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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. This is a universal story in the book of men. We do our best to provide because we think this is what we have to do. Then they repay us with disloyalty. I have so many friends who went through this. And the law does not protect us at all. She'll just turn around and say "nobody forced you to pay, you wanted to". You can't say "yes I wanted to because of the implied understanding that you'd be a loyal girlfriend and partner and act in my best interest as well". The girl and the courts will laugh in your face. The only way we can protect ourselves is not to provide for women. Which opens the door for the desperate bottom feeders who will see that this gives them a chance at sex, by providing. I don't see how this issue can be solved. There will always be men willing to provide and this is why women rule the world. Not men. My grandfather worked shifts in a factory. For 40 years. He got shares and a good income and a heart condition which killed him at 67. Guess who got all his money? His wife, who proceed to spend on leather couches and other useless crap, sold all the shares foolishly. The only one who benefitted from his hard work was her. This notion of men providing for women, it is counter to all justice but it is the way it is.
  2. Not rich, just normal guy. I gave her 2000 Baht a week at the start to compensate for her loss of income from her factory job. However, I realised quickly she just sends all that money to her mother. So I stopped giving her an allowance. And she's not been asking. She doesn't like to do that.
  3. I did also think so, that her losing her father at a young age, she craves closeness with an older male, her previous Ukrainian was my age as well. I have no problem with that. I don't want a daugther, like I said I'm not showering her with money, but I have no issue to order her some clothes or shoes if she needs that or buy her a Som Tom. That doesn't make her a daughter figure. If anything I like to be mothered, cooked for and pampered. Of course in an ideal world the woman needs none of your money, buys her own everything. But even in London I never experienced that. I have always had women depend on me. And btw this gets way worse if you have children. You're absolutely right though, our parents form our love maps. Which makes me shudder when I think of my own poor children.
  4. It's a bit different I think, mustard is a taste issue and yes it's not to everyone's taste. However, a hug, I mean that is a UNIVERSALLY pleasant experience which children, women, men, most people can enjoy. Even those who are not into physical affection generally have no issue to hug. They may just not need to hug, because it's not that great to them. But it's still good. I mean, I don't think this is a dealbreaker for me. I can live with a fun, honest, trustworthy, attractive 24 year old who does the washing up and clean for a long time. Would it be better if she were to enjoy physical warmth. Sure. But I really don't know if this is a dealbreaker for me. I suspect not.
  5. She was terrible to start with, but after I trained her for 8 months she was definitely approaching porn star levels and did unspeakable things. But it wasn't just that, she was superb at feeding the "love fantasy". She really played me like a Mandolin and I only realised later what kind of a person she was. As men, the most dangerous thing we can experience is a woman who knows how to feed the "love fantasy" in the male mind. Some women are really good at this, but we should remember that it is all bull<deleted> and words. Love is a fantasy, it is not real. It feels real, because it's a mental illness and to you it's real. But objectively it is just a fantasy and words. By the time I found out I was 200,000 USD poorer.
  6. There is of course good food in Phil, I was in a Mexican restaurant in Cebu, in a certified Pizzeria, in a 5 star resort, sure they have good food there. But I mean the food the Filipinos really eat themselves. Balut. Tomato Spaghetti with hot dogs, sour Mango, corned beef with rice. Jollibee. It is really not good. Not been to Myanmar, but the Burmese food I had in Chiang Mai was good.
  7. That hits the nail on the head, the Filipinos are so tremendously family oriented because poverty is so rampant. They DEPEND on their family, sometimes all their life, financially. Just to survive is a struggle. People live under bridges in Phil. Saw it with my own eyes. I guess the poverty in Thailand too increases the sense of family. But I have exactly the same, my girl was treated so terrible by her mother, but every time I gave her money she sends it straight to her. It's bizarre.
  8. They are so family oriented that the partner often takes a back seat to the family. I was with a Filipina for 6 years and I was told in no uncertain terms, first come my parents, then my siblings, then you. And this was how she acted in practice as well. Now with a Thai, and much happier, but to be fair, she does not have a large family. This just varies with the person, but I suspect both Thais and Filipinas are very family oriented, way more than westerners.
  9. Personally I think some women are very good at feeding the love fantasy in the male mind. Some are not. Either way, love is a fantasy of the soul. You fall in love with your own imagination basically. Not with the real person. Yes, of course, everyone wants a real connection with a long term partner. That is very hard in Thailand, where girls, even when they do their best, struggle to speak English, and we are hopeless in Thai. I had this connection with several women before, but even that is no guarantee it will last. I'm like you, I prefer a good relationship. But I've seen how we get treated after a while, loyalty is just a fanciful notion of the past. Many women have little incentive to be loyal. All you can do is be yourself, make life as pleasant for both as you can, and if it is not enough for her, then so be it. I am not trying hard with rels anymore, I tried too much before and it never paid off.
