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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Must be me, I love a bacon sarnie in a Mosque, don't mind them in the Synagogue either for that matter.
  2. Have you heard the saying "trying to flog a dead horse" if you get any change I'll buy the horse. 🤣 now that deserved a emoji
  3. I for one totally agree with you, on all counts, except for your total support of Israel not doing anything bad, yes go for the Terrorists and Murderers, but I feel World support is slipping away as far as all the destruction and death caused everywhere they have bombed, so far in Gaza.
  4. Egypt has a population of about 110milliom, Jordon's Population is just over 11 million you think all of them support their governments peace agreements? as for the rest of the 2 billion Muslims with or without economic ties or diplomatic agreements with Israel if push comes to shove I think there's only one way that's going and it won't be in favour of Israel.
  5. Yes, we know Hamas are not the entire Muslim world but how many of the Muslim world support them either financially or just in thought?
  6. The Israeli's will do as they like until World Public opinion goes against them and their US backers.
  7. Have to agree with Morch here, there is no chance I can see of there ever being a Arab/Muslim agreement for Israel to exist in it's current form, to much water has gone under that bridge.
  8. As of 2023, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 16.1 million, 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population. How many Muslims are in the world 2023? There are more than two billion Muslims worldwide, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, exceeded only by Christianity. So by my reckoning every Jew needs to kill approximately497 Muslims but that would need to increase because not all Jews are in agreement of the current Israeli stance on this current war.
  9. To keep the uninformed informed of course.
  10. Would you like to enlighten us on which Press Agency you do trust to give News on the evil slayings by Hamas terrorists and hopefully they will share some news on the Israeli campaign against said terrorists.
  11. Because I can, you don't have to read it if you feel it doesn't have any interest to you but others may see it differently.
  12. Not a waste of my time stating figures which are freely available to anyone, just like to give you some more ammunition to post about who you think my chums are.
  13. As I said I prefer no one being killed, if you have a problem with that can I suggest you take it up with your maker.
  14. Could it be I don't care, who kills who? Death is still death no matter who does it. The fact that you prefer them to be anyone other than Jews/Israeli's is up to you. I'd prefer no one getting killed period.
  15. Get a life son, this is a war, you thinking the Israeli's are all sweet and innocent in this is at best delusional and I for one have condemned Hamas as terrorists the same as I've said the IDF are murderers of innocent Palestinians. Both sides are inhumane whichever way you want to look at it.
  16. I wonder how many people are expected to see this after The Israeli's cut off all communications in Gaza.
  17. Yes, Hamas are terrorists and baby murderers and the IDF are exactly the same, but still no better.
  18. You manage to do it quite well, I quite enjoy reading your informed objective posts, as long as they support Israel and ignore any other positions.
  19. Talking about me trolling whatever that is, you have got a sense of humour or you would not be posting your standard responses that disagree with your side. II have no side, I only look for peace and love. Nothing changes the IDF are murdering innocent civilians exactly the same as Hamas did on the 7th, except they did it up front and personnel as terrorists bastards do, may they rot in hell or all their virgins have the clap. It's a War, both sides are as bad as one another for taking lives to further both their useless causes, they must either live together or die fighting.
  20. So you agree with the post then or was it to much information for you or what? Just to refresh your memory here it is "I'm disgusted The IDF are being accused of being terrorists, when Hamas are the terrorists and the IDF are state sponsored murderers who did not kidnap anyone as far as we know but they do like killing innocent civilians in there droves."
  21. No, I don't do innuendo, I tell it as it is and wait patiently for all the Israeli can do no wrong brigade to respond. Welcome.
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