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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Mecool KM2 Plus was only released mid 2022, and runs Android TV 11, which is the latest version available from Android. Mecool KM3 was released several years before the KM2 or KM2 Plus, and is not google certified
  2. I don't use Google assistant, but I remember when connecting the box first time, it asks if you want Google assistant to include personal results. Maybe have a look in the google assistant settings. Anyway, if it doesn't allow it, that is a google assistant limitation, and not something to do with the box itself, as it runs official Android TV 11 and is Google certified
  3. Express post will travel on direct flights, while other post will travel on any flight that is available,
  4. Guess some payments for their agreement to have Thaksin back in charge at the expense of MFP must have been missed
  5. Registered (signed for) letter and EMS are 2 different things. The latter one is Express, while the former one takes the cheapest (slow) route Edit : I believe also registered letter will only get updated when delivered
  6. Of course he can, but the money is sent in GBP. No Thai baht can be sent outside Thailand
  7. The fee is lower indeed, the exchange rate is the killer for the end result
  8. If you don't know what you're talking about, you should refrain from pasting false info. You can not send Thai baht from a Thai bank account and specify where the exchange takes place, All moneys send to a foreign account are exchanged to that currency at the Thai bank
  9. The OP asked if the ones from overseas are all fake. If you don't like my posts, feel free to move to another thread, rather than polluting it with your demands on who can post what in a thread that isn't any of you <deleted>in business
  10. Here is another Thai based scammer with a 96% seller rating. Just go through the reviews and click on the pictures which show the serial number. When I see that at least 5 different people have purchased an SSD with the same serial and DoM, then there are no doubts any more that we are dealing with a scammer. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wd-blue-ssd-250gb500gb1tb-wd-blue-sata-3d-nand-5-i4273172365-s16945912771.html??spm=a2o42
  11. The law actually exists since 1972m but I think it didn't get much enforced before the Thaksin era, and it got lifted in 2022, but only for hotels https://vino-joy.com/2022/06/30/thailand-lifts-50-year-old-booze-ban/
  12. What do you expect when, even when they are made aware of it, nothing get done. You will have seen my posts about the scams I have reported to Shopee and Lazada, with all the evidence, and no action is taken. Nada, Zilch, nothing at all. This is the latest one https://aseannow.com/topic/1316072-internal-hard-drives-buy-in-thailand-or-from-overseas-half-price/?do=findComment&comment=18602076 Now this morning I called the anti-online scam organisation of the Thai government in the hope to get something going. First number I called didn't get answered. About an hour later i called the 1441 number and that got answered, but no English. Some time later, someone who pretended to speak English called me back. I explained the whole story about all the scams I had reported to Shopee / Lazada, and they kept asking how much I had paid. I kept telling the lady that I didn't order from scammers that were so obvious to see through, but that I had all the evidence to prove it was a scam. She kept asking how much I lost, and told me to go to the police station. After 20 minutes of talking to someone who was obviously not interested in it, i hung up
  13. So I thought let's contact the anti-online scam centre about above-mentioned scammer, and see what they have to say on it. After all they are available around the clock. Is it any surprise that after a ringtone for about a minute, there was the voice message, "sorry there has been no answer from your requested number"?
  14. It doesn't say that 250% tax will be removed, since that is the sum of all taxes combined. What it says is import tariffs on wines, which currently stands at 54% and 60% of declared value, will be abolished indefinitely. Additionally, the excise tax on wine will also be lowered from 10% to 5% of its price. I think that would translate to about 40% reduction in price of the end product. If that also will reduced in consumer price, will be another matter
  15. I think it must be you who doesn't stay legal in Thailand if you don't know that for every extension you need printed form each time
  16. Not according to the one and only crypto expert on this forum, Neeranam, who preaches nothing but hodl....................probably until it all goes to zero
  17. So glad you resurrected this 3 year old thread, and show the real qualities of the financial "experts" on AN. I hope you haven't bought into their advices, but of course they gonna be here soon to claim they sold at the highest price, and bought again at the lowest price.
  18. Why display yourself as an idiot if you could have avoided that by not posting?
  19. Why would I wake up in the middle of the night to buy my food, if I can buy it at any time of the day in the supermarket? Yes it maybe be a day older and cost a little more, but at least I'm sure there haven't been thousands of flies on it, and it hasn't been sprayed with an insecticide.
  20. Don't be mistaken, he worked as the doorman, and pretend to be a financial expert now
  21. I live here since 30 years, and the last thing that would come up in my mind is buying meats on a market/ I have seen it all, including meat been hung out in the sun all day, to seeing the meat on display be sprayed with Baygon. No thanks, I buy my meats in a supermarket
  22. I have a B&W printer for at least 17 years. I have no need for a colour one, as I can't remember last time I needed a colour copy. Furthermore, I use the printer infrequently, but I use it for example to make the copies for my extension based on retirement for the past 15 years, among other things. Like, I can scan a document, then send it by email within a minute. So it saves me a lot of time and money as I can print all those documents at home, instead of going to a photo shop with a USB stick and pay 5 baht per copy. I think the printer has paid for itself a long time ago.
  23. Well, because an untruth is being repeated times over doesn't make it a truth. Of course all media jump on the same story, and post it in their own words. Doesn't mean it is another study. At least the changed the wording from MAYBE to COULD HAVE, which actually has the same meaning e.g.: we have no evidence, or in the words of a certain member of the AN forum, you have nothing
  24. Giving you a perfect example about the fakes that are sold on shopee. https://shopee.co.th/product/47978422/23852865670 So I ask him to send a picture of the box with the Synnex sticker He sends me pictures of at least 20 SSD's. although he claims to have bought only 6, and not a single one with a Synnex sticker Then this happens You can check the serial numbers in the picture he sent me by yourself https://www.synnex.co.th/th/service/check_warranty_expiry_date_2.aspx?lang=EN
  25. I think you are interested in a color printer, and I use only B&W, but experience will be same I guess. I also print rarely. Some 17 years ago I had a Canon inkjet with tanks, and whenever i had to print something, I had to clean the heads and hope it would then work. So 15 years ago I bought a Brother all in one laser yet printer, which was on sale in Tesco. It always works I have since changed the cartridge once, with a generic one from lazada, and now I think I have to change the drum because when printing the paper has some black residual. So 6 months ago I bought a new Brother all in one wireless printer on Shopee for 3669 baht, but haven't connected it yet, as I'm still using the old one :-)
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