  10. That happened to me with a Filipina. A cheating money grabbing Filipina for whom I gave up everything, including my house. I'm cured of that. I used to think you have to provide for a woman, that love was real. Now I know love is just a fantasy of the soul, it's not real even if it feels real, and you should provide for yourself. It's okay to buy her a Som Tum or a dress if she's been good, but allowance, paying the parents, buying a house in her name, I will certainly not do that. I will see how it goes. It's early days, going into the 12th month.
  11. Thanks, things have improved a bit, she does hug at night for a bit. It's just I can see her heart is not in it, so to speak. I'll try to teach her what I like in this regard.
  12. Yah, that's what she did as well. But it's hard to work and study at the same time. She could do it I guess. I don't really want my gf to work though. Even studying. Even older women come up to her to tell her what a great body she has. I trust her, but out on her own at Uni or work, it'd be temptations non-stop with guys hitting on her 24/7.
  13. Do you still have the contact details of the lady from Korat?
  14. Sure Adobo can be okay, but Pancit Bihoen is almost always overcooked. Beef Salpicao is also okay, but it is all fairly basic cooking, throw some ingredients in a pot and hope for the best. The much vaunted Lechon is okay but not even close to the Bali version, or indeed the Spanish version which it copies. Filipino Leche Flan is also worse. Philippines is one of the few countries where every derivative dish is actually WORSE than the original. The spaghetti tomato sauce with hot dogs (!) is a case in point. Have you ever tried this over sugared abomination? It is by far the worst dish in any cuisine in South East Asia. And they eat it for Christmas. Sure, the deep fried fish, sisig, it's okay, you can eat it. But you would not compare it to Beef Rendang, Masaman Curry, Laksa, Pho or Sulawesi fish. I mean Filipino cuisine can be eatable, but man is it basic. Definitely the worst in SE Asia.
  15. So you love Pinoy Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce? Which they eat for CHRISTMAS! Tell me, I'd love to know.
  16. Pinoy food is the worst of all the South East Asian cuisines. Mostly because Pinoys are so poor they do not have good ingredients. Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay even, all much better.
  17. I found Filipinas to be more domesticated, more affinity for cleaning up, doing laundry. Maybe because the families are bigger due to greater poverty, I don't know. Filipinas are wittier. Thais are more honest. You're much more likely to be scammed and lied to by Filipinos than Thais. Though Thai girls can steal too of course. Filipinas have a greater sexual appetite, looking at the birth rate bears it out. Thais are more concerned about public appearance than Filipinas. Filipinas drink more. Thais cook better, basically because Filipino food is not very good.
  18. Thanks it's moderate jealousy, just jokingly checking my phone and saying I have a message, no Fatal Attraction stuff. That's why I wanted to get some views, because like you say when you're in the rel it can cloud your judgement or perspective. She also seems to love her space. Affection is taught to some degree by the parents I think and sadly she grew up without her father since he died, and the mother was absent a lot, so there is a bit of a deficit there. If she is "into me" or not, well she does come over the bed and initiates certain things, she enjoys sex, but in terms of being cuddly and holding hands, kissing, she is just not. I think some people are, some are not, some are a bit, it's a bit of spectrum. I'm super physical, and that was bothering me for a bit. No, I have not seen the degree, since she did not finish it, but she did talk about her sister getting proof of her attending the university at one point, so I don't think it's bs. She had problems paying the 20000 for the course, because nobody was helping her, she had to work to pay for it. I think that was very hard for her. I appreciate the advice, I will not go overboard, like I did before. I had a very bad experience with a Filipina and that cured me of the love fantasy thing.
  19. Well, I slow down the car when I see an older man with a toddler. But apart from that I just thought not working in the factory and having a relaxed life is something she appreciates. But she had plenty of chances to fly back, I gave her a ticket. She chose to stay. She is honest and reliable, to the extent a woman can be. Yes, she has shown these last 7 months that money is nothing to her. I will resume giving her a bit of spending money next month I think.
  20. Yah, that is exactly it, I have a table in the living room and she sits at the table, watching youtube videos or playing games on her phone. It seemed so odd to me. I will see if getting a bigger more comfortable couch helps.
  21. I am not giving her an allowance anymore, not weekly and not monthly and not hourly. Of course I pay for her food, clothes and the house I live in, which I'd have to pay anyway. The age difference is 29 years. I am a bit baffled why she stays.
  22. We go out, we just go out together. She does not mind going out with me and does not demand to go anywhere by herself.
  23. Could not agree more. This woman certainly is not a money grabbing person. She has been with me for 11 months and she just does not ask for money. At most 300 Baht for her phone bill, but this girl is not about money and she is certainly not with me because of money. Because I don't give her any anymore.
  24. Stop talking nonsense please, she is not seeing other guys for sex, she lives in the same house with me 24/7. Unless she transports by means unknown to current science and has a body double that lives in my house your theory is total nonsense.
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