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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. Lipitor has been the answer for many of us. Ask your doctor.
  2. I have done this at least once, since I have an account there, but they are extremely resistant to this practice and try to steer me to the ATM. Very frustrating.
  3. I have a bank account with Bangkok Bank but I can't use it for making payments to American credit cards. This is not a matter of forgetting my card, the machines failed to return the card in all cases.
  4. I have been living in Thailand about eight years and still use my home credit union in America. Over this period of time I have lost at least five debit cards when an ATM grabbed them and would not return them. This seems to almost never happen With Bangkok Bank, but other bank's ATMs are problematic. It takes most of a month to receive a new debit card from America, even with a "rush fee". I am looking for ways that will allow me to get money from my home bank without inserting my card in an ATM. I know that several banks have a "cardless ATM feature" but details are usually confusing since I am using a debit card from America. Several people have mentioned "Google Pay" or "Google Wallet", but again details are skimpy and trying to explain to my local bank usually results in frustration with no results. Any ideas from the membership here??? Losing. a debit card is a nightmare because of the length of time that it takes to get here and the only other option is expensive wire transfers. All suggestions appreciated. I doubt that I am the only one who faces this problem.
  5. Even as an inveterate "never Trumper”, I now hope he gets another term. It's the spanking that America deserves. He still has more to ruin. The electorate has been given the gun with which they will commit political suicide.
  6. If a Thai person kicks you, it's business as usual. If YOU kick a Thai person (especially a HISO) it's an international incident.
  7. Pay the toll fees, cheap charlies. Where can you find this in your home country???
  8. True. My dry cough is due to taking Losartan for blood pressure. The cough is not as bad as with Lisinopril, but it does make you cough.
  9. Wonder how long it will take this arrogant pig to commit some infraction that will end his career. Look at the FACE of this "officer". It says it all.
  10. Since I had a new passport, I really didn't have that option. I will try to use the online method exclusively from now on, but the online method is far from intuitive.
  11. Small bottle still has the opioid, the large bottle does not.
  12. You have made one of the great discoveries of Thai pharmacies. I'm sure the "brown mixture" is probably poison but it sure does work. There must be codeine involved.
  13. I did my 90 Day Report at Jomtien and this was the first time with a new passport. I was required to fill out a new TM47 and get "copies". Is this a new procedure for ALL 90 Day reports or is this just because of the new passport? I couldn't get any information, the young male imbecile at the counter could only yell "copee, copee" without explanation. Does anyone know if this is a new requirement or only for new passports? I am unable to stand for long periods and I wasted 30 minutes in line for what I thought was the copy line. They have moved everything around again and the result was a complete nightmare. I finally got out of there with the correct stamps in my passport, but the prospect of going through this again is terrifying. Any thoughts are appreciated.
  14. You don't seem to understand that agents are required if you don't have 800 thousand baht in the bank. If you do, there's no problem. If you don't you need an agent.
  15. Glad you were successful. Experience has taught me that I will NOT be. I will pay more money to get the results I require. Glad that your superior intelligence allowed you to get something cheaper.
  16. I had an American Attorney here in Pattaya, get my renewal done. It cost me a bit over 5000 baht, but service was quick and I was able to pick up my new (and old) passport in about five weeks. I had already paid the Embassy fee for the passport and had a receipt. Integrity Legal can do the whole package for you if necessary. The Embassy website is a garbage can of bad tech.
  17. Yes. I was in the habit of giving a wai to the security guard at my condo. We were roughly the same age but my girlfriend claimed that I "outranked" him socially. I refuse to participate in social class nonsense. I consider all people to be as good as I am and do not consider myself to be "below" anyone in status. I will let the Thai snobs sort that one out.
  18. Now that I have a new passport, do I need to register again with the online system? The information from the old passport has been transferred but the Passport number is different.
  19. Never. It is not expected of farang. When offered by a foreigner it is seldom done correctly. I have my own customs. I just give a little bow and smile. That will have to do, since I am not Thai.
  20. Question about using a new passport with the Thai Immigration 90-Day reporting system. Now that I have a new passport, do I need to register again with the online system? The information from the old passport has been transferred but the Passport number is different.
  21. Big Joke's wealth is family-connected, not from his salary on the police force. He's a bored rich kid who hates farang.
  22. A beautiful development. Lock him up. One of the prime "farang-haters" in positions of authority.
  23. The mini-mart in my condo complex is run by a couple of scofflaws who will sell alcohol 7 days a week. I like these people.
  24. It is not only legal, it is written right into the Thai constitution. "Thailand is for Thai people".
  25. Another requirement aimed solely at irritating the farang. If they can't find you with only an address, their law-enforcement qualifications are highly suspect.
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