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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. No, I wouldn't ever ask someone to lend me money... fastest way to lose friends! I wouldn't feel comfortable about it and I don't mind going to Laos as my wife has friends in Sav anyway, so visiting them once every 5 months is a little getaway for us. Hopefully there won't be any issues like 'why don't you get a yearly extension' - my answer would be "because immigration won't accept my bank statements'. Over 1.6 million goes through my account each year, but they aren't happy with that. You must prove where the funds have come from - but only if you can do it through your Thai bank, showing wage slips from the American company that pays me and Wise bank transfers + Thai bank statement doesn't work. They make it so god-damn hard to do.
  2. I've had two back to back Non-o visas from Savannakhet (both extended by 60 days) and I was wondering whether I would have any trouble getting another one? I don't have enough cash to stash 400k away to apply for the multiple entry type... would they have a valid reason for denying me a visa based on marriage? Thank you!
  3. The problems with internet are true (pun intended). I'll lose connection a few times a week, every week. To top it off, when I open a web browser i get a pop up message saying 'you need to enter password for network' when i click on the button, it directs me to an advert for true.... what a joke!
  4. You can tell that the most important people were left out of the poll. Instead of conducting a random poll, they should have focused on the stakeholders. I guarantee that if you asked people who earn the daily minimum wage, 100% of them would say the increase suggested by the committee was unfair, and that they would like a bigger pay rise. On the other hand, if you asked the other stakeholders; employers, you would probably see that 100% of them would agree with the meager wage increases. The opinions of uninvolved parties are not interesting or relevant to the conversation, so why include them in your poll?
  5. Idiotic. 1) There are around 50 million workers in Thailand. This policy claims to be creating an extra 20 million jobs, where are these jobs coming from, and who is going to fill these posts? 2) Thai tat is famously . No one is going to spend 4 trillion baht on shoddily made souvenirs. 3) Thai movies & shows are famously . No one wants to watch a go-pro movie with lazy, terrible actors. 4) One family.... is this a reference to the clan that has given this country SO MUCH GRIEF? That's enough to put anyone off.
  6. It's not only farmers who burn, Thai people in general like to burn their trash. I'm surrounded by idiots who burn every damn day, so I'm pretty annoyed that I bought this house to be honest. Fed up of waking up every day with a headache and coughing my guts up. It should be illegal, plain and simple. There should be a reporting hotline in each province so people can snitch on the ones ruining air quality for everyone else.
  7. So because she's young, she is automatically the victim? What about all the children in America that are sent to prison for murder? Are they innocent victims because they are kids? Nope. I abhor anything to do with underage sex etc, but it is quite apparent that this is not the case. She was drinking in a bar, had fake ID and went to the hotel with him willingly. I imagine she looked considerably younger when nude, hence why he asked her age. I'm actually surprised she told him her real age, and that he confessed that she told him her real age. If he was lying, it would be much more convenient for him to say he didn't know, she was in a bar and had ID. This tells me it was an honest mistake, I believe him.
  8. Most definitely. This means she broke the law by purchasing a fake ID, and she put herself in this situation. She is not a victim. Note that he has been charged with depriving a minor from her parents and attempted rape. He has not been charged with rape. Funnily enough, the motorcycle taxi driver has also been charged with collusion. This guy was just doing his job, driving his customers.
  9. Ridiculous. The man was in a bar with bouncers at the door who checked her fake 'ID'. She then took a motorcycle taxi with him to his hotel where his children were sleeping in another room. Apparently, he asked how old she was after seeing her naked, and went to sleep without having sex. She took pictures of him sleeping and messaged her friends. Next day, she rocks up at the police station and says he sexually assaulted her. I smell a gold digger. What exactly did this poor guy do, other than take a girl home from a bar? Is this what life in Thailand is like, you have to triple check ID's and know how to spot a fake ID? Any reasonable person would assume she is of age as she was drinking in a bar with bouncers who had checked her ID. She is two months away from being 18.
  10. Storm in a teacup. If anyone had done any research into the article, they would find that the daily minimum wage only affects around five hundred thousand workers; 0.8% of working age people. The other 5 million unskilled laborers are not even entitled to the minimum wage as they are migrant workers with different rules.
