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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Yah, but sadly all the talk of increased voter registration due to Swift is not materialising. Democrats have been losing voters in Pennsylvania over the past four years, and Republicans are salivating over the prospect of former President Donald Trump recapturing the biggest swing state in the Nov. 5 election. Nearly 300,000 registered Democrats have dropped off the rolls since 2020, and Republicans have netted about 50,000 new registered voters in a state that President Biden won by roughly 80,000 votes. In Luzerne County, near Mr. Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Democrats held a 20,000 registered voter advantage in 2020. As of last week, they trail Republicans by a few hundred votes. Mr. Trump won the county in 2020 and is expected to steamroll it this year. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/oct/3/voter-registration-gains-provide-good-omen-for-tru/ Musk and Trump, united in harmony. Could it get any better?
  2. It's not actually. Project 2025 just says all should be done to make abortion more difficult, but it does not support an outright ban on abortion.
  3. You think Zelensky going to the US talking up his "victory plan" as his city of Vuhledar fell to the Russians was not a master class in lies and deception? You think they don't know they can't win this war? They know.
  4. And the Democrats have been losing registered voters in Pennsylvania for a long time, the number of their registered voters went down. It's like all the stars are lining up for Trump.
  5. Trump just needs Pennsylvania. And it's in the bag! Democrats have been losing voters in Pennsylvania over the past four years, and Republicans are salivating over the prospect of former President Donald Trump recapturing the biggest swing state in the Nov. 5 election. Nearly 300,000 registered Democrats have dropped off the rolls since 2020, and Republicans have netted about 50,000 new registered voters in a state that President Biden won by roughly 80,000 votes. In Luzerne County, near Mr. Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Democrats held a 20,000 registered voter advantage in 2020. As of last week, they trail Republicans by a few hundred votes. Mr. Trump won the county in 2020 and is expected to steamroll it this year. “We have flipped the county red,” said Gene Ziemba, the county’s Republican Party chairman. “So not only are we going to win, we’re going to smoke them.” The change in registration is almost all on the Democratic side. Luzerne County had about 106,000 Democratic voters in 2020 and about 86,000 in the latest tally on Sept 23. Republican registration rose from 86,000 to 87,000. Independent and other third-party voters stayed roughly the same. Democrats’ numbers slid from about 4.2 million to 3.9 million statewide. Republicans gained about 50,000 voters to reach nearly 3.6 million. Independents showed the biggest movement, with about 95,000 new voters, climbing past 1.4 million. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/oct/3/voter-registration-gains-provide-good-omen-for-tru/ So much for the Taylor Swift voter registration efffect, lol. Democrats are losing registered voters, the number of their registered voters actually went down signficantly. Lol.
  6. It is remarkable isn't it. Yah, politicians are liars across the board, who are we kidding.
  7. He certainly denied what the head of the Ukraine delegation was saying, that he flew in to say the West won't support Ukraine if the sign the peace deal and they should just fight. Johnson is a world class liar of course, though I don't know why he denies reports from the Ukrainians themselves, as if that were believable.
  8. When Kamala's affair with Rosie O'Donnell comes out it will surprise noone.
  9. But Johnson flew in precisly to tell Zelensky not to sign a peace treaty! They could have had peace, even with Johnson and Biden and Harris! But they just decided, no, let's just fight. So Johnson flies to Zelensky to tell him, don't make peace, let's just fight and at the same time he says Trump's presence alone would have prevented war? But you could have prevented war Boris, you and Biden and Kamala. You just decided to fight, you <deleted>.
  10. What the article didn't say is that the German police arrived wearing rainbow coloured party hats and pink high heels.
  11. Flood map. https://msl.to/cmfloodmap
  12. And of course sometimes conspiracies do actually happen. Like when Boris Johnson, Kamala Harris and Biden whispered in Zelensky's ear "fight, we'll give you weapons" and thus prevented a peace deal Ukraine and Russia were negotiating.
  13. Yah, I got a mini pc. I run an android box for, ermm, internet videos, and the mini pic for VPN routed home country tv. Works great. No problems at all. Just need a good wireless keyboard.
  14. I tipped 100 Baht yesterday and instantly regretted it.
  15. Once again you suck a new figure out of your thumbs, but you understand that the daily amount of fat you should consume is considerably higher than this, so your whole argument is kind of silly? Here are a few examples of suggested daily fat ranges for a low fat diet, based on different calorie goals: 1,500 calories: about 50 grams of fat per day 2,000 calories: about 67 grams of fat per day 2,500 calories: about 83 grams of fat per day https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-fat-to-eat#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5 So on a mid-range low calorie died I could have 2 burgers and still have room for a carrot cake.
  16. Oh God, give me strength.
  17. So you were ignoring the previous 234 posts, you lucky soul...😂
  18. Make sure it has 23 g of fat, or you will die.
  19. Now I feel like a burger for lunch. You guys are to blame for this.
  20. I perfectly understood you meant minced meat. Why do you think I checked the fat values for a hamburger? It was obvious. The point is your figure for the meat did not check out. It was wrong. The correct figure was given, you accepted it, I accepted you want to add a slice of cheese then you get to 20%. No matter, this is still far, far below the reccomended intake for fat that you should eat even on a low calorie diet. Why are you even arguing about this? It's totally pointless.
  21. You're in the wrong thread. This is the cheeseburger thread.
  22. I quoted your post verbatim, so I don't see why you are confused. It's very simple. You gave the wrong percentage of fat for a hamburger. I corrected you. Then you fiddled the figures by including the cheese, which you previously said was not included but had to be added separately. You confused grams and percentages. Your quibbling about figures is not only wrong,, but totally pointless because the recommended daily intake is far in excess of the figure you're quibbling about. I'd sooner take nutrition advice from Ronald MacDonald than you, frankly. You clearly don't know what youi're talking about. Of course minced meat has saturated fat, it's not a soybean burger, is it? <deleted> nonsense.
  23. Yes it is, but it would be better to go via the 108 if at all possible. The 1141 is not a good option. That can mean substantial re-routing and additional travel time.
  24. No it won't. Putin can unleash a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, but the US cannot reply against Russia, If they did it would be the end of the US. Putin knows this, and no doubt is more and more tempted to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
  25. No, you didn't. You wrote this: So you originally argued that the meat in a burger already had 20% of fat. When I showed that this was wrong you then decided to include the cheese, to get to the 20%. I have over 20 years of training as a lawyer, and have read and drafted documents vetted by the London Stock Exchange, I can assure you my reading skills are up to scratch. Your nutritional value reading ability is not. As for the reccomended fat intake for normal adults, your figure is nonsense, you are again confusing percentages with grams. The actual daily reccomended amounts of fat for a low fat diet are: A standard low fat diet contains about 30% — or less — of its calories from fat (31Trusted Source). Here are a few examples of suggested daily fat ranges for a low fat diet, based on different calorie goals: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-fat-to-eat#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5 1,500 calories: about 50 grams of fat per day 2,000 calories: about 67 grams of fat per day 2,500 calories: about 83 grams of fat per day https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-fat-to-eat#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5 Obviously for a ketogenic diet it's even higher.
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