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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. International humanitarian law, or the laws of war, requires warring parties to collect and care for the wounded and sick. Ambulances, like hospitals, have special protection. They may not be targeted if being used to provide medical care of any kind, including to treat enemy fighters. Ambulances and other medical transportation must be allowed to function and be protected in all circumstances. They must be presumed to be civilian and lose their protection only if they are being used to commit “acts harmful to the enemy,” such as transporting ammunition or healthy fighters. Using an ambulance for military operations would raise grave concerns for the safety of patients and medical workers in violation of the laws of war. Human Rights Watch did not find evidence that the ambulance was being used for military purposes, however.
  2. and the following paragraph said: “The need to safely transport wounded people to hospitals is critical in armed conflicts, so the laws of war provide special protections for ambulances used solely for this purpose,” said Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “For the Israeli authorities to claim that their deadly November 3 attack on an ambulance in a crowded area was lawful, they need to do more than just insist that Palestinian fighters were using an ambulance as transport.”
  3. Gaza: Israeli Ambulance Strike Apparently Unlawful Medical Transport Has Special Protections Against Attack https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/07/gaza-israeli-ambulance-strike-apparently-unlawful
  4. Thought this may be of interest to a lot of members on here, retired/OAP's etc https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/10/older-people-not-spared-hostilities-israel/palestine
  5. UK Jews on the march. https://x.com/iZwbair/status/1723458573701669297?s=20
  6. As I told you previously, I don't need back-up, now run along and bother someone else.
  7. What? Never needed back-up, and I have some great map reading skills and a tongue in my head, so no chance of being lost.
  8. I did say the Israeli's had the 18th largest military force, not perhaps the best but their you go, war is sad.
  9. Don't think I asked you or anybody else a question Brian. 80 odd arrests so far of far right-wing supporters trying to interfere with the so far peaceful march, loads of Jewish people in the march also as reported by Sky News live 5 minutes ago.
  10. Really, thanks for the information, I'll treasure that while weeping for humanity.
  11. Can't see many Hamas terrorists being there, but I hope a lot of the anti- Zionist Jews are there with their "not in our name placards"
  12. Had a lovely holiday, nice to get away for a break. How's the World's 18th largest Military force doing against a few thousand Hamas terrorists, are they not all dead yet? I see the scores on the doors have been revised down to around 1200 not 1400 for the 7th Oct, from the BBC, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat, many people killed were not immediately identified after the attack, and "now we think those belong to terrorists... not Israeli casualties". More than 11,000 people have been killed in Gaza since, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, including more than 4,500 children, but then if the numbers are from Hamas-run heath ministry we don't have to believe those numbers do we? Looking forward to more death and destruction for Gaza as the World's 18th largest Military force attack the alleged Hamas tunnels around all the hospitals full of injured and sick Palestinians. Them Hamas terrorists won't dare do anymore attacks or atrocities against innocent Israeli's when they've finished will they?
  13. With equal rights or do they just carry on as before the 7th Oct? If that is the case this will never end.
  14. Yes they will have to accept Israel and Israel will have to give all the Palestinian land back they stole through force and Apartheid, lets see how that goes.
  15. I support Palestinian's right to exist and oppose Zionist Apartheid.
  16. Give me that in plain English, try again.
  17. Deaf dumb and blind, so expected, chosen people my arse.
  18. Having reading problems, Israel is an Apartheid state, end of. Israeli's will be going to hell if there is one, and they are no better than Hamas in my opinion, disgusting Zionist's since 2006.
  19. Zionist clap trap, Israel is an Apartheid state, except that or keep out of it.
  20. Of course the Israeli's are as pure as the driven snow in all this, Israeli's think they are the chosen ones and all non-Jews are nothing more than in their way to colonise the whole region by fair means or foul. Mostly foul, if there is a God Israel will be hell bound forever.
  21. Defending the undefendable, this is not the first time I've seen video's with the same total disregard for any rules of engagement, we are the Israeli IDF and if you're not Jewish we can do whatever we like to you. Yes, blah blah blah what Hamas did on the 7th was one thing, but how can anyone of sound mind think this type of conduct by your armed forces is going to help your cause. Over the last few days any sympathy I had for Israel has gone out the window.
  22. Yes, and. WTF are you heartless ? In plain daylight fully armed Israeli's toss a man out of a wheelchair and people go nuts, so fully armed men then terrorise unarmed civilians, beggars belief. If Armageddon does come to Israel they have no one to blame but there selves.
  23. My apologies Brian I think it must have been the usual garbage from Fanny, opps I meant Tranny
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