  11. There's probably more plastic knocking around in Thai women's bodies than there is on the street.
  12. Everyone should watch John Oliver's latest show where he talks about the Israel Palestine conflict. A real eye opener.
  13. This question is easy! Sex & money sells. This is why every Kpop group member goes through extensive plastic surgery, are forced to dress and act in certain ways, and most of them are not allowed to have boyfriends or girlfriends.
  14. I can't pay for water or electric with the yellow bank. The codes scan and read the correct amount, but the transaction does not go through. Use a TrueMoney wallet instead. This never fails to work.
  15. Yes, the big one in BKK that used to be a forum sponsor can do it. It is pricey though - 40k. Worth it IMO, because I don't need to show money in the bank, and I don't need to go to immigration. @DrJack54 We talked about this before, I can't prove the payments originated from outside Thailand unless they also accept my Wise bank statements - which they don't (monthly method). Going down the agent route will give me a year to open a new bank account with KBank or Bangkok Bank and I'll just send the money to that new account for the next year. Then I can do my own extension next time.
  16. Probably the worst advice you could give someone is to talk to random strangers in BKK. There thousands of bar stool experts who will all tell you something different, or just BS. Waste of time. Back to the OP's topic: If you are paying for the services of an agent, why the hell are you worried about money in the bank? People pay agents to get around paperwork and to not personally deal with immigration, right? Agents are only worth paying for if they are actively solving problems for you, or doing the visa process for you. Why are you paying someone if you're doing everything correctly in the first place? On that note, I'm looking for a visa agent to do my annual marriage extension - any good recommendations?
  17. You can also avoid paying tax legally in the UK, if you are not British: Non-Domicile status allows the person to only pay tax on income earned in the UK. If all of your income is derived from overseas, you pay nothing. Isn't this the way Thailand should do it? You only pay taxes on money earned in Thailand.
  18. So let me get this right...You can be a convicted drug dealer in Australia, but this conviction does not apply to Thailand as it happened outside of the country - Yet you can earn money from outside the country, but this money should be taxed by Thailand? Double standards....
  19. That is precisely what I said, 400k there is no need to show where the money comes from. Why are you saying I'm completely wrong?
  20. I planned well enough, it is the dodgy IO who would not accept my bank statements. Must have been too much work to check through a 12 month bank statement, he was only interested in doing the extension if I could park 400k in a bank for 3 months. FYI - You do not need to prove where the funds come from if you do it this way. So if you're a drug dealer making bank in Thailand, you can easily do it this way. This is my point. They make it ridiculously hard to get the extension, but they make it easy if you have a large amount of money upfront. Lots of shady people have that kind of cash lying around, not so sure about those who have to support families... I offered to show him my wise statements, which show the company name that pays me and the amount from USD- THB sent each month, so he could verify the amounts I sent. As I work for an American company, I get paid twice a month and this was a big problem too. He said 'only one payment a month' - he must have pulled that figure out of his ass.
  21. Maybe I should start a new thread and ask for how monthly financials can be done. I don't think it can be done because my bank can't show that the payments originated from outside Thailand, is this right? I'm hoping that I'll get a multi entry visa, open a new account with Kbank or Bangkok bank and send the transfers to the new accounts that show it as a foreign transaction over the next year. Then I can finally do a yearly extension in TH next year.
  22. I am not penniless, I earn more than the Prime minister of Thailand (excluding brown envelopes, just his base salary) each and every month. The difficulty is I also own a house that I am paying for, student loans, a car, a family etc. This means I don't have 11,000 USD to put in a bank for two to three months. I easily meet the monthly requirements, but they make it so damn difficult to prove. The IO could see how much money I make, but he said the problem is that I can't prove where the funds originated from. I could be zig-zagging funds from within Thailand. Why is it that foreign women do not need to show any proof of funds?
  23. Using Firefox + AdBlocker Ultimate. I had the pop up notification last week about three videos then banned, but ad-blockers seem to have worked their way around the problem. Now it works fine.
  24. I wonder, will they accept a Wise bank statement and Thai bank statement showing transfers in excess of 40k a month for the last 12 months?
  25. I wouldn't believe it tbh. There was a guy on another thread just like this one who got his ME non-o without any financials or problems 2 weeks ago. These 'new' requirements are not listed on the website either.
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