that's good.
  8. so you had to wait more than 15 minutes to get a call-back about when they're picking up? weird al yankovic wrote a song about these types of issues.
  9. allegations that he was a fraud (plagiarized work, fiction passing off as non-fiction) and cult leader (with some followers committing suicide). i don't know for sure though.
  10. string of horrific stories the last few days. child murdered, child abducted, now son kills his 81 yr old mother. sad stuff.
  11. i've been watching some crime videos lately. many crimes are solved with the help of CCTV camera footage. this is just more never ending anti-china msm bs.
  12. if it were so easy, everyone would have done it a long time ago. anyone remember this guy?
  13. there are ways to make healthier sweets. but you have to do the work to make it yourself.
  14. I've been reading health blogs for years and some information is still confusing. It's not always easy to discern good from bad advice. But it's too subjective, so I'll let this argument go. The other problem with that person's post is he is advocating something most people will find grotesque and repulsive. So that may turn the OP off forever from seeking health advice. Let's not frighten the children.
  15. I am not going to debate this particular issue. just wanted to make a general comment. this is one potential problem with going down the path of trying to improve health. that some of the health advice is questionable and possibly harmful. and in some cases people who do nothing are better off than people who take on bad advice.
  16. no, I don't think it's plausible that covid raises cholesterol levels. the likely correlation is: someone with a bad cholesterol profile is more likely to get covid because of their bad diet
  17. good comment. these types of confrontations could be avoided if people weren't so arrogant.
  18. Yes, that's a valid point.
  19. 1 - That's factually wrong. It's never too late to improve your diet. The human body is actually remarkably resilient. 2 - One of the most difficult parts of trying to eat healthy is that most people around you are fixed in their ways and will never change. So they will try to drag you back down with them. So that means you're better off keeping it to yourself. Don't tell people what you're doing. Not only that, but having a very active social life conflicts with health goals because people are mostly eating unhealthy. You may need to radically change your social life to stick to serious health goals. Are you ready to do that? If not, you might not make it.
  20. dont pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side
  21. op, given the bad driving in thailand, you might get hit by a bus. there's that to consider.
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