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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. 'How' would be the correct word to choose... considering you're commenting on her intelligence, you'd best make sure your up to par!
  2. Srettha, the only 2023 Prime Ministerial candidate thus far to NOT be elected be the people. He did not stand for office in the election, nor in the party list. Democracy at its finest.
  3. I'm not offended in the slightest. I trust my wife completely, and she handles most of the bills in the home. Just pointing out the state of things. It also happens when we go shopping, if we pay in cash at 7/11, Big C, Makro etc.
  4. It's just too funny... Does anyone really believe he will show up at DMK tomorrow? If he does turn up, then he should face justice. I hope they put him away for a long time, and take away all of those ill gotten gains from the Shinawatra family.
  5. No idea. Servers will always come to me for the money, but will always give the change back to my wife.
  6. Optometrists are not doctors, they are technicians. There is only one type of eye doctor, and that's an ophthalmologist. He was due to be in Thailand on August 10th. He cancelled his plans due to 'doctors orders' but we see him getting an eye exam on the 15th - almost a week later. We do not know if this is even a real picture, if it is a doctor or a technician, a hospital or an opticians.... there is nothing to show that he needed to stay where he was. He was just next door in Cambodia for a birthday party with another dictator on Saturday the 5th, but was fine to fly off to Dubai at the end of the party. He is a self serving, lying piece of sh+t. Not only that, but he is a billionaire with a fleet of private jets. Are you telling me he didn't have the resources to come back and face justice... or is it more likely that he didn't come back because he was afraid of his ass getting pounded in a Thai prison?
  7. He said the doctor needed to see him.... so we see him getting an eye exam. What a joke.
  8. Thank you! It's an absolute joke... all the big beer brands advertise their 'soda' water which just happens to be the same name as their beer brands. How many times do we see the Leo logo on Premier league football shows?
  9. Not only that, but misinformed. The EC already clarified on Monday, it is recommending that the case against Pita regarding his shares in a defunct media company be dropped. It should be official at some point today.
  10. What a misleading and offensive headline. Pita did not say those words, they have been said for him. Only far left or far right westerners claim to be victims, not normal people.
  11. A tourist doing something responsible for a change! They remembered tourist police contact details, and instead of trying to do something they couldn't, they asked for help. Well done.
  12. That's what he thinks (Mr Woodsome). In reality, he's being played like a second hand fiddle. The conservative forces had this all planned years ago, which is why they drafted the constitution to include the junta appointed senate. Tony will arrive in Thailand to find that he's not as welcome as he thought... if he has the balls to finally follow through on his promise to return. Why Thai political spectators behave as if he is still relevant blows my mind. He abandoned the people years ago, and he profited greatly from corrupt practices in his government. There was a reason he was deposed, and quite frankly, it was a good reason. He was as dirty and corrupt as any before us now.
  13. How is this the record? A few years back, Northern Ireland had to wait three years for a government to be formed. Northern Ireland has been without a government for more than 40% of the time since devolution.
  14. Yes, let's put the person who has no experience at all in charge. This way, the new government will be easier to manipulate, and the conservatives will really have won the day.
  15. I remember this too, I think it was 3 years ago.
  16. Pattaya is full of pussy already, now we have some Russian pussies joining the fray? Go back home and make a difference - protest, fight back, do something.
  17. Ironically, that is what Jingthing did. I'm guessing that you clicked on this the same way most of us did... on the right hand side under topics? Scroll up to the top of the page and you'll see that Jingthing posted in 'gay people in Thailand'. You should see it just above the heading.
  18. I don't think people realize what you mean by 'gay forum'. The forum itself is not gay. How could it be, it is not a living thing. That was my initial reaction, until I realized that you posted it in the gay community. I think most people (including myself) clicked on it from the homepage on the right hand side: Topics. I didn't know it was in the gay community feed until you mentioned it!
  19. Well, if Thammanat Prompao says it's good, we must believe him. After all, who doesn't trust a convicted heroin dealer? Fact is, we should look at that allegation more closely. Thammanat’s political career kicked off in 1999 as a member of the Thai Rak Thai Party, the forerunner of the current opposition Pheu Thai Party (PTP), but he only won a parliamentary seat for the first time in March 2019 as a PPRP candidate. So, no. He was not an MP with PT, and he never won a seat them. Therefore, he didn't technically work with them.
  20. I still don't get why you're so mad that I pointed out that nepotism exists, and that everyone knows it does. Do you not know that this happens all over the world? If you do, then your response is ridiculous.
  21. Really? I thought they were far too busy covering up corruption. This is why they have refused to reveal the details about Prawit's watch scandal, even after being ordered to do so by the Supreme Court.
  22. If you read my post, you would have noticed that I said the following: 'We all know nepotism exists and we all know that family members of powerful people, celebrities etc. get preferential treatment' Did you not know this? It should be common knowledge. Especially for someone commenting on a forum based in Thailand.... TIT, the home of nepotism and cronyism! The whole family is being investigated: https://oversight.house.gov/landing/biden-family-investigation/ If you had read my post before your knee-jerk response (three times I might add), you would have noticed that I believe the family is innocent of any corruption charges. HB is most definitely an idiotic, drug and drink addicted a-hole who has profited from his family name, but corrupt? I think not.
  23. Definitely. It doesn't look good though, does it? Trump and his kids have been investigated and sued, now Biden and his kids are being investigated and charged with crimes. Hunter Biden has admitted his guilt regarding tax, but I think it very unlikely that President Biden was receiving bribes etc. whilst serving as vice president. We all know that nepotism exists, and we all know that family members of powerful people, celebrities etc. get preferential treatment in the hope that they can meet or associate with the family member who has power. This is what has happened. Nothing more, nothing less. If they were going to investigate all instances of this type of thing, then I imagine the entire senate and congress would be under investigation.
  24. I think this one is almost as stupid as buying submarines. They spent over half a billion Baht building the port at Sattahip, but the submarines do not fit... They will need to use the Andaman Sea as a port. The space port will meet the same fate. They will discover that they don't have the billions of baht required to develop a real space agency. India, China & Japan all have spaceports on land, and China has two ports that operate at sea. Why would they require (or want to use) a Thai launch site? The US & Russia both have plenty of spaceports, with more being developed.
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