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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Interesting question, but I think it will require 400k in bank which is far better than 800K.
  2. Is usufruct not tied into ownership of land via the chanote?
  3. Tinglish affect everything written
  4. I assume they are primarily using the giant digital board, that was the implication.
  5. Also would like to know.
  6. I am looking for a deep fried Mars bar
  7. Pouring down in Li, Lamphun 4mm total so far, only started at about 4.00pm. We will see if tomorrow there are floods.
  8. Indeed, the gammons' jowls are shuddering, their eyes popping, the sausage fingers stabbing keyboards & jibbering inanities at the Moon.
  9. Definitely, quite a few here with little sympathy for their fellow human being. Many older people get less able to function & start making worse decisions than they would have earlier in their lives.
  10. Use wholemeal brown bread, preferably sourdough. Usually, I assume that means making your own.
  11. Possibly a useful idea for pain management.
  12. Inflammation can be really bad, and also seem to be one of the key drivers for aging
  13. Agreed, it does depend solely on the users ability to control their consumption.
  14. Two Ultracet pills = 6 Co-codamol pills - For a pill hater like me that was brilliant - had a pingpong sized bladder stone for a year. Pain was really bad
  15. You can also use Ultracet, over the counter in Thailand - a mix of paracetamol & tramadol. Works better than Co-codamol (paracetamol + codeine). Pure tramadol has issues to do with addiction but is very good for pain management. A friend of my mother's has used it (one pill any time she has an attack of the pain) for 30 years for horrific pain in the shoulder that cannot be diagnosed but is truly horrible she says.
  16. Of course not, thre is biological variation, so it could be one of the forms of dementia - especially after you go into your 80s. Depends on genetics & lifestyle. Some keep their marbles & some lose them - slower or faster.
  17. Many 'Christian' evangelicals are not tolerant whether MAGA or not.
  18. Crazies tend to be Wahhabis or those sects influenced by Wahhabism - ideology promoted by the Wahhabis with money in Saudi Arabia. Analogous to the Evangelicals of Christianity
  19. Rental prices are obscene in UK, especially the Home Counties (England), Cornwall/Devon, North Wales, Edinburgh (Scotland). Excuse me, if I have missed any specific areas where it is also truly obscene. Absolute nightmare for anyone who has to rent, and is not superrich (probably not renting).
  20. Neoliberal Trickledown economics has never worked. It is a weird version of modern astrology. Sole purpose to to get money to flow upwards to the rich (the rich love neoliberal trickledown ideology).
  21. Keep the mind active to reduce the chances of dementia
  22. The Talibangelicals/Magabangelicals will be in control, The end of the USA as we know it, the end of greatest democratic experiment in the world.
  23. Look at photos, only problem might be final size = gigantic
  24. Rainbow gum (Eucalyptus deglupta) might be better, grows very fast. In tropics often a species grown for timber, and insanely beautiful trunks.
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