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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. Only TWO Thai men???? They were about eight men shy of the usual number that kicks drunk farangs around.
  2. The Supreme Court has proved it is not beholden to Trump. They have ruled against him at least twice.
  3. Trump is obviously delusional. What democracy locks up political opponents??? He will die in prison.
  4. My landlady is my agent and does my renewals every year. I have had one 90-day report accepted online, but I prefer to go in person since I live only 500 meters from the Immigration Office. The new office space is much more comfortable than the old arrangement.
  5. What a sad way to mess up your life permanently. Rape is never okay. Leave the young girls alone.
  6. It’s not going to happen. He will get a Royal Pardon and that will be the end of it. Thaksin and the “highest institution” have been close for quite a while.
  7. If you say so. I have no information.
  8. He’s in no danger. He is military. They run the show.
  9. Supposedly, they will burn your Bible in front of you. Strange, since it includes the Hebrew scriptures which Muslims accept.
  10. I’ve had the same problem with Cloudflare. I could not get into my American bank account because of this. I will try switching the VPN off and on and see if that works.
  11. Religious schools are exactly where religion belongs. Muslims are not going to “assimilate” anyway, so they might as well be “driven” to religious schools. Not sure what to do about the Sikh thing.
  12. America is now providing comedy relief for the entire world. I can remember when even our enemies respected us. These days, the USA has become fodder for comedy shows and satire magazines. Sad.
  13. Any altercation that results in death should mean the death penalty for the perpetrator.
  14. I would encourage you to assume room temperature, but I have already put you on ignore, which will solve my harrassment problem for the immediate future. Bye, loser.
  15. Why take a chance? There are too many things that could go wrong. Dump your stash down the toilet and be safe. I don’t take any chances where my freedom and money are concerned.
  16. I did some research on this and found (in typical Thai fashion) that unless your body is more or less in pristine condition, they don’t want it. No cancer, no missing organs such as gall bladder or prostate. I thought I had found a way to avoid the high cost of being cremated, but I was wrong. There’s always a catch.
  17. When asked how many days Thaksin has to wait before applying for a royal pardon, Wissanu said: “That can be done within [the first] 24 hours. But I don’t know if he will do it. I can’t answer this for him.” According to Wissanu, who is also serving as the caretaker justice minister, the process calls for convicts to submit their written appeal to the King for a royal pardon. “But they have to wait for two more years to submit a new appeal if they are not granted a pardon [in their first attempt],” he said.
  18. A royal pardon can be given at any time for any reason. Amnesty occurs every two years.
  19. The REAL Thailand is worse than the lowlifes in Thai society. HISO Thais are horrible people and would have you killed if they could.
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