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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. I'm disgusted The IDF are being accused of being terrorists, when Hamas are the terrorists and the IDF are state sponsored murderers who did not kidnap anyone as far as we know but they do like killing innocent civilians in there droves.
  2. It's all about my mind and matter, and guess what? You don't matter.
  3. Yes, I have it, who are you, the nurse?
  4. The Israeli's could try treating non Israeli's like human beings, like they should have done when they came to Palestine/Jerusalem in 1948, I wonder how that might have worked.
  5. Showing your age there mate, we had chalk and a slate, if you were lucky.
  6. Good morning to all you human beings revelling in killing Hamas fighters and terrorists, Muslins, innocent woman and children, UN aid workers, Jews, Zionists, and any press reporting to the free world from Gaza. RIP to everybody killed so far, and I hope it's hotter than hell for all the Hamas terrorists in hell, and for all the Israeli forces killing innocent people by bombing and shelling them may you rot in hell to when your time comes. That should just about pea enough dummies who support violence to further their causes. Peace is the only way forward.
  7. But once you've done it you never forget.
  8. Good morning to all you human beings revelling in killing Hamas fighters and terrorists, Muslins, innocent woman and children, UN aid workers, Jews, Zionists, and any press reporting to the free world from Gaza. RIP to everybody killed so far, and I hope it's hotter than hell for all the Hamas terrorists in hell, and for all the Israeli forces killing innocent people by bombing and shelling them may you rot in hell to when your time comes. That should just about pea enough dummies who support violence to further their causes. Peace is the only way forward.
  9. You know nothing about where I'm coming from, that went way over your head pages ago.
  10. So your saying RIP to all the Hamas victims and any other deaths can go to hell. Very gracious of you.
  11. Just to please you, anyone no matter what their religion was, could all be Martians for all I care, there all dead <deleted>
  12. Have you no reading skills at all, I said what I wrote, RIP to all who died.
  13. Its Jeff or Sir to you and try going back to the beginning of any of these threads for my condemnation of both sides
  14. Yep, RIP to 1400 Jews and RIP to 7,000 Palestinians
  15. You believe whatever you want, I saw it about 5 years ago, the latest one about the old man in shock looked real enough to me and I'm well aware you won't but suck it up the truth will get out eventually. Hamas are barbarians and the IDF are just as bad but with better press.
  16. Your right, I don't like any amount of deaths no matter where the information comes from. I guess your going to say Hamas.
  17. What a lovely way to look at nearly 10,000 deaths on both sides, hope your so proud.
  18. Direct off the Hamas fanboy page, where else, Aljazeera/UNICEF, so that won't count in your eyes then.
  19. What and get it taken down because it doesn't suit the Israeli narrative, like the last one, lol
  20. Time for a spot of Lunch I think, play nice people see you all later, have a good Afternoon/Evening
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