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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. sorry, this is off topic, but it's only a gamma thread. simpsons predicted trump victory.
  2. this is pretty funny. the "I want to rock n roll all night and party every day" Kiss dude admits that he doesn't drink or do drugs. I agree with him. it's a waste of time. try to get laid as much as possible, do sports, read books, listen to music, watch movies, and just take a pass on the substances that numb you. sitting around smoking weed and drinking is not my idea of a good retirement. we need another thread ... HOW did you retire? doing what? not where.
  3. Elon Musk thinks he's God, but God doesn't think he's Elon Musk. I give up. What?
  4. it has to be a dictatorship. if they had to check in with 300 million people every time they made a decision, nothing would get done. he has RFK bitch-slapping Big Pharma. sounds good to me. what have you done lately for anyone?
  5. US and New Zealand are the only countries where this is allowed, I think. This OP is the most important thread I've seen about the entire election or candidates. Going after Big Pharma two days in is mind-blowing. This is HUGE! https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephenbrozak/2024/11/08/is-rfk-jr-just-what-the-doctor-ordered-the-5-critical-first-signs/ Healthcare Is A Business Fifth, Kennedy would have his most significant effect on healthcare if he could refocus the money-making business of medicine to its original goal of maintaining and improving health.
  6. I nearly forgot about RFK !! This sounds promising to me: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4966535-robert-kennedy-trump-health-care/ “I told Bobby, ‘I want you to take care of health, I want you to look at the food and the food supply and what we put on the food,” Trump said at the MSG rally.
  7. not even sure that makes any sense.
  8. Everyone acts like they know how to run a country. Most people have never run a hot dog stand. Most people wouldn't know what policies the US needs if someone put a gun to their heads. Elections are a joke. Nobody cares what you think.
  9. it does contain the word "men" ... so there's that
  10. I learned from watching a Dutch guy on Youtube - channel name Physionic He has a Phd in sth. Smart guy. He always dissects studies on how they were done and shows how some of them are basically not valid for xyz reasons. Peer reviews are over-rated it seems.
  11. one thing I learned is that many scientific studies are total crap and meaningless. not all scientific studies should be taken seriously.
  12. This is pretty funny. Irish alpha omega dude is having a meltdown in his latest video. Complaining about dual pricing in Thailand, have to wait 15 minutes for breakfast at McDonald's ... and ... ends the video by recommending farangs don't marry a Thai woman because you'll have to deal with her family .... and it seems his Thai wife is giving him a hard time because he's not giving her enough money. Classic stuff! Must watch!
  13. there is a specific test for insulin resistance. can't remember what the biomarker is called. will need to do it at some point. but now I usually have my last meal around 3 PM. so I am probably in ketosis from 7 PM to 7 AM the next morning. so probably not too insulin resistant I hope.
  14. There is some debate in the health community. Some doctors will tell their patients with diabetes to cut back on fruit. But I'm not sure fruit is connected to diabetes, despite its high fructose. But maybe best to avoid processed white sugar. Cane sugar and coconut sugar are less processed and therefore healthier, I think. But also 10 times more expensive than white sugar. You get what you pay for.
  15. I stopped using stevia. I am now putting cane sugar in my hot cocoa. I think a bit of cane sugar or coconut sugar in coffee won't harm health. But not 100% sure.
  16. Yeah, Pattaya sucks compared to the cold over-priced country you come from with no beaches at all.
  17. but there still seems to be people doing it for years and years. no retirement visa also means no money needed in the local bank. too bad there's no one from vietnam on AN. any vietnam expat forums?
  18. Promised Land is an exaggeration. But it's not that simple to label him a con man. When I saw the Joe Rogan interview, he brought up a very important point of why Trump is so popular. There was a Joe Rogan thread started by none other than Gamster. A lot of people expressed that they don't like Joe Rogan. But he does have millions of subs on his Youtube channel. So if Joe Rogan ran for president, a lot of people would be pissed. Some people are turned off by tattoos. Joe Rogan represents a journalist who talks naturally, not scripted. And he was the first and only one. And Trump is the same. He doesn't talk and act like a politician. Scripted. And some people like that. It's different. They both represent a change from the status quo. But some people don't like change. They want the status quo. So I wouldn't label Trump a con man. Anyway, I have no clue what he will and won't do. Once they are elected, they can do whatever they want. But a lot of Youtubers are also snakes in the grass pushing nonsense for clicks on their channels, as the OP video.
  19. So your thesis is that Trump is a con artist? And it never occurred to you that people making videos about what Trump will do are con artists? I watched a minute of that video and that's the vibe I got from that dude. He's blowing smoke up your butt.
  20. Do you really believe someone can end a war in one day? Anyway, just watched an interview with Elon Musk. He didn't like Biden because of over-regulation.
  21. Iranian sanctioned hitmen to take out Trump are in the news ....
  22. yeah it's quiet now. the calm before the storm ...
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