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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Samitivej Sukhumwit and Samitivej Sri Nakarin both have laser removal of warts. However, you'll need to be insistent. Doctors at both hospitals are much keener on liquid nitrogen. And if you email them asking about laser treatment, the reply will be (or at least was in my case) "don't have - we use freezing".
  2. Each font file contains a limited range of characters. If it doesn't contain the character you want to display, it'll substitute an alternative of its own choice. You need to (a) install a Thai font file, and (b) select that font for the Thai text after it's pasted. If you go here you can pick your favorite font and download it to install on your device: https://fonts.google.com/?preview.text=สวัสดี&preview.text_type=custom&subset=thai&noto.script=Thai
  3. Can't be that because you're not allowed to spend the money. More like a scheme to prop up Thai banks, or a scheme based upon a general loathing of foreigners. If they were concerned about foreigners having sufficient wealth to sustain themselves here they'd look at the person's global investments. I particularly loathe the 800K in the bank because it's money wasting away. It doesn't even come close to matching inflation, let alone making the sort of gains I could get through stock market investments.
  4. Not Isaan food. It's Northern Thai.
  5. I'd like to see them try that sort of antics in a mosque in, say Iran. What is it about TikTok that causes people's brains to shrivel and die?
  6. Better than the British Embassy, then. They don't even provide passports. Outsourced to a private company with a ludicrously inefficient "service". As for healthcare, nada. Even as other embassies here were arranging Covid shots for their nationals, the British Foreign Office did sweet FA.
  7. Really? Back in August it was 45.28. Now it's 44.08 - a fall of 2.7%. I wouldn't call that "held up well". (Source: xe.com)
  8. Because they understand exchange rates change. The GBP interest rate may be higher, but that suggests that the value of Sterling is likely to fall relative to the baht. You may get a few more coins in interest in Sterling, but against the baht you'll probably lose capital value. Keeping surplus cash in baht also means that (assuming future expenditure is going to be in baht), there is no exchange rate risk. And given that exchange rates frequently swing by 30% in a year, one's avoiding the risk of losing a substantial part of one's wealth. Of course, if it's only interest rate you care about, why not invest in Zimbabwe with a deposit interest rate of 110%, or Argentina at 74%? Makes Santander's 5.2% seem pathetic.
  9. (1) On the question of domicile, you can ask a KC (King's Counsel) for a legal option, and HMRC will respect this. Not cheap though. I was quoted GBP 20,000. (2) There are other ways of moving wealth outside your estate. Trusts are the obvious way to do this. Typically work best if you're going to survive 7 years to minimise IHT. For the 7 years you can also take out insurance which will cover any IHT. (3) If the priority is to provide income for the partner, a joint life annuity will do the job (though there will be no cash to leave as a lump sum to anyone else). It sounds like the "financial adviser" is simply trying to sell a product that will pay a lot of commission, rather than looking into the options that suit the OP's personal circumstances.
  10. He's not a medical doctor. He has a Ph.D. in nursing. And he's clearly not scientifically competent, given that he was a advocate for Ivermectin. He has also repeatedly misinterpreted scientific data and makes selective (and misleading) use of statistics. You'd probably get better scientific advice from YouTube's Disney Channel.
  11. Not quite: "Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over, they're done" (from Last Great American Whale).
  12. Not racist. The French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools bans wearing all conspicuous religious symbols in government schools. It does not specifically target Islam. And not racist because "Islam" is not a race.
  13. Just look stupid? It really is stupid, what with the Trump worship, the popularity of the invisible sky wizard, the ludicrous addiction to guns, the ridiculous cost (and often unaffordability) of medical insurance and treatment, the inadequate education system, rampant racism. I could go on, but I think I've said enough to make my point.
  14. I have a will stored with HMCTS. I want to replace it. I have two questions: (1) Do I simply submit the will in the same way as the original and pay the same fee? (2) How can I pay the fee? Apparently they only accept cheques and postal orders. (Their website doesn't appear to provide any contact details.)
  15. If it'd been a Welshman, hake would have been on the list, and probably first.
  16. I believe you meant Thaksin has his Cabinet already worked out. He's reportedly been working on it from his sick bed in hospital.
  17. So where did the original story come from? It was quoted widely in the press.
  18. But I thought Trump doesn't believe Obama was born in Hawaii.
  19. Saving for retirement and providing for your family when you're gone are admirable goals. However, before providing sensible advice, one would need to know: - Are you planning on retiring in Thailand? - Do you pay Thai income tax? - Are you able to open a brokerage account overseas? (Offshore funds have much lower charges and often better performance.) What is wrong with your strategy is that you're hoping to work through banks to invest. They typically will only allow you to buy the funds offered by their associated asset management companies, e.g. in the case of Bangkok Bank that would be Bualuang Asset Management. If investing in Thailand is the way that you need to go, then better to open an account with a full service brokerage which will give you access to a much broader range of funds. Unless you're very wealthy you're unlikely to get meaningful investment advice in Thailand. Advisers at bank branches are most unlikely to provide good advice. Finally, make sure you have a will in place which will ensure that your wealth goes where you want when you eventually die.
  20. Pretty sure that UK has not released recommendations for "fall" booster. The season is known as "autumn" in the developed world.
  21. Investors should pay no attention to how the overall market is doing. (1) Equity investing is a long term matter, and short term noise is irrelevant. (2) Attempts at market timing doesn't work.
  22. OP, you don't mention the race of your daughter. Dr. Sukama Suwanwalaikorn has extensive experience of European skin types having trained in Ireland and Boston. She works at various Samitivej hospitals and (I think) BNH. https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/doctor/detail/sukamas-suwanwalaikorn
  23. One used to be able to withdraw USD from cash machines. However, the government stopped that several years ago to boost the local currency. Unless you plan on taking a lot of yankee dollars with you, get used to counting the zeros. High end places show prices in thousands of VND. As for places to visit, Hanoi (capital city), Danang (peaceful, cool), Hoi An (a bit touristy). I've done the Halong Bay trip thing three times now. It's no longer as tranquil as it used to be, with far too many boats & tourists. If you like ruins, My Son is good for a day trip. If you like the beach, Nha Trang. The Mekhong delta is popular, but didn't thrill me.
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