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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. the singer of aerosmith calls himself "the demon of screamin' " cute cool nickname or literal job title?
  2. don't know if your mother ever warned you, gamma. but you need to watch out for this type of girl. watch out boy she'll chew you up
  3. Richard Dawkins He is not a big fan of the God of the Bible. "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it. A petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak. A vindictive blood-thirsty ethnic cleanser. A misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, megaolomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." He states that no one knows how the universe was created He says "you might find a signature of some sort of designer" in biology. So he leaves the possibility open for intelligent design.
  4. you're doing 'your team' a disservice by making claims like that. nobody knows what God really is and how the universe was created. if you don't know, then you don't know. you're never going to convince anyone of anything by making baseless claims.
  5. maybe we can teach those aliens how to play guitar.
  6. food affects hormones. some foods raise testosterone. not sure if it's true, but just read that beer raises estrogen levels in men.
  7. interesting anecdote. well, already we have someone here saying there is no proof of karma.
  8. most bodybuilders are on steroids. weight watchers ... not sure they advocate proper eating habits. personal trainers are costly ... in the past, there were only books available. but 10 minute video clips daily keeps me motivated.
  9. yes, that's right mauGR1. but i think talking about god can become too abstract to the point where people find it irrelevant ps einstein was not an atheist. https://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/einstein/ I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. God does not play dice with the universe. God is subtle but he is not malicious.
  10. then you would have to stretch the "Do You Believe in Karma?" thread to 500 pages. inevitably, someone would bring up bar girls, so it could get interesting.
  11. we can debate it, i suppose. but my main point was that buddhism doesn't seem to focus on god.
  12. not sure if it was voltaire, but a famous literary figure was quoted as saying sth like 'earth is where other planets send their rejects'.
  13. it's more useful to focus the discussion on karma than god. most people don't care about god because there is no direct link to their life. and people are generally selfish creatures. if god doesn't affect your life, then who cares? buddhism doesn't focus on god. but it does talk a lot about karma. people would do well to read some buddhist texts and stop wasting time getting into abstract discussions about god. clearly, 500 pages in, no matter how much conviction you have that god exists, most people will still not be convinced and even think it's ridiculous. it's the wrong question to be focusing on. karma is a more pertinent issue.
  14. OP ... winners don't quit! if you win the inner game, you win the outer game. that's where the game is won.
  15. I would like to make a general comment for anyone who may be interested in trying to improve their health. Remember Anthony Robbins? He was a motivational speaker. Companies would pay him big bucks to go motivate their employees. And it worked. After he motivated the employees, productivity improved. But there was one problem. A while after he left, the motivation wore off and the productivity went back to what it was before. So basically, the most important thing to do to try to improve your health is to motivate yourself daily or at least weekly. As often as possible. Since most people are not very good at motivating themselves, you need to rely on an outside source. Fortunately, there are a boatload of health bloggers out there. One thing you will notice is that many of these bloggers upload blogs daily. And one reason they do that is that is how they themselves stay motivated to strive for healthy habits. Watch them daily if possible. Most videos are under 10 minutes. You will learn tricks to tweak your diet. And most importantly, they will push you to stay motivated. Unless you keep motivating yourself with the help of these bloggers, you will fall back into your old ways.
  16. I think this was brought up earlier in the thread. What is 'the devil'? There are probably thousands of references to 'the devil' in popular culture, yet no one seems to know what it means or everyone seems to think it doesn't mean anything? Films: The Devil Wears Prada Devil's Advocate Books: Outwitting the Devil - Napolean Hill John Milton - Paradise Lost Music: Rolling stones - Sympathy For The Devil Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Don Maclean - American Pie Chris DeBurgh - Spanish Train etc ...
  17. says a pot smoker in my pot thread. it was sarcasm. is there 2 Thailand Ryans on this forum or what?
  18. i don't believe you. pot smokers are hard-working. they don't have time to sit around smoking pot all day.
  19. I think there was a physicist who predicted all human beings who ever lived will resurrect at 'the end of time'. Try to wrap your mind around that one. Ha ha. But yeah, thanks for sharing the grandma story. I believe it. Could be. Anything is possible.
  20. it's a theory. and people can only guess.
  21. how many threads did you start in the last 3 days, miancina?
  22. could be, i suppose. really don't know.
  23. Ok, fair enough. I don't feel like listening to folks like Bill Maher assaulting me with a barrage of problems (or perceived problems). If you are in the orchestra domain and you think there's a problem, then by all means invest your energy in improving those situations.
  24. my mother was terminally ill with cancer a while ago. within the last few weeks of her life, she started hearing voices. not just any voices, but voices of people from her childhood. i asked the doctor and the doctor said this was common among terminally ill patients. the doctors have some medicine that they give patients to block out the voices. it could be some form of delusion on the part of the dying person. but i wonder if it could also be some indication that there is 'another side'.
  25. what you're describing sounds like an imagined non-problem. the only reason that's floating around in your head is because you watch too much news. this sounds pretty good to me. have a listen. close your eyes.